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This article contains lore information (Excluding mechanical traits) on all the races in Drase and their general lifespan and longevity.

General Information


The Races of Drase are split into three lifespan categories. These lifespan categories assume high quality healthcare, high levels of nutritional availability and generally good health. They do not reflect the reality of Drase, where like the pre-industrial age, there’s high childhood mortality and rate of death from disease in old age. It can be assumed the average farmer who survived childhood to live around twenty - thirty years short of the listed lifespan.

  • Short: Reaches the maturity of a human adult at 16, and can be expected to live up to an average of 60 years. Gestation period for offspring is around 6 months.
  • Medium: Reaches the maturity of a human adult at 18, and can be expected to live up to an average of 80 years. Gestation period for offspring is around 9 months.
  • Long: Reaches the maturity of a human adult at 20, and can be expected to live up to an average of 100 years. Gestation period for offspring is around 12 months.

Longevity & Immortality

Whilst campaigns & character stories are unlikely to span multiple years within the world of Drase, many characters may still aspire towards immortality - and many NPCs as well. The key to an extended lifespan is known widely within the academic circles of many cultures.


There are two primary means of increasing one's lifespan within Drase that are known (generally) to the public. Both require a mastery of the magical arts and a long period of preparation, usually requiring complex rituals that may involve multiple magic users - depending on the skill of the individual, of course. Physical aging ceases the instant the first type life extension occurs. There are two types of life extension, which are:

  • Lesser Life Extension: The first type of magical life extension is the most common and cheapest of the two. It requires mastery of exomagic or endomagic to a medium level of power, equal to Level 2 in Drase’s mechanics. The individual must partake in meditation for up to six to eight hours per day for a whole week, metaphorically repairing and re-arranging their body, while ingesting copious amounts of healing herbs in three meals a day, with the herbs usually worth at least 5,000 SP. At the end of the ritual, the individual’s physical and mental aging stops immediately - and mental aging reverses gradually over the course of a year or two to the level toward their peak. This doubles the individual's lifespan dependent on the lifespan category of the race. E.g. A long lived race will be able to extend their lifespan to 200. Accumulated physical aging must be reversed through alchemical means. This stage has no side-effects, and the individual will not age - until the last few years where their immune system rapidly deteriorates until they die of a disease - often in their sleep peacefully.
  • Greater Life Extension: The second stage is expensive and acquired by ritual. It requires at least five Level 3 mages, and expensive herbs worth on average 20,000 SP. The person must’ve completed a lesser life extension. It can also be done solo on its own by a mage that has mastered the proper ritual and has reached the equivalent of Level 5 mechanically. On top of ingesting herbs for a month straight with every meal, the five mages - or the solo mage must perform a 2 hours ritual (10 hours if solo) per day that heals, reverse and stop aging in the body every day. The extension quadruples the base lifespan of the individual. The stage does come with some side-effects, which only become noticeable towards the middle of their extended lifespan. These side effects usually lead to a general apathy towards the world and a lack of desire to learn new things. Towards the last ten years of this extension, they will begin to rapidly age - and degrade mentally, until eventually they die.

For those who cannot afford the price tag of life extension, but desire to look young, aging reversal potions are available for sale by most skilled alchemists -  but they will only reverse physical and appearance aging. While it will not extend lifespan, it can improve the physical health of someone and potentially extend their healthspan instead. It is an option taken by many lesser nobles who have not mastered magic to the degree necessary to undertake Lesser and Greater Life Extension.


Immortality is something coveted by many, but no one has yet to find any permanent way to extend their life - vampirism was supposed to grant an unending life, but despite this there have never been any recorded cases of vampires living past 400 years of age. It is unknown why this is the case, but some say it is because many who live such long lives eventually take their own lives out of boredom, or some other things end up claiming them.


The Ardent are a group of winged humanoids originating from a far continent or land known as Lulladia - a land they share as origin with the Titan Clade. The Ardent are human-like in appearance and posses human-like ears and features, and is defined by their large wingspan and ability to perform magical flight.

They are further spread


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 50 - 240 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Depends on sub group, but generally humanoid
  • Associated Cultures: Maktuvian, Neo-Alamethri


Ardent originated in the continent of Lulladia - and according to their traditions, were a created race by an ancient civilization whose name were known as Alamethros - a race of beings that were said to be smaller than the Ardent and Titan and incapable of flight or living in water. The Alamethri created the Titans to rule over the sea - which they cannot swim and breath in, and the Ardent to rule over the mountains - which they cannot fly on. The Ardent were given large wing that allowed them to perform short range magical flight.

The two Clades were binded in servitude to their master for thousand of years and surely must have engaged in multiple (unsuccessful) revolts and failed to free themselves completely. This was until a series of prehistoric catastrophe struck the continent of Lulladia - with increasingly frequent earthquakes and volcanism. Accounts differs on whether this was natural, brought about the Alamethri angering their deity / deities - or the result of extremely powerful magical spells that the modern world have never seen.

Either way, the Alamethri decided to abandon their servile clades and undergo a large immigration into the underworld - where they found peace and quiet while their former subjects fought each other over the remaining habitable land in Lulladia - that is - until further volcanism and earthquakes shut off contact between the Ardent and their former master - none knowing what really happened to them next.

Eventually the catastrophe hammering Lulladia was said to be so bad, that the land were shattered into many pieces and rendered uninhabitable - with the Titan forced to migrate in the shallow seas surrounding the continent, and the Ardent, never having the luxury of walking on sea bottom - migrated by boats instead.

The first wave of Ardent eventually arrived in modern Maktuvia and conquered it, setting it up as their new homeland and proclaiming themselves servant of their own deity. The Ardents that settled there eventually took on the traits of the dragons that they tamed - or perhaps magically modified themselves to resemble gaining horns and draconic wings instead of the original halo and avian wings they had.

Ardents are biologically compatible with Ekremi Clade. However, Ardents have relatively low fertility for unknown reasons and often fail to procreate in spite of many attempts to do so.


Ardent are split into two major phenotypes:

  • Seralos: The first type of Maktuvian Ardents - with large, white, feathered wings and often a glowing halo on their head if they have sufficient magical power. The most common type outside of Maktuvia.
  • Drakoriel: A type of Ardent that appeared in Maktuvia after centuries of influence and dragon worship - they usually have horns on their head, no halo, and have draconic like wings. An emphasis on purity means that Drakoriel are ostracized within Maktuvian society - despite, or perhaps because of their resemblance to dragons. Many of them are exiles.


The Beagi, in Silnarian language “The Small Ones”, are a clade consisting of three related small-statured people found mostly in Southwestern Ramul Ta - the Midorites, the Harpy and the Kobold.

Generally speaking, an average Beagi is around two thirds the height of a human and of a smaller size and stature. They also eat less, but their magical potential is the same as any other Clade, allowing them to form densely populated, industrious society.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.2 - 1.5 m
  • Weight Range: 35 - 50 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Midorite are short, green-skinned humanoid, with humanlike features, but larger, pointy ears to the sides. Some say they represent goblins, which is highly offensive to all Midorite, as they have much higher intellectual capability and lifespan.
  • Associated Cultures: Midorite


The midorite is one of the three groups of “Petit Northerners,” that emerged in Ramul Ta thousands of years ago. Unlike Oni and Kemonomimi, it seems they were here before recorded history began - the connection of (and naming of) Midorite to the northerners only came as the Arcane Gate(s) opened and Midorite, alongside Ryulin and Harpy arrived alongside the foreigners. The terminology used to refer to those species changed, and soon the Runran terms for the three were adopted wildly.

Within Ramul Ta, Midorite are mostly found in riverine, swampy and wet lowland, often inhabiting and farming land that are marginal to most other races that inhabit the land, as their lower energy needs allow them to make the best use of such poor land. Midorite are generally seen as a highly communal race, who band together in tight knit communities to avoid persecution from bigger races. Though weaker physically, the Midorites have the same potential as Macen for magic and supernatural power - and compared to most Macen society, they put even greater stake and more resources in cultivating talented mages and warriors, seeing them as the key to deal with larger race’s intrusion.

Biological Traits

  • Small Body, Small Need: Midorite require around 60% of the energy a normal Macen needs to sustain themselves.
  • Semi-Aquatic: Midorite can hold their breath underwater for longer and have night vision.
  • Stealthy: Midorite’s green skin, small size and natural instincts for hiding make them proficient at ambushing. Their feet also make less noise when they are moving.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.2 - 1.5 m
  • Weight Range: 35 - 60 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Kobold are short, scaly humanoid - though like all sapient races they are de facto mammals. They have long, reptilian-like faces and tails, and are seen by some as miniature Reptilians.
  • Associated Cultures: Kobold


Kobolds share the same range as the Reptilian - preferring hot and arid land, and have a lower internal body temperature than regular. Kobold legends and culture almost universally came ancestry from dragons or drakes - the former’s existence is not conclusively proven in Drase, while the latter are rarely found in the civilized part of the world. There are, however, some basis for the claims - as Kobold is capable of turning larger at will and is capable of generating dangerous breath.

Kobolds are preferential carnivores, but capable omnivores. However, the circumstances and reality of life has turned all but the most fortunate Kobold into obligate carnivores - the race comprising no known nomadic cultures in Ramul Ta, and usually exist on the periphery or syncretically with an existing agricultural civilization. Though a Kobold can be sustained on a diet of mostly grain, it is known that without consumption of a small amount of meat every week or two, a Kobold can become increasingly ill and less energistic.

Biological Traits

  • Small Body, Small Need: Kobold require around 60% of the energy a normal Macen needs to sustain themselves.
  • Draconic Inheritance: All Kobold are capable of breathing out a deadly, short-ranged stream of flame at the cost of expanding a large amount of energy - roughly 300 - 400 calories.
  • Greater Form: A Kobold can transform into a draconic form larger than a normal human, at the cost of exhaustion and increased need for sleep afterward, they retain their breath weapon.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.2 - 1.5 m
  • Weight Range: 35 - 60 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Harpy are short, feathery humanoid. They have feathers covering most of their body and vestigial, large wings. Harpy have short Harpy tail. Harpy have birdlike face with beak - but can change it to Macen or Silnari-like one with the appearance remaining consistent between both versions. Some Harpy have unnaturally red skin in their humanoid head form. Their feet have hard talons and are adapted to grabbing onto rocky and hard places.
  • Associated Cultures: Harpy


Harpy are the rarest of the three Beagi races. They are adapted to life in high-altitude and have feathery bodies that provide insulation, and they are also adapted to climbing. Their large vestigial wings are of no known practical use to Harpy - and Harpy have no magical ability to hide them. However, Harpy have high frequency of occurrence of low level Air Magic, up to half of the population gaining ability to use low level, offensive Air Magic spell. Uniquely amongst the many races of Drase, Harpy seems to have natural talent for combat, mastering complex maneuvers on average twice as quick as a normal Macen. Harpy seem biologically inclined to stay in high altitude and mountainous climate, meaning few individuals venture down onto the flatland.

Harpys are often revered or respected amongst the Runran and some other cultures as spirits of the mountains or of warriors past. Few cultures attempt to evict or destroy them once they move into an area and claim the mountains as their own, as they are experts in mountain warfare.

Biological Traits

  • Small Body, Small Need: Harpy require around 60% of the energy a normal Macen needs to sustain themselves.
  • Prolific Climber: Harpy can traverse rocky terrain easily and grasp onto outcrops and climb with ease while their hands and feets are uncovered.
  • Facial Transformation: Harpy can change their face to look like a Macen or Silnari’s face, and their appearance remains consistent between both their normal face and transformed face.
  • Long Sight: Harpy have enhanced vision that lets them see in the dark and into longer distances.


“Beastkin” is a term coined by the Silnarian - or possibly by Lora before them, to refer to a disparate group of people all exhibiting anthromorphic or humanlike trait, while retaining an outwardly bestial or animal like appearance.


One traits that all beastkins in the world of Drase share is “Macenization”, a quasi process that make beastkin approach a human in their look. Macenization take place when a beastkin is integrated into a humanlike society, and depends on the following factors:


  • Close Affinity for humanlike individuals in general. (One need not like all humanlikes, only to bear no hostility on their look toward them as a whole)
  • Adopting cultural customs from humanlikes.
  • Living in close proximity with, and interacting with humanlikes frequently.
  • Self belief in assimilation and integration with humanlike society.


  • Long term isolation from humanlike society
  • Living amongst beastkin with no contacts with society
  • Self-belief in segregation from humanlike society.

A child is born following the average Macenization level of their parents. As a beastkin macenize, they lose more and more of their bestial features - retaining only a few telltale signs, such as ears, tail and sharper than usual teeth (if applicable). For a child beastkin that is adopted into Macen society, macenization can take place in the span of as few as a single month. The most important factor for Macenization or its reversal is a beastkin’s self-belief in integration with, or segregation from humanlike society. An isolated beastkin that is cut off from humanlike society, yet desire to remain integrated will find themselves only partially reversed over the course of tens of years, while those who hate and want to separate from human like society - despite close proximity, will retain their bestial form indefinitely.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 -  2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 55 - 240 kg
  • Lifespan: Short
  • Appearance: Canifor are anthropomorphic canines, possessing medium to long snout, canine ears and a tail. They have long, full body coats of fur that tends to shed around the spring months, with the colour and the length depending on the climate they operate in. The most common colours of coat are black, grey, beige, brown, blonde, silver or reddish or orange, and seldom if ever have coat colour outside of this. Like their canine counterparts, they possess paws like feet. Their hands have evolved to have the same degree of grasping freedom as humans, while their feet remain paw-like. Macenized Canifor retain their ears and tail, alongside sharp claws.
  • Associated Cultures: Hasaapian


The canifor are one of the most widespread and extant groups of beastkin, not unlike their animal canine counterparts, comprising a significant amount of beastkin population to the west of Silnaria, and is known to be present nearly everywhere canifors are - except in exotic, tropical southland.

The Canifors exhibit behaviours that are like their wild counterparts - though with their instincts greatly tampered and guided by their intelligence. Canifors tend to band together in groups, and form impromptu packs like society, and emit a type of pheromones that signal to nearby Canifors their genetic likeness. The pheromones encourage them to band together, diffuse social tension, and encourage mutual assistance.

Canifors have a biological tendency to elect a lifetime leader amongst themselves in a pack, which overwhelmingly tends to choose the one that is the most martially inclined and strongest. They tend to value martial prowess over magical one - and prefer leaders that are known to have saved lives of a pack member, especially if they put themselves in danger.

Canifors greatly prefer large, extended family and contacts, and culturally lean toward extended, tight-knit society, forming tribes of their own. Canifors are known to be kind to people in their tribe - including non-canifor, and feel a strong biological obligation to help those the canifor have seen as their own, even if there is unlikely to be any immediate or tangible rewards.

Biologically, canifors possess short, sharpened claws which often have to be filed down to wear gloves - though most canifors simply choose not to, and have greatly sharpened vision, hearing and smell.

These traits of canifor make them one of the most successful of the beastkin, able to band together against common enemy and hardship. Silnarian records show that out of all known beastkin polities, tribes, and invaders in their history and known histories of neighbouring countries, a significant majority of them were formed and led by Canifors.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 -  2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 55 - 200 kg
  • Lifespan: Short
  • Appearance: Felinid are anthropomorphic felinids, possessing long tails and cat-like ears, alongside a full body coat of short fur. Unlike the Canifor, Felinid exhibits a much lower, if not almost non-existent rate of “Macenoitisis”, with felinid being born looking like a human with cat ears and fur being unheard of. Felinid’s fur color range tends to be the same as the large cats of all types, and is usually close to the one exhibited by large cats that inhabit or had inhabited their range. Macenized felinid retain ears, tails and retractable claws.
  • Associated Cultures: Hombaxian


Compared to the Canifor, the Felinids are a less extant group - at least in the core regions of Ramul Ta, with most felinids being found to the south near the savanna and more arid region of Ramul Ta - thus less is known about them. Though most of their wild counterparts adopt a semi solitary style, for a sapient race like Felinid, that kind of lifestyle just won’t do. Felinids exhibit a preference for solitary work and craftsmanship. Felinids on average exhibit lower social energy, preferring to socialize within a close circle and only socialize with a wider circle of people occasionally. Felinid trends toward a core family based social structure, forming loose societies of associated families. Lack of any biological feeling or pulling toward distant relatives make Felinid society relatively democratic and consensus based.

In terms of sexual dimorphism, both male and female felinids exhibit nearly the same strength. Feline emits pheromones that show seniority and if they are female - whether they’ve borne children before, which makes Felinids subtly prefer and agree with opinions borne by older female members of their society.

Felinid possesses great, short-burst mobility, allowing them to overtake most other races in a short distance sprint, though in a very long endurance race, Felinid tends to be outdone by most other sapient races, as their legs are evolved mostly for short term rush. This also enables them to dodge and nimbly weave against incoming dangers, giving felinid a reputation for nimbleness.

Felinid societies tend to value individual feat and valorism, and are highly competitive, with individuals competing to outdo each other in benefiting themselves and their core family.

Felinid reacts to catnip or catnip-like plants like cat does - though it is hereditary and not always consistent. It is a popular recreational substances.


  • Height Range: 1.5 -  2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 75 - 250 kg
  • Lifespan: Short
  • Appearance: Ursinoid are bear-like humanoid, with strong, stocky bodies, though nowhere as heavy or powerful as their actual bear-like counterparts. They have massive, human-like hands and paws-like feet, alongside a thick layer of insulating fat and fur. Macenized Ursines retain ears, an extremely short tail and a stocky and large body, but tends to lose most of their fur.
  • Associated Cultures: Hasaapian


The Ursinoid are a group of beastkins that live in a range similar to the Canifor, often co inhabiting the same place as them. They are mostly limited to temperate areas.  Compared to the Canifor, Ursines tend to be more solitary and live in small communities close to forest, and have a preference for sweet and plant-like food, though they have an omnivorous diet. Their larger body and request for food means Ursine have seldomly formed or led any significant beastkin polity, and often ride along in the wake of a Canifor formed polity. Within the civilised beastkin community, Ursine tends to take on roles that require great physical strength.

Ursines have a sense of subtle kinship toward the Canifor, which is reciprocated, leading the two beastkin groups to seldomly engage in open violent conflict against each other.

Besides a tougher, stronger and stockier body, Ursines are capable of extreme endurance, known for their ability to clot wounds, suppress pain and greatly slow down bleeding while enraged, with reports of Ursine exerting great strength with half-dangling arms.


  • Height Range: 1.5 -  2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 70 - 250 kg
  • Lifespan: Medium
  • Appearance: Reptilian are reptilian like humanoid, but unlike their animal counterpart, they are actually mammals, with the associated implications. Their bodies are covered with feathers throughout, covering their head, arms, legs, and part of the back, with, with the same coloration as their reptilian counterpart in their native environment, some of them potentially extremely colorful. A Macenized Reptilian retains a longer than usual tongue and a large tail. They have pseudo, human-like hair composed of actual feathers, often in impossibly (for normal Macen) vibrant color.
  • Associated Cultures: Mattan


Reptilians are a group of beastkin that are mostly extant in the hot, arid region of Ramul Ta. Reptilians are not cold-blooded, unlike actual reptiles, but compared to most other humanoids, they have lower latent body heat, relying on environmental heat to fuel their body. This makes them better adapted for hotter environments, but Reptilians suffer badly in cold ones, limiting their range greatly.

The most notable trait Reptilians have is the ability to sense targets thermally, which is universal to all members of their race, giving them great advantage at ambushing targets at night - though most Reptilians prefer night hunting to be short, before the desert cold saps away their body heat.


  • Height Range: 1.7 - 2.8 m
  • Weight Range: 95 - 360 kg
  • Lifespan: Medium
  • Appearance: Brayer is humanoid in shape, but is often covered in tough hides and skin, with an animalistic face and eyes that face forward. Brown and black are the most common skin types, with white being very rare. Their skin color is almost always uniform across the entire body. They stand taller than humans. Macenized Brayer have a humanoid facial shape and eyes, while retaining large horns and longer than usual ears.
  • Associated Cultures: Hasaapian, Raamian


Brayers are a group of ruminant-like humanoid with a wide range, known for their great size, strength and toughness. Brayers have a relatively long lifespan for a beastkin like species, outliving some other beastkins. Brayers range extensively across the world, and tend to form massive, herdlike societies, coalescing into tribes naturally, which together with their strength give them bargaining power amongst many polities.

Brayers exhibits traits from the ruminant category of land animals - not including any that live aquatically. The most commonly seen brayers are generally that of bovines and sheep, ram, goats, with deer and antelope based brayers also being relatively common.

Brayer are omnivorous, with a vegetarian preference, and unlike their actual ryminant counterpart, does not have a complex digestive system. They can however digest grains like rye easily, and seldom if ever suffer from indigestion, and also have the ability to consume fermenting fruits without issue, making them non-fussy eaters.


  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.4 m
  • Weight Range: 55 - 240 kg
  • Lifespan: Short
  • Associated Cultures: Hasaapian
  • Appearance: Qua are humanoid with insect-like features. They are mammals. Unlike their true insect counterpart, they do not have carapace, but might have chitins scattered through their body surface. Some subgroups closer to moff or feathery insects have feathers covering them instead. Their most notable trait is that they have four arms - with a pair of lower arms extending right below the ribcage. They have compound eyes, larger than human’s and protruding slightly, but able to resolve at high resolution with the same visual acuity as humans. They also always have a pair of antennas. A large number of Qua have vestigial wings - but Qua known to have magical talents tends to have massive, non-functional light wings - unlike other body parts, it naturally regenerates over time if damaged or cut off, unless specifically branded to prevent it from doing so. Macenized Qua’s eyes retract back into eye sockets and have a humanoid facial shape, but gains greater visual acuity. The coverage of chitins reduces greatly amongst Macenized Qua, and if feathered, feather coverage is reduced less than chitinous Qua. Of great interest is the fact that Qua is the beastkin race with the most macenized appearance from the onset, which makes them integrate into Macen society easily.


Qua lay a singular egg which they take care of for up to 6 - 8 months before hatching into a fully formed, walking young. They however still feed their young with milk like other mammals.

Qua are, by some estimates, the most widespread of all the beastkin. Qua does not have an actual hivemind, but are notable for the fact that male and female members have very little strength difference. Another quirk of Qua is that around one in a twenty female Qua are born into what is known as a “Queen” caste, where they would always have greater vestigial wings, the ability to practice basic magic naturally (or by “accident”) as they hit puberty and adulthood, and much greater success when learning magic through hallucinogenic product or through proper study. Queen caste Qua have a long lifespan - matching that of an elf in fact, longer than the rest of their race.

Qua societies naturally coalesce around those queen castes, which in turn tends to form a pseudo elective monarchy - Queen elect Queen of Queen, and the Queen of Queen elect a queen amongst themselves…Though this chain is often broken at the second or third level by a subjugating power. Qua emits pheromones that identify descent through common ancestors, and uses their antenna in elaborate, socially transmitted “dance” to signal themselves. Qua cultures, especially those that are oppressed, often develop even more elaborate antenna sign language to communicate secretly and signal group membership. Qua cultures tend to be matrilineal and see lineage pass matrilineally, and often have female preference if not female only inheritance.

They group together in tribes (or colonies) by this form of signaling, and tend to value communal work, even to the point of self-sacrifice. However, a small portion of Qua are born disobedient, and a greater proportion of them end up disillusioned and wandering away from their tribe to adventure, which almost inevitably result in exile from Qua societies. Particularly troublesome is the fact that Queen caste Qua are disproportionately prone to wanderlust, resulting in most of them leaving their original tribes to adventure (or die). However, a Queen that successfully returns from adventure with riches tends to be greatly favored and lavished with honor, often supplementing an existing, non-adventurous Queen. The fact that Queens tend to wander away is theorized by some scholars to be a way to reduce internal competition while bringing in external ideas and wealth. Unlike actual insects, nothing indicates that Qua society have any biological differences aside from those between the Queens and the rest - it appears Qua does not imitate the trait of Eusocial insects exclusively.


  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.1 m
  • Weight Range: 55 - 200 kg
  • Lifespan: Short
  • Associated Cultures: Any beastkin-containing cultures, and some others
  • Appearance: Wildborn cover any land, non-flying animals that is not one of the prominent, distinctive tribe. Unlike the other beastkins, the other beastkins are compatible biologically with eachothers and can reproduce - with the offspring inheriting some phenotypical trait from both father and mother, and having a 50%/50% chance of exhibiting the primary race type of each of their parents. They usually have fur, ears, tails, claws and enhanced animal senses. Macenized one resembles Kemonomimi.


The Wildborn are so named because they are the only sub grouping of beastkins that are born in the wild - i.e. transformed directly from animals. The vast majority of wildborns are born naturally to humanoid parents, but a small group of them appears in magical land transformed from wild animals. Those beastkins are compatible biologically with each other but not with any of the named races and are present in small numbers where beastkin dwell. A named group cannot be a wildborn and vice versa. They can be used to represent any land, non-flying animals not represented by one of the named beastkin or existing race groups.

Although expressing the traits of any animal in particular, wildborns are always mammal in humanoid form.


Wildbirth is a rare phenomenon that likely "seeded" the first Wildborn in the world, and help ensue the race's continued diversity and existence into modern day. It happens in land that are somewhat untouched or magical, or sometime spontaneously when mana concentrate due to fluctuation in a place where animals are present. A "Wild Birth" involve a magical surge in a gathering of a (core) family of land based, non-flying animals that is not one of the named group of beastkins that are prominent. Scholars say that this is the nature's way of generating ambassadors to our world. A wild birth tends to always morph the biological age of its target into a teenager (If a children animal) or young adult (If an adult animal) - regardless of the origin animals' animal age, ensuring their peak physical fitness for survival. Chronologically, a PC must still be of 18 years of age regardless of whether they were wildbirthed or not.

The magical transformation tends to either target a close core family of animals or a pair or group of reproduction-capable animals. It happens over course of minutes, but the result is that the animals awaken as a wildborn humanoid, spontaneously gaining the ability to speak the language of the nearest humanoid civilization, and basic humanoid survival skills, and they often feel a longing to construct housing. As they grew up and gain knowledge and possibly survive, they start to lose memories of their animal instincts and life, until around ten years later. Most wildborns born this way don't survive if they are outside of wildborn territory - but where wildborns live or other beastkins who respect their presence live, they are often taken in and become a member of the society. In particular, Wildborn cultures make it a duty to "rescue" any Wildbirthed Wildborn to integrate them into society, seeing it as a vital way to ensure their continuity.


General Information

  • Height Range: 2.2 - 3 m
  • Weight Range: 250 - 350 kg
  • Lifespan: Medium
  • Appearance: Centaurids are creatures with the lower body of a pony-sized horse, goat or deer or elk and the upper human torso where a horse’s neck begins. Centaurid’s horse bodies are almost universally of pony size - or of a size of the smallest horse, with no centaurid known to have grown even bigger.
  • Associated Cultures: Hasaapian, Kirigs


While traditionally included amongst the beastkin, some cultures see the Centaur as distinct from other “beastkins”, while Centaurs are also known to not experience any degree of Macenization - and most myths see them as different creatures. Centaurs inhabit a wide range - wherever horses naturally occur, centaurids occur. They tend to have low population density.

Their waist is very flexible, granting them 180 degrees of freedom in a forward arc, and 270 degrees of freedom horizontally, with only a 60 degrees “blind spot” behind them. Their legs are as strong as horses. And their known anatomy is as follows - All of their vital organs, except for the brain, are located in their horse part. A long breathing tube and esophagus extend from their head, down their torso straight toward their horse pack. Their human torso is made out of mostly muscles (including a no longer functional rib cage), upper part of a human skeleton and blood vessels, though the major arteries in the torso have shrunk down in size to reflect the human torso’s secondary role. It is unknown how centaurid manage to sustain the need of a horse body in spite of having human noses and mouth - however, centaurid tends to feel short-breathed if covered in full body, heavy blankets, which make them prefer sleeping lying down with part of their sides exposed.

A centaurid has a high calorie need - around 6,000 calories on average for maintenance and more for heavy work. “Wild” centaurids are vigorous and efficient carnivorous hunters, using tools and their relative speed to hunt down creatures heavily. Centaurs are slower than many of the best, fastest race horses, but are notable for hardiness, climate resistance and long-term endurance, like many hardy pony species. Centaur are known to be capable of eating grass and hay, but their human mouth is not fully adapted for it and it is a food of last resort to them.

More civilized centaurid tends to integrate into agricultural society and serve as efficient, hardworking laborer, pulling cart and plows in exchange for a share of produce, others take role as natural warrior elites, and yet others become highly proficient nomadic herders - mitigating their body’s large energy need and disadvantage by combining men and horse into one - for this reason they’ve displaced or destroyed many humanoid nomads in range where they are profligate.

A centaurid’s short, stocky horse body gives them strengthened bone structure, but centaurid find all but the lightest of rider uncomfortable, meaning that in integrated societies, centaurid often only accept Qua or Beagi as riders (Though the latter is particularly rare due to lack of co-occurrence). Centaurids are however, known to pull carts to transport people. Rides are often only given in case of close friendship and one individual needing to get from one place to the other - or in case of highly specialized society for war, with the riders often acting as a second archer alongside the centaurid themselves.


The Ekremi, meaning “Kin” in the Silnarian language, is the most prevalent Clade in the world of Ramul Ta. The terms broadly encompass two groups known as Macen (Human) and Silnari (Elves). Both of which are biologically compatible with each other. They’re known for their adaptability. The Silnarian defines the corner of Ramul Ta they’ve once conquered as “Ramul Ekrem”, an area that conveniently includes all of the countries they’ve once conquered, somehow including the unconquered Lora in the middle and excluding the Macen to the south.

The Kemonomimi have the unique ability to conceal their animalistic characteristics, unlike the other Ekremi. As a result, they are considered separate from the rest.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.5m - 2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 50 kg - 250 kg
  • Lifespan: Medium.
  • Appearance: Macen have highly diverse physical appearance, with the same range exhibited as humans in real life. While elemental lineages are often associated with certain traits - the appearance of a Macen is much more dependent on their location than their lineage.
  • Associated Cultures: Mentian, Salvainian, Siuian (Fire Macen), Maktuvian (Air and Ardent Macen)


Macen is a species that is the closest to standard humans in appearance and function. Macens are known for their race’s resilience, and the “Great Four Elemental Lineages” - lineages of elemental-like traits that have been exhibited in all Macen since time immemorial. Whether all Macen descended from a common ancestor or that the race was simply born and created this way is a topic of hot debates amongst the scholars in Drase - one with no conclusion at all.

The four elemental lineages allows Macen to adapt to a wide range of different environments, giving ordinary people affinity to their environment, and talented people affinity to elemental magic. The elemental lineage is always inherited matrilineally.

Four Lineage

The four lineages and their traits are:

  • Water Macen: The most prolific of all four lineages, found in massive numbers across a wide range of environments - like real humans, they like to live near water sources - but that is true of all Macen groups as well.
    • Supernatural Swimmer: Some Water Macen exhibit supernatural swimmers and ability to hold their breath underwater, resist hypoxia and other conditions from diving inside water and ascending. This natural talent manifests itself in minor form in most members of the species - but amongst magically talented individuals, it can give them supernatural diving and swimming ability.
    • Resilient Guts: Water macen have significant resistance to waterborne parasites and diseases, giving them a vital survival advantage that explains how widespread they are compared to other Macen groups. It is, however, not full immunity.
  • Fire Macen: The Fire Macen are predominantly found throughout hot land, both arid and wet.
    • High Temperature Tolerance: Ordinary Fire Macen exhibits a higher than usual tolerance for temperature extremes - especially high temperature, and seems to tolerate high humidity and high heat environments better. It appears they are capable of reducing their internal heat generation in response to higher ambient temperature.
    • Water Conservation: Fire Macen are better at conserving water from sweat and are capable of storing a significant amount of water in their body - around 5% in body mass. Water-filled Fire Macen often look slightly fatter than usual.
  • Air Macen: Air Macen are the rarest of the all Macen sub group, with them predominantly found in groups that inhabit high altitude with cold climate.
    • Cold Tolerance: Air Macen tolerates cold environments better than the other Macen groups.
    • Altitude Adaptation: Air Macen are adapted to life at high-altitude, and have no problem exercising in and adapting to high altitude environments.
    • Accomplished Sprinter: Air Macen are known to be quicker and stronger natural sprinters than most other Macen races.
  • Earth Macen: Earth Macen are also a relatively rare Macen sub group, often found in mountainous and sometimes hilly terrain. The lineage is also prevalent in marginal land.
    • Resilient Body: Earth Macen have a more resilient body, able to heal from small scratches and wounds quicker than others, and are less prone to infection in general with tougher skin.
    • Strong Digestion: Earth Macen have stronger digestive systems than most other Macen, with them being able to digest food like rye better. They can also extract niche nutrients better than most other groups.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 50 - 250 kg
  • Lifespan: Medium / Long
  • Appearance: Kemonomimis are human-like in appearance, with their most notable trait being possession of animal ears in lieu of their human ears, and animal tail(s). Kitsunes in particular are a subgroup known for having multiple tails, with Okamimi also occasionally exhibiting the same trait. Kemonomimi exhibit a much wider range of hair color than Macen, with color considered outrageous being extremely common amongst the Kemonomimi. Kemonomimi exhibit animal traits from a wide-range of animal, though land mammals are the most frequent. Of the non-mammal types, reptilian or draconic-like traits are the most common - with those Kemonomimi often growing horns. Insectoid, fish-like are known of, but rare and often discriminated against. Kemonomimi always have animal ears and tails resembling a single animal - never a mix. They also don’t have fur, whiskers or other animal traits - merely tails, ears, and very occasionally horns.
  • Associated Cultures: Runran, Irunian (Minority)


Kemonomimis (abbreviated as Kemonos from this point on) are a species largely foreign to Ramul Ta. They are biologically incompatible with Macen or any of the Macenlike races, leading to them being classified as different from the Macenlike. The Kemonos are not native to the core regions of Ramul Ta, and the one that migrated here came from a homeland that they universally refer to as “Runra”, which has been attested in history since the first Arcane Gate was constructed. Nowaday, many Kemonos have been so far removed from their original ancestors they’ve adopted the culture of their new host country, but still stay within a tight group as they cannot have children with other races.

Kemonomimis are allegedly the spirit of nature or animals given human form - which is something attested to amongst the legend of multiple lands - this is partially supported by the fact that Kemonos seems to have natural connection to most animals, one that surpass the beastkin - which most animals tends to view in the same light as other two-legged, standing creatures (warily). In addition, they are capable of morphing into a form that closely resemble normal Macen or Silnari, and are generally considered charming and persuasive, which lends more credence to a fae-like or nature spirit origin of the race.

In the highly stratified society of Runra, one is judged by the animal traits they exhibit. What traits a Kemonomimi exhibits tends to depend on their parents - and there is less than one in a hundred chance of a Kemonomimi showing ears and tails not from either of their direct parents.

Those who have fox or wolf-like ears and tails are considered those “Closest to the gods” in Runra, and often exhibit greater magical potential than their peers, although some non-Runran scholars argue this is simply a case of the Kitsunes and Okamimi attempting to monopolize magical education for generations and perpetuating a myth of superior magical potential when it is simply societal and age advantage, most studies on this were done by Silnarian and Lymian scholars, whom are accused of doing the very same thing by hostile Runran scholars. In the mainland Runran Empire, the other Kemonomimis are considered a caste below the rest, lacking in potential to become a top notch mage-bureaucrat. Those born as a Kitsune or Okamimi mature slightly slower - but have longer lifespan than the rest of the Clade.

Since all children born of a union between an Ekremi and a Youkai is a Kemonomimi, first generation Kemonomimi-Youkai hybrid often exhibits traits considered extremely rare amongst the Kemonomimis, such as monster parts, or body parts and tails or horns that is not considered a part of a common domestic or "respected" animals. Over generations, societal pressure tends to mean those lineage die out or they starts to exhibit traits of more "mainstream" animals. These first generation Youkai descendants often have better than average magical potential - with their Youkai parent's undiluted power often passed down to them, meaning they do not require as much intensive magical training to utilize their magical potential. Provided they survive their childhood, a disproportionate amount of these Kemonomimis often venture out to adventure hoping to seek acceptance elsewhere.

Biological Traits

  • Kemonomimi Charm: Kemonomimis have a universal ability to charm other beings and animals better than usual.
  • Transformation: Kemonomimi are capable of magically hiding their ears or tails completely, with no indication they were there at all. They are also capable of changing their biological gender over the course of one hour, with consistent appearance and ability, though they are infertile when changed into the other gender. This trait makes Kemonomimi society some of the most egalitarian - while most Kemonos stick with their assigned gender at birth, gender identity and roles are naturally much more fluid and flexible in Kemonomimi society.
  • Wild Spirits: Those born as a Kitsune (Fox) or Okamimi (Wolf) tend to be much more talented in magic than the rest - and receive special treatment and training in Runran society, while those who are born outside universally exhibit higher agility than normal Macen.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 -  2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 45 - 240 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Silnari looks every bit like Macen do, but have longer and pointed ears. Facial hair is almost absent, and so is body hair. Unnatural hair colors (by Macen standards) are relatively rare, with each subgroup known for particularly frequent occurrences of certain hair color types. Facial blemishes and pigments are rare.
  • Associated Culture: Silnarian (Lathian), Lymian (Tholian), Kirig (Fricharii), Ombuian (Scralian)


The Silnari are pointy-eared humanoids known for being taller (but not necessarily less muscular), and having a slightly higher inclination to magic than the average Macen. On average, natural talents for magic tend to occur around a quarter more often in Silnari than baseline population - and their longer lifetime gives them more time to pass on magical knowledge. Silnari are universally known as great social readers, with an uncanny ability to read the face of others - even if they belong to other species. Another notable trait is that Silnari tends to have higher occurrence of andrgynous traits amongst all members of the species - and most cultures tend to see no problem with this occurence.

Silnari are in the core region of Ramul Ta, named after the greatest Empire the elves have founded - the Silnarian Empire - outside of core Ramul Ta, one would be hard pressed to find a Silnarian refer to themselves or their interrelated cousins as Silnari.

The Silnari are a divided group - divided into four major matrilineal lineages - not unlike the Macen, but each of the lineages are not associated with an element, but instead associated with the region they are from. Silnari histories are long enough that no group has an explanation for why - or how the four lineages came to be.

  • Lathian: The most prominent of the sub groups. The Lathian are mostly found around the core land of modern day Silnaria, and amongst the four groups, is the one most inclined toward magic, with many members of the group taking an inclination to pure, fundamental thaumaturgy. Lathian found in Silnaria tends to have light skin, and silver or silvery white hair, with blonde hair being rarely occurring. Their eyes tend to be red or white.
  • Tholian: Tholian elves are found in what is known as modern day Lymia, and are known for their uncanny nimbleness, giving them a supernatural sense of when and where to step to avoid difficult places, and an impeccable sense of balance. The tholian elves tend to have dark or purple skin, and exhibit silvery, silvery-white and black hair. Their eyes tend to be purple or deep brown.
  • Fricharii: Fricharii elves are found to the far south of the core region of Ramul Ta, inhabiting the vast steppes and savanna of the great south - though some are known to have migrated in other places. The Fricharii are known for their general fitness - but many posit this is due to a cultural lifestyle, rather than a lineage difference. Fricharii skin colour varies, but amongst those from the far south, a mixture of fair and tanned skin is rather common. They have superb hearing and vision sense, and their arms muscles are developed even more than that of modern humans, allowing them to throw projectiles more efficiently. Their hair tends to be white or silvery white, with red or deep brown eyes. Fricharii are known for having slightly louder and deeper voice than usual.
  • Scralian: Scralian elves are known for their adaptation to forest life, and are predominantly found in the Ombu region south of Mentia in core Ramul Ta. Scralian are known for their unique adaptation to hunting and stealth. While hiding, the Scralian’s hair colour and skin colour can change to adapt to their surroundings quickly, much like a chameleon. Their breathing tends to slow down, and Scralian have a superb ability to control any noises they make or will make. The Scralian tends to have fair or tanned skin, and exhibit the widest range of hair colours, including the humanlike spectrum of blonde, brown and black, alongside green - which is unique to the Scralian. They tend to have brown eyes.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 0.7 - 1.2 m
  • Weight Range: 10 - 20 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Fae looks like supernaturally beautiful Ekremi, generally possessing the trait of a Macen or a Silnari - never that of Lora (For some reasons) nor that of Kemonomimi, and can be said to have a basic humanoid form without animalistic characteristics. They have large magical wings - often glittering and half-transparent, obviously magical with no resemblance to natural bat or bird wings. Facial hair is almost absent, and so is body hair. Hair color spectrums are wild - so to speak, but green are particularly common. They can transform into a humanoid, wingless form.
  • Associated Culture: Ombuian / Found everywhere but Runran forest


The Fae are, or were spirits made manifest - born as spirits of the forest and given human form. The playable Faes are flying, humanoid creatures of half a human in size. They are not to be confused with the Fairy, which are for the most part - perpetually small.

Legend says that the first Faes were born spontaneously as a human baby - and the animals and creatures of a forest take care of them. They are born with supernatural knowledge of the local language and cultural norm - seemingly recognizing and learning words they’ve never known before. Nowaday, there are practically no First Fae - they are only born in forests completely devoid of Fae, and almost all Faes are descendents of previous First Faes. A player can play as one of those rare First Fae.

The Fae are half as huge as a normal Ekremi, with a pair of wings allowing them to fly and hover around - but their strength is greatly reduced. However, they have the unique ability to transform their look and size to that of an Ekremi - often supernaturally beautiful. They are spread throughout the land - with a small minority in the forest of Ombu.

Being magical creatures of nature, they appears everywhere but in Runra's forest, where the Youkai serve the same role. Fae can reproduce with each other but is noted to have a very low fertility in general - in spite of trying they are one-twentieth as likely to conceive as a normal Ekremi, and Fae seems hardwired to be unable to have more than three children - which seems to apply to both male and females. Fae however, are biologically compatible with any Ekremi.

A Fae tends to have wingspans between once and twice the width of their torso.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 -  2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 65 - 600 kg
  • Lifespan: >300 years and counting
  • Appearance: How a Kuilei looks highly depends on the generation and when it was made. After all, they are humanoid mechanical construct. They can varies from very construct-like to outright robot - but all of them have a humanoid shape.
  • Associated Culture: Mostly Runran & Lymian.


The Kuilei, Runran for "Puppet", are artificial humanoid constructs. They were first invented over 2 - 3 millennium ago in Ancient Runra, by the Imperial Court's state-sanctioned mages attempting to create unwaveringly loyal bodyguards - to protect the Empress / Emperor from disloyal vassals. They successfully created the first construct that is capable of approximating human functions - unlike the cheap, efficient but stupid Loran Pebuks. Kuilei took a great investment of precious gems and gold and coin to create, and contains the soul of an actual being in a diamond core located within the chest. Kuileis have free will - but the magical contract that binds them to their master and summon them to this world means they are practically bound to their creator for a long time - usually 50 years. After the contract expires, the Kuileis are in theory free - but are more often than not socially engineered to stay in a servile capacity forever - until they earn or gain their freedom by escaping.

Kuilei are born day one imbued with the knowledge needed to do their job - which in most case are usually combat, and combat-oriented Kuilei are usually as well-trained, if not more well-trained than a typical knight in combat, able to fight at range and melee well. Some Kuilei however, are instead binded as a servant for menial tasks instead.

Due to the variations Kuileis have, some scholar have defined Kuilei in the following terms:

"Advanced fully humanoid magical mechanical construct on par with other humanoid Clade in intelligence and capable of free will and autonomy descended from a Runran lineage".

Kuileis are the absolute majority of sapient humanoid quasi-mechanical constructs in this world - likely accounting for more than 99% of them.


Kuilei, while artificial, have a magical core which houses a soul — a necessary aspect of constructing any summon capable of autonomy. This renders them still vulnerable to mental attacks. This also means that, if left in a critical state for too long, their soul may pass from their body, similar to how a typical humanoid will bleed out if left untreated for too long.

Kuilei are sustained by fuel - generally poured down a mouth socket or even directly into the chest. They take any kind of liquid edible oil (not petroleum!) to sustain them and generally speaking, consume between once to thrice as much calories as a typical human to sustain a day of baseline activities - based on the subtype and the weight of the Kuilei. The Kuilei Engine - the stomach of the Kuilei, can also take in other food edible for humans, but by far prefer oil which it processes quickly - excessive solid food clog them up and render them lethargic. The Kuilei Engine seems to have a 100% efficiency rate - there's no known excretion from Kuilei - though if the wrong thing are stuffed in an engine it might need to be cleaned with liquid. They are incapable of ingesting or tasting food normally like most other creatures - unless modified by their creator to do so - but such non-functional modifications are seldomly seen, and most Kuileis simply have no compulsion or need or desire to eat.

Kuilei does not require sleep, oxygen or water - only fuel. However, a Kuilei can still be exhausted - exerting over the whole day deplete their magical reserves and impair their ability to think - they simply don't need to shut down completely like sleep-capable creature to regenerate.

Kuileis have limbs that are connected mechanically but in truth mostly powered by magic providing them the flexibility to move their joints with almost human like flexibility.

Kuilei can generally vocalize in a mechanical voice devoid of any tone and nevermind complexity like uvula or nasal sounds, but are generally comprehensible.

Kuilei are capable of going into "Hibernation" - allowing them to simply sleep until awakened by external stimulus, consuming no energy and staying dormant for hundreds if not thousands of year - so long as their body stay mostly intact. This dormancy doesn't exhausts their admittedly long lifespan.

Lifespan of a Kuilei tends to last over 300 years, with independent Kuilei that have mastered spellcasting capable of pushing their lifespan to over 800+ - far more than nearly all other Clades. Near the end of their "natural" lifespan, a Kuilei starts experiencing strange visions of afterlife that tends to varies by personal belief - and within a few months, gradually lose functionalities in their body until they can only vocalize and then pass away shortly after. A Kuilei that have reached the end of its natural lifespan are for all practical purposes useless and cannot be resummoned as another Kuilei in the same body - not that a natural death is common for this Clade. When a Kuilei is lucky enough to pass away naturally, their soul container can be extracted and refurbished to serve as the core of another Kuilei - but their body's runes would've all faded away and require meticulous reforging that requires half as much effort as creating a new Kuilei - having been binded to the original owner throughout its long life.

Psychology & Behavior

Compared to a normal humanoid creatures, Kuilei actually have surprisingly similar psychological need - but are generally absent of desires for food, romance, love, or sexual desires. Their lack of unnecessary sensation and a sense of physical pain or physical pleasure means that Kuilei (with a free mind) tends to pursue intellectually stimulating activities - making free Kuileis highly prolific writers, poets and intellectuals - if they can achieve such a position. Kuileis are perfectly capable of forming bond and tends to form bond with humanoids that are close to them or other Kuilei.


A Kuilei is constructed by first using a carved, clear diamond of at least 2 carats in a glass container to forge a soul container - a step used in construction of other constructs - but usually not requiring one as expensive as diamond - diamond however, is needed to house a soul as high quality as that of a humanoid soul. Then, specific series of runes are struck and forged into said container to summon the soul - instructions that has been passed down by Runran artificers for generations and then later on, taught to Lymian artificers who spread it around.

Then, the Kuileis is assembled part by part, limb by limb. The torso, limbs and head are generally constructed separately - each consisting of two part - a tubular exterior and a more flexible interior - consisting of high quality leather or tensile materials, with mana injected into them and runes carved into them. For casual observer, the runes carved into the interior Kuilei could look comedic - as hand are literally labeled hand, finger finger, and muscles muscles. Mislabeling can lead to malfunctional Kuilei that fail to coordinate its own movement until its inner can override it to the proper function - a process that could cost them months or even years. Then, the parts are linked together with elaborate mechanical joint - a feat that requires skilled blacksmith and engineering.

Finally, the soul is summoned into the Kuilei body and the new construct binded to a contract. The elaborate process of constructing a Kuilei means that constructing one on your own is very laborious and expensive - if you know the techniques in the first place. Lymia and Runra have crafted them on a large scale permitting economy of scale and specialization in each part. It is said that Lymia produce ten Kuileis a day and Runra up to fifty - and if needed, can supercharge it to five time the rate.

The economic cost of producing Kuilei is estimated to be around 25,000 - 100,000 silver per piece (Based on variant) at market rate - this is assuming that the country are efficient. For these countries, fearless, combat-ready Kuileis are seen as a worthy sacrifice.

Appearance & Construct

Kuilei have a humanoid body but varies greatly in appearance based on their variants. The following subtypes are generally identified:

  • Battle Kuilei - The Battle Kuileis were primitive, combat-only Kuileis. Brutally functional constructs and the most common one - they have a tubular body with relatively simple limbs and joints - often protected by external plates. They can be made out of wood, bronze, iron or steel - with metallic variant being fitted with large boots to prevent pressure from sinking them.
  • Servile Kuilei - The Servile Kuileis are a subtype of Kuilei that have very elaborately forged plates and even magically molded skin and such - designed to approximate a humanoid as much as possible. Most of them - as the name implies, were designed and constructed as tireless servant - usually also very capable of combat (A servile Kuilei is an expensive investment). They often have humanoid-like voice and humanoid look and even physical feels and sensation. Most servile Kuileis are of Runran origin and were constructed within the last 300 years - before that nearly all Kuilei were of a battle variant.

Independent Kuileis, Autoforging, Kinforging

Kuilei are generally bonded by magical contracts the moment they are constructed - but due to the system of the world not allowing contracts longer than 50 years - they regain the ability to act completely freely after 50 years - in theory. In practice they are binded afterward by social expectations, promises of rewards...much like serfs.

However some Kuilei manage to impress their master through their service and gain complete freedom and other escape or desert in time of war, with a large amount of contract-expired Kuileis having escaped into the wild in the aftermath of the Lymian rebellion, forming a relatively large free Kuilei diaspora.

Most of these Kuileis live in hiding or offer their services to villages that need a walking dealer of death in exchange for food - while other set themselves up as petty lord or even take up farming as a profession. All of these Kuileis, freed of their contracts, see their magical potential develop in an extent that is not seen in unfree Kuilei - which is another reason why some master end contracts early and free their Kuilei in name binding them with legal contracts instead. They gain the ability to use magic to heal their wounds and generate a large amount of mana - and the ability to cast spells. Independent Kuileis are, at its weakest, as strong as a Level 1 Player Character and typically stronger than them.

Independent Kuileis have discovered two specific magical techniques that help them propagate and retain sustainable:

  • Autoforging: Auto as in "self" - Autoforging is a process where an independent Kuilei with a surplus of mana inject their own mana into Arcane Crystal, set up a magical circle and gather materials needed to upgrade their body - usually wrought iron (From wood) or steel - and then imbue them into themselves over the course of days - a process in which the Kuilei is in a lucid dream unable to defend itself and is vulnerable - by the end of it they would be able to magically replace the material on their body with the new materials - becoming stronger. However a Kuilei must have enough magical potential or the ritual will fail with loss of the arcane crystals. Autoforging requires at least a dozen year of magical mastery - or extremely intense combat - and often taking of others life (much like adventurers) in order to accelerate. Some says that one must have taken ten adult humanoid's life to autoforge once. This makes Kuilei untrusted in some quarters - they are one of the few Clade able to directly derive power from killing others.
  • Kinforging: Kinforging is the way for independent Kuileis to make more of themselves. Once they have gained enough magical potential - generally speaking, enough for an autoforging - the Kuilei, together with another Kuilei of a similar need, can perform a magical ritual in which they find a diamond of soul-housing quality, and then open up their own body - taking out their own soul container and channeling their mana into the diamond over the course of two days. After this ritual is done - the diamond must be protected for a year while the form of a wooden or clay Kuilei is grown around them. Such forged Kin are born free and often with knowledge of both of their forger. Since this requires sacrifice of the two Kuilei's selfish potential - it is often only done by Steel Kuilei who cannot progress any further - or by Kuilei community with a communal focus on making more of themselves.
As Player Character

The typical steel Kuilei is a walking humanoid tank - made out of steel, nearly impervious to conventional handheld weapons (Even hammer would take multiple blows to down a steel Kuilei). A typical player character start as a wooden or clay Kuilei - and as their power grows, can roleplay as a Kuilei that have undergone the process of Autoforging to become stronger and stronger.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.2 - 1.5 m
  • Weight Range: 50 - 150 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Lora tends to have a humanoid appearance, but is shorter with a much stockier frame. Beard and facial hair on male varies from culture to culture, but male Loran tends to maintain short and trimmed facial hair.
  • Associated Culture: Zamari


Lora are a race of short, stocky people that have adapted to underground life. Lora is a species known for their adaptation to places where no other species would think of dwelling - Deep underground in massive, supernatural and carved caverns, on the side of mountains, within mountains, deep under city...Their physiology allows them to consume and grow underground plants that no other species can eat or digest properly, giving them a unique advantage.

Although competed out of the plains and flatland by every other species, the Loras dominate the mountains and hills, often co-existing alongside plain-dwellers by digging into mounds and turning them into underground farms and settlements. In the core region of Ramul Ta, Lora was known as the first race to develop great industries and an empire, before the Loran Empire was toppled by the Silnarian.

Traits that Lora exhibits include exceptionally strong liver, making them impossible to be poisoned by alcohol, but make them not get drunk. They have strong stomachs that can digest raw forages and plants - but it is generally not preferred as food even amongst Lora. Lora’s digestive systems enable them to neutralise most toxins found in trace amounts in most fungi and underground plants, and they seem to be mostly immune to ill effects from consuming them. Coal dust, methane, asbestos and other similar effects related to dangerous minerals or aerosol found underground seems to be greatly mitigated - if not negated entirely amongst the Loran. Loran seems to be naturally resilient to any ill effects from living in caves.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.7 - 2.6 m
  • Weight Range: 70 - 300 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Mogash has green or brownish skin, and is almost always more muscular than an average Macen, and is taller in general. Few Mogash grow tusks - and those that do often shave them off in favor of a helmet if they are a warrior. It has been noted throughout Mogash history that tusks is a gradually disappearing trait. Mogash tends to have few facial hair.
  • Associated Cultures: Mogash


Mogash are one of the rarer races in the core region of Ramul Ta, as they are mostly found in the tropical region of the far south away from Drase. They are known to have extreme bursts of seemingly magical resilience, able to break free of restraints, expel poison and ignore wounds in desperation. They are also known for spontaneous bursts of mobility, two traits that might assist them in surviving in the jungle to the south - but it is unknown whether Mogash were made to survive in the jungle - or they just happened to arrive and adapted to it and there are Mogash elsewhere.

In fact, Runran literature seems to indicate that Mogash were originally present in large numbers in their homeland thousands of years ago, and are still found in much diminished numbers. This revelation - along with the fact that like the Onis, Mogash are stronger and taller than the usual Macen, leads to them being classified as related to the Northerners group.

Mogash are of moderate magical potential - similar to Macen, and are known to be naturally inclined toward Air Magic, the reason for why is unknown, but it results in lightning and thunder being common elements in Mogash religion worship.

Biological Traits

  • Tough Skin: Compared to humans, most mogash seem to have tougher skin, and more dense sweat glands - Mogash are known to be capable of sweating almost twice as much as humans with corresponding results.
  • Gender Equal Buffness: Amongst the Mogash, there’s practically no difference between male and females in physical strength and their potential for it.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.0 m
  • Weight Range: 140 - 300 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Naga are creatures with the lower body of a snake and a human torso midway through. Nagas are mammals. Their tail tends to be quite long, around 1.5 - 2 meters long, but proportionally not as long as that of a true snake. Their tails are scaly and used for locomotion.
  • Associated Cultures: Dezabian / Hombaxian (Trace amount)


Naga are a species of snake like people with the upper body of a human. The Nagas are largely extant in the south of Ramul Ta, being prevalent in the arid region to the south - and rumors have it that there is also a large naga presence to the far south of Ramul Ta. They are egg-layers, laying one or two eggs in lieu of live birth, which gestate within 10 - 12 months into a locomotion capable baby naga, but like other mammals, feed their young with milk.

Naga consumes a large amount of food, proportional to their body mass, which means if a regular human needs 2000 calories for maintenance, a naga often needs 4000 - 5000 calories. Making up for this disadvantage are two unique traits for the Naga. First, a naga is capable of transforming into a fully snake-like form, giving them access to venomous bite and spit. They can also transform into fully humanoid form - reducing their energy need greatly, with the only telltale sign the fact that their eyes always look serpentine instead of humanlike - Naga tribes that act almost entirely as human unless needed is a very common survival strategy amongst peripheral naga tribes in hard times. The transformation itself burns quite a lot of energy - with each step often taking somewhere between 500 to 1000 calories, which means Naga does not do it lightly. Naga, male or female, is known to have the ability to morph their humanoid form and humanoid top and shape it gradually, giving them a reputation for beauty. Naga children tend to inherit the “morphed” appearance of their appearance.

Another notable trait is that Nagas are, in the world of Drase, the race with the highest known rate of naturally occurring magic without explicit learning - with proportion far above even the Silnari - roughly 10 percent amongst male, and 20 percent amongst females. However, those natural occurring magic only manifest in the most basic, offensive spells at adulthood, almost inevitably of the Fire or Water school, with further natural study or hallucinogenic herbs needed to refine it. Those spells are almost always useless for agriculture, and thus used mostly by primitive naga tribes to assist in hunting. A bias toward female magic generation leads most Naga society to become overwhelmingly female dominated with matrilineal lineage and inheritance.

Naga’s increased food need and widespread magical talents for offensive spells is speculated to be one reason for Naga to tends to overtake societies dominated by other species, subjugating them in order to provide food - in a lot of those Naga-dominated society, maintaining a half-naga form at all time is seen as a sign of conspicuous affluence and prestige, and naga that has gone “native” is often despised.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.5 m
  • Weight Range: 50 - 270 kg
  • Lifespan: Medium
  • Appearance: Oni are horned humanoid who look similar to humans, but almost always have a pair of horns on top of their head. Many of them have a tail varying in length, though they are universally thin and not prehensile. They universally have more muscular and built bodies compared to the average Macen. Their skin color depends on their sub group - Red Oni having red skin, Blue Oni having blue skin - and Pale Oni having pale white skin. Purple and other skin color also occurs on Onis - but seldomly any color considered to be naturally human.
  • Associated Cultures: Irunian, Koyan, Runran (Minority)


Onis are a group of horned humanoid that arrived sometime ago. They are split into three mutually exclusive lineages - though they are biologically compatible, a child with parents from both lineages will only exhibit traits of one. The three lineages include the Red, Blue and Pale. Onis are split into two subtypes based on sizes, the Greater Oni and the Lesser Onis. By color, they are split into three subgroups - Red Oni for their red skin, Blue Oni for their blue skin, and Pale Oni for pale white skins. Overwhelmingly Blue and Red Onis are Greater Onis whereas Pale Onis are usually lesser Onis. Greater Onis tends to stand between 2.1 - 2.5 meters tall and is a Size 2 creature whereas Lesser Onis are usually human-sized or often smaller.

They are biologically compatible though their bloody history means more often than not, they do not intermix with each other.

The Red Oni are known for having an even more muscular and enduring body than usual, and have lower than average magical potential but greater martial potential. The Red Onis seems adapted to arid and hostile circumstances, though consumes slightly more food than an average Macen.

The Blue Onis, while strong, also have great, natural magical talent, and an inclination toward intellectual tasks, with many members of the species gaining the ability to cast basic level offensive spells, and seems inclined toward Aqua magic in particular. The Blue Onis are also the most resilient toward cold climates. Like the Red Onis, they consume more food than average.

The Pale Onis are the rarest and most marginalized of the Onis in Ramul Ta, having on average shorter height - though still possess the greater strength and endurance of the Oni race in general. They are noted for a natural inclination toward ambush, being highly conscious of their environment. Their skin and horn are also capable of partial chameleon features, adopting the color of their surroundings gradually if they stay still. There is however significant population of Pale Onis in Panguea.

Biological Traits

  • Tough Body: Oni’s body is tougher than the average Macen and possesses greater strength.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 50 - 240 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Treton are water-inhabiting humanoid with a similar look to macen, but have the lower body of a fish. Treton are capable of transforming into a two-legged form at will.
  • Associated Cultures: Pinnacelian


Tretons are a race that mostly inhabited the Arcane Seas, and were not native to Ramul Ta at all. With the opening of the first Arcane Gate in Ramul Ta, Tretons have migrated slowly - but surely onboard ships, carried by slave hunters or merchants who found a ready made source of human like, long-lived (mer)manpower in the seas. They are an amphibious race in their native environment, relying on land and unable to live far away from the small islands and landmasses that dot most of the Arcane Seas and provide vital shelter.

This trait has made them incapable of truly colonizing Ramul Ta’s ocean, which is drastically different in nature from the Arcane Sea - in addition, the ocean near the northern fringe of Ramul Ta - which is frigid at time, are not something most Tretons are capable of adopting to. Their cultures have not developed extensive land-based agriculture either, leaving them reliant on fishing to feed themselves. As a result Treton remains a minority population in all but a few locations within Ramul Ta.

Biological Traits

  • Aquatic Adaptation: Tretons are naturally adapted to life in the sea, and are able to swim at great speed and breath through their skin while they are in water. They can also adapt to and swim freely within shallow depth of water. Tretons are capable of ingesting raw fishes and seafood without any ill effect, and are resilient to any parasites or diseases originating from such.
  • Enhanced Vision: Treton are capable of seeing in the dark, a necessity for life in the Arcane Seas.


General Information

  • Height Range: 2.2 - 3.6 m
  • Weight Range: 240 - 500 kg
  • Lifespan: Medium
  • Appearance: Titan looks like mostly proportionally enlarged humans, with thicker than usual arms and trunks and heavier body. Their flesh are human-like in nature, but their thicker than usual skin can be morphed to display elaborate, colored patterns that are red, blue or yellow in color, similar to a biologically controlled tattoo.
  • Associated Cultures: Pinnacelian, Neo-Alamethri


Titan originated in the continent of Lulladia - and according to their traditions, were a created race by an ancient civilization whose name were known as Alamethros - a race of beings that were said to be smaller than the Ardent and Titan and incapable of flight or living in water. The Alamethri created the Titans to rule over the sea - which they cannot swim and breath in, and the Ardent to rule over the mountains - which they cannot fly on. The Ardent were given large wing that allowed them to perform short range magical flight.

The two Clades were binded in servitude to their master for thousand of years and surely must have engaged in multiple (unsuccessful) revolts and failed to free themselves completely. This was until a series of prehistoric catastrophe struck the continent of Lulladia - with increasingly frequent earthquakes and volcanism. Accounts differs on whether this was natural, brought about the Alamethri angering their deity / deities - or the result of extremely powerful magical spells that the modern world have never seen.

Either way, the Alamethri decided to abandon their servile clades and undergo a large immigration into the underworld - where they found peace and quiet while their former subjects fought each other over the remaining habitable land in Lulladia - that is - until further volcanism and earthquakes shut off contact between the Ardent and their former master - none knowing what really happened to them next.

Eventually the catastrophe hammering Lulladia was said to be so bad, that the land were shattered into many pieces and rendered uninhabitable - with the Titan forced to migrate in the shallow seas surrounding the continent, and the Ardent, never having the luxury of walking on sea bottom - migrated by boats instead.

Titan have mitigated ability to navigate in sea - having the ability to withstand pressure and breath inside, but have no supernatural swimming ability unlike the Tretons or Uzhis. The Titan, while having higher energy needs proportional to their body’s size, also have a very strange habit - they ingest small amounts of clay regularly, which can be found in high abundance in the shallow depths of the Arcane Seas, and in part of the world. They seem to have no problem with clay, and in fact seem to need to ingest it regularly - and it seems to provide nutrition, as study of Titan biology shows that much less clay comes out than comes in them.

Other than their great height and weight, Titan also have the ability to mold part of their skin to form “living tattoo”, which are limited in range to three colors, but otherwise have the expression ability common to all tattoos - with a level of detail most tattoo artists will be jealous of. Titans of this day use it to signal clan, family tradition - and a high proportion of them use it to signal religious devotion. Amongst Titan living outside cold regions, exposing part of the arms and legs to show off your tattoo is considered quite normal, unless they are working in a region with a thorny environment.

Titan prefers cold or temperate regions, and has slight issues with thermo-regulation outside of them, often requiring and preferring dipping in water to cool down in such regions.

Most Titan have either assimilated into Arcanic culture or kept their own old tradition of Neo-Alamethri culture - which they preserve and is - to many of them's discomfort, quite similar to the lineage of Neo-Alamethri culture practiced by non-Maktuvian Ardents.

Biological Traits

  • Large Bodied: Titans have larger and stronger bodies than a human, and require much more energy - around 10,000 - 12,000 calories worth for maintenance. However, ingesting around a hundred grams of clay on a daily basis reduces the need for energy by roughly 40%, and seems to be vital to maintain good guts and digestion health. Their large bodies make them able to keep heat better in cold regions - especially with proper clothing.
  • Raw Diet: Titan have no issue ingesting and digesting raw meat and fishes properly.
  • Partial Aquatic Adaptation: Titan are resilient to shallow water pressure and able to breathe in them, but cannot swim better than a normal human.
  • Tattoo Artist: Titan can draw and form elaborate tattoos on their body using a relatively low amount of time, and it comes naturally to them.


General Information

  • Height Range: 1.5 - 2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 50 - 240 kg
  • Lifespan: Long
  • Appearance: Uzhi are slime-like people. They have a semi translucent body, but the internal organs of their body - if any, are not seeable, nor could any food be ingested - it appears that their translucence are mostly skin deep. Their bodies are solid, but rather squishy and malleable. Their colors are overwhelmingly blue due to the environment they come from, with green being seen rarely amongst Uzhi that have spent multiple generations on land. Their external appearance tends to mimic that of humans, down to having “hair” that are in fact, just finely molded strands of slime made to resemble hair.
  • Associated Cultures: Pinnacelian


Like the Tretons, the Uzhis are not native to Ramul Ta, and are speculated to have come from the Arcane Seas - Or at least the one that inhabit Ramul Ta nowaday came from the Arcane Sea. Uzhi are often found scattered across Ramul Ta after their initial transportation to the continent, adapting to various harsh conditions on land that other species cannot tolerate. Like the Treton, Uzhi are an amphibious and not a truly aquatic race. They sometimes live in harmony with the Treton - but sometimes form an exclusive society of their own.

Uzhi’s body is resilient to damage and functions very differently from most other mammals. Their bodies are formed out of a flesh-like material that are squishy on the outside, but Uzhi also “bleeds” like a humanoid. Their nervous system is concentrated in the head, but much more resilient to damage and capable of regeneration (unlike the human brain) Their vital sensory organs are formed out of slime and regenerate easily - and Uzhi are in fact, capable of restoring all lost limbs but the head. Deep inside the Uzhi body are skeleton-like slimes that are invisible from the outside, hardening and providing support for them much like a human skeleton. Uzhi’s body is capable of morphing into and replacing lost parts.

Unlike Treton, they are incapable of seeing without bright light and have to adopt their hunting habit to suit it.

Biological Traits

  • Resilient Body: Uzhi’s body is exceptionally resilient to damage.
  • Slime Morph: Uzhi are capable of morphing part of their hair to look bigger, and with ingestion of sufficient food can grow in size and height by around 20% - but if suffering from malnutrition, will shrink in size and height.
  • Omni Eater: Uzhi are the true omnivore - they are incapable of chewing, but are capable of digesting nearly any form of protein, carbohydrates or fat and macronutrients with ease, and are exceptionally resilient to food toxins. They also have no issue digesting any raw meat or fishes and do not suffer ill effects or parasites from it - in fact, the Uzhi just digest the parasites too. Uzhi are resilient to some food toxins, but may not ingest them in large amounts and are not totally immune. Uzhi are also prone to getting drunk and unlike humans, practically never build up any alcohol tolerance.
  • Aquatic Adaptation: Uzhi are naturally adapted to life in the sea, and are able to swim at great speed and breath through their skin while they are in water. They can also adapt to and swim freely within shallow depth of water


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.5m - 2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 50 kg - 200 kg
  • Lifespan: Long.
  • Appearance: Vedurian appearance are humanoid in nature, but they have green or red skin with visible vines and leaves growing from their bodies. They have humanoid hair and skin. Their arms can be shaped like normal humans - or twisted into tendrils that act like a grabbing limb. Some Vedurian have harder skin and visible outgrowth of wood on their body.
  • Associated Cultures: Paranian, Gaingian


Vedurian is a species of plant-like people, humanoid in appearance, native to the Gaingian region and the Ruttenian subcontinent. The Vedurian are animals, but have several unique characteristics that distinguishes them from a normal person.

The Vedurian are separated into two subspecies - both of which are compatible with each other biologically, but only exhibit the trait of one subspecies at a time.

Some Vedurian have a flower or stem on top of their head for three out of four seasons - and during the harvesting season, it would sprout into a fruit or a blossoming flower. The fruit or plant does not rot until after the harvesting season. The type of fruit or flower are selected from one ingested by the Vedurian recently - without ingesting or deliberately choosing one, none grow on their head. Generally, the fruit start growing after the age of 14 - 18. In most Vedurian cultures, eating your own fruit is discouraged. It is almost a cultural universal that such fruits are offered annually to someone viewed as important - usually parents or family member during childhood, and one's lover, spouse, or partner after. It is not unheard of, but somewhat strange to ingest more food and use healing magic to regenerate more food - there's always more food ingested than generated, but some people do it for ceremonial or even religious purpose.

Biological Trait

Unique traits of the Vedurian includes:

  • Sunlight Absorption: While working or standing outdoors in sunlight, a Vedurian can absorb sunlight to supplement their energy needs, reducing it by 4 - 8%, depending on how much of their body is exposed.
  • Leaves-Clothes: Vedurian are capable of forming clothes to cover themselves by using leaves and vines overgrowing their body - which leave them capable of breathing and absorbing light, without any issue of immodesty.
  • Vine & Leaves Growth: A Vedurian exhibit and shows vines and leaves on their body, of which the vines can be manipulated to touch and poke objects - but is incapable of holding anything heavy or useful. Occasionally there will be flowers.
  • Green Blood: Vedurian blood is green in nature and more viscous than human blood, with a sweet taste to them. It is known to be especially delectable for people with a taste for blood.  
  • Phenotypical Adaptation: Vedurian are capable of adopting their body to a different color and nature based on the environment they are in - over the course of a few days (Though magic can massively accelerate this).
  • Rooting: Vedurian are slower than usual, and take a slower view of life compared to other. They can extend their tendrils into the ground and absorb water and excrete metabolic wastes that way.
  • Natureborn: Vedurian are capable of communicating with animals by default - and can also communicate to a limited degree with plants - by taking root and letting their tendrils touch the plant, through which a Vedurian can gain knowledge of a plant’s condition and health, needs in simplified and understandable form, and with minutes of effort - coax or induce the plant to grow in a particular way to its benefits.


Vedurian have different phenotypes that give them different adaptability - mechanically they’re treated as much the same.

  • Leaves: The most common phenotype of the Vedurian people, those with this phenotype has a dark green to green skin, visible vines and leaves on their body, and are adapted to the heat and rain. They tend to enjoy water in this form. These are green, with smooth skin. Almost universally green, but occasionally red or blue ones can be found.
  • Stem: Representing trees, the Stem phenotypes harden their skin and body and allow for small wooden outgrowth to be formed on their body. It gives them extra resilience. Their skin is rough and there are outgrowth on the body, often a mixture of brown and green in color.


Standard Information

  • Height Range: 1.5m - 2.3 m
  • Weight Range: 50 kg - 200 kg
  • Lifespan: >300 - 900 years
  • Appearance: Youkais have Macen or Silnari like appearance in humanoid form but often with animalistic trait based on the animals they originally were. When in their full animal form they are often gigantic, powerful version of their original form.
  • Associated Cultures: Runran


Youkais are magical beings originating in the forest of the Runran continent - and not found anywhere. They are usually originally animals that have gained magical essence and energy giving them intelligence on par with that of a sapient human - and the ability to magically shapeshift into a humanoid form - though many Youkai's forms are more monstrous than most Kemonomimi.

Youkais are powerful - many of the elder one that have survived for centuries possessing a power in human form that rival a Level 6 player character or even a full on party - and some of them can transform into huge monsters - or more correctly, were originally huge monsters with a humanoid form. Half of all extant Youkais possess a talent or power for illusion or manipulative magic - and it is a coin toss on whether they use it for good or evil.

Youkais are incapable of reproduction amongst themselves - they simply are born that way - and much like beastkin Wildborn often transform with an entire family. The inability to reproduce amongst themselves - but ability to reproduce with Ekremi means that some Youkais take a humanoid form and attempt to find a human mate. It is said that the first Kemonomimi were born this way, and some scholars hypothesize that the dominant position of Kitsunes and Okamimi in Runran society to this day is to due to the original kitsune and okamimi youkais' intelligence and ability to get themselves into the first Ancient Runran society and mate with them. Unique to Youkai, any children born to a union between a Youkai and an Ekremi will always be a Kemonomimi - regardless of the mother's original Clade.

It is said that other than mating with Ekremi, a Youkai could also gain the ability to propagate by taking on a humanoid's essence - whether by devouring them or using blood magic to imbue their essence into their own. The prospect of continuing one's own lineage makes Youkais a varied and feared foe amongst the Runran society - one could never know if they intend to be your partner or predator.

Youkais specializing in blood magic were likely the originator of vampirism.


To be done

Playable Youkai

Playable Youkai cannot transform into a form stronger than a Level 1 Player Character (Pending future update for such a spell to be included) and cannot have more than 250+ years of age.


more lore to be added when I feel like it expanding on the subtypes of Youkais etc.