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The major geographical regions in the world of Drase, classified by countries or broad regions.


Mentia consists of the region chiefly inhabited by the Mentian people at Mentian Empire’s peak. It consists of the river valleys of Dirqal in the north, separated by the mentian foothills from the upper river valley of Baj and Dudosh rivers. On the west it is bounded by the Agans, on the east it is bounded by the Southern Tossou mountain range, where eastern Menti inhabits part of its river valley. To the north, it is bounded by the border of Silnaria and to the south, it ends as the Baj and Dudosh river flow south and Siuian territory is reached.


In most of its territory, Mentia has a humid continental climate with warm summer in the east and cooler summer in the west,  with snow falling in the winter months throughout - though snow cover thin out as one reaches the south. Precipitation is concentrated in the east, where rain that has not fallen on the eastern side of the Agans mountains falls, with significant precipitation in the west too as the Agans intercept whatever moisture is left and causes rain.


The Mentian region mostly grows wheat, barley, rye and beans with potatoes as a supplement. In the south, grapes and vineyards and olives can be occasionally found.

Mentian have a diverse set of livestock, and all kinds of domestic animals can be found, with a particular preference for sheep or goats where appropriate.


Mentia is divided into five geographical regions.


The Rapugnordum (Lit. Land of Thousand Lake) - Or Northern Mentia as some call it, is a region of lake-filled lowlands in the northwest of Mentia. It is known for the gradual slopes and vast amount of flatlands, lakes, and gentle, broad and shallow river valleys. Eroded, short hills punctuate the regions. There are plenty of bog and marshland in the region due to its nature.

Most rivers here are small, but the Dhoj river in the northeast is the most prominent river. The lake of Gämänor is the largest lake in Mentia, and is known for the density of settlements around it and its natural beauty.

The lakelands are heavily forested - at least in places not disturbed by human habitation. The remaining forests are heavily managed to provide a steady flow of firewood, wood pulp and construction materials. The marshland provides peat and occasional bog iron for poor peasants. The region is densely populated, with much of its fertile and farmable soil cultivated as farmland.

Significant Regional Industries: Paper, Lumber, Textile & Linen, Learning, Exotic Plant Dyes & Sheep Farming.


The Nisdum (Lit. Middle Land) - also known as Central Mentia, consists of the alluvial plains of the Dirqal river, starting from its origins in the southwestern foothill of Mentia and ending at Mentia’s northern border with Silnaria - where it transition into the Lower Dirqal Plains or the Lower Lur Plains (If you are Silnarian, but are you?). The land here is flat and highly fertile. The western side - or the left bank and tributaries are rather gentle and sloping, while the eastern side are more starkly eroded, with a sudden transition into the highlands of Toussouria.

The Dirqal river and its floodplains erode the nearby hills and mountains, making the land flat and suitable for farming. Clay deposits can be found throughout, but are especially prominent where the tributaries meet - where multiple major cities of Mentia lie.

In spite of lacking the raw materials themselves, the fact that those cities are the commercial and population center of the country means there’s a significant metal industry here. Goods are imported and exported to and from Silnaria here alongside the river.

The land is heavily deforested - with only enough forest kept for firewood and construction materials. High quality clay deposits provide for an excellent clay industry, and fertile land is provided throughout.

Significant Regional Industries: Textile, Pottery, Iron Mining, Metal Refining, Trade


Menhoashidum refers to the highlands in the southwest of Mentia, bordering The Agans. In common parlance it is often referred to as Upper Mentia, in contrast to the Lower Mentia. The region is hilly in nature, and heavily forested due to a low population. The name originates from the Mentian word for “Sheep”, for the amount of sheep that is herded by people living in this area. Elevation gradually taper down to the south, until it transitions into the forest held by the Kingdom of Ombu

The lower foothills are home to rich and varied exploitable mineral deposits. There are significant precious metals deposits here, which brings the princes that hold Menhoashidum great wealth and power.

Significant Regional Industries: Sheep Herding, Lumber, Mining (Iron, Lead, Gold, Silver) and Metal Refining.


Loravukerva - or the Lora Mountains, is a region commonly known as Eastern Mentia, named for the Lora that used to live where it is. Loravukerva is a region of mostly eroded, subdued mountains, with most of them not reaching above the tree-lines. The river valleys of the region are densely populated and precipitation is high in the area - along with snowfall in the winter.

Historically the region was heavily garrisoned against threats from the east, and outside of the river valley, the region is well defended against invasions from the east thanks to a few easily controllable mountain valleys. Canals built to Prasian territory in the north when the region was under the sway of the Prasian Empire bring much needed inland trade, and the region is full of minerals.

Of particular interest is the fact the region is a source of gold, tin, copper and silver, which made it an attractive territory to hold back in the age of the Prasian.

Significant Regional Industries: Sheep & Goat Herding, Lumber, Mining (Iron, Lead, Copper, Gold, Silver) and Metal Refining.


Hishlagojdum - Or the land of two rivers, is a region commonly known as Southern Mentia, which is home to the Southern Menti with their unique culture. The region consists of the upper alluvial plains of the Baj and Dudosh river and the fertile land in between. The land to the west is relatively arid, with most of the lands suitable for pasture only, and it is prone to drought outside of the heavily cultivated riversides.

The area is large and mostly flat, and has a hotter climate than the rest of Mentia, making it one of the few places in Mentia where wines can be made and grown - though a lot of the time richer wine imported from the south is preferred. The region has a sparkling wine tradition.

The Hishalagoji Horses - a breed of horses known for their great temperament, endurance, speed and strength originate from here and are one of the most sought after breeds of horses.

Significant Regional Industries: Winemaking, Herding (Sheep, Goat, Cattle), Horse Breeding, Trade, Olive Oil.


Modern day Silnaria consists of the areas controlled and inhabited by the Silnarian Empire and its people in modern day. The region can be divided into two.


Silnaria has an oceanic climate with relatively moderate summer and winter - though snowfall can be heavy during the winter. There is rain throughout the year. Precipitation is concentrated in the eastern river valleys, but the plains to the west also receive sufficient precipitation, especially near the coast.


The Silnarian region mostly grows wheat, barley, rye and beans as its staple crops.


Silnaria is divided into two major regions.


Thonladear (Lit. Place Between River) is the rich and fertile valleys of the Lur (Dirqal in Mentian) and Nien rivers in Eastern Silnaria - the core of Silnarian and Lathian civilization. The region consists of the alluvial plains of the rivers and mostly eroded flatland and small hills throughout, with forest near the southeastern Prasian Mountains.

There are a significant amount of lakes in the regions, where aquaculture and fishing tends to take places.

The region is intensely irrigated and farmed.

Significant Regional Industries: Silk, Agriculture, Cheesemaking, Textile & Linen, Learning, Trading, Fishing


Cangrilug (Lit. Dry Plain), consists of the plains to the northwest of Silnaria - though in spite of its name it is only relatively dry compared to eastern Silnaria - it is still very rainy by most people’s standards. The region, being of a drier nature, is less intensely farmed than its eastern counterpart, and there’s a very significant herding and horse breeding industry here.

The geographical region extends all the way to the southwest, to where it borders the Anushken federation, with the region acquiring more frontier-like characteristics as one goes southwest.

Significant Regional Industries: Horse Breeding, Cattle Herding.


Lymia is defined as an area largely east of the Tossou mountains, consisting of various mostly Tholian and Lathian city-states that rebelled against Silnaria. Nearly all of it is located in the area known as the Lymian Plains - a gigantic alluvial plains with some highlands in the west.


Lymia has an oceanic climate with relatively moderate summer and winter. Precipitation is heavy, and during the winter it becomes exceptionally so. The temperature is moderate - and snow tends to not be deep during the winter. There is heavy precipitation throughout.


The Silnarian region mostly grows wheat, barley, rye and beans as its staple crops. The southern edge of Lymia grows rice and grapes.


Lymia can be divided into three broad geographical regions.


Glariacht (Lit. Northland) is an area that defines roughly the part of Lymia north of the river Tonwu - where the climate is too cool to grow some crops and precipitation is slightly lower. The area is the only area in Lymia with significant herding industry. The Tonwu river runs through this region.

This area mostly grows wheat and other cold-resistant crops.

Significant Regional Industries: Sheep, Cattle Herding, Wool, Cheesemaking, Textile & Linen, Fishing


Chiacht (Lit. Southland) is defined as the area roughly south of the river Tonwu, where the capital and population of Lymia are concentrated. Here the climate is warm enough that some crops like silk, rice and others can be grown. The area is, however, prone to flooding occasionally, as too much precipitation can be a problem.

Extensive levees and irrigation projects have greatly mitigated the risk of flooding and created many miles of stretching, fertile farmland. The area is sparsely forested. The Suinder and Fura river runs through this region.

Significant Regional Industries: Silk, Agriculture, Trade, Textile & Linen, Learning, Trading, Fishing


Ariacht (Lit. Highland) consists of the highlands of Lymia - located on the eastern end of the Tossou Mountains. This is where almost all of Lymia’s mineral resources and trade with the Prasian are located - and here there is also riverine trade on the Sebdu river.

The area is heavily protected and jealously guarded by the Lymian government, as it contains many acres of forest with trees suitable for naval construction.

Significant Regional Industries: Mining, Lumber, Underground (Literal) Trade.


Prasia consists of the area of the Tossou mountains largely inhabited by the Prasian dwarves, and the area of highlands and valleys in between - most of the settlements of Prasia are nested in between the river valley.


Prasia has a warm humid continental climate. The summers are long, warm and humid, and winter is short, cold and wet. There is heavy precipitation throughout the year and temperature tends to be quite moderate outside of the snowcap zone - where there are sparse populations anyhow.


Prasia mostly grows barley and rye, with goat herding being relatively common. Potatoes are also grown widely ever since it was introduced to the region, with Prasian developing techniques to preserve potatoes by flash-freezing during the winter or in high altitude. Potatoes here have multiple variants.


There are two main geographical regions in Prasia


Nomtat (Lit. Green Mountain) The Prasian mountains to the northeast are the commercial heart of Prasia and its arterial heart. There is not much agricultural land, but fertile slopes are terraced to prevent runoff and to make them easier to cultivate. The area is heavily forested and known for its natural beauty.

Fruits are cultivated here intensely - mostly citrus, and the fruits produced here are known to be of high quality. In the leeward end of the mountains grapes are cultivated and made into rare but prized Prasian wine.

The valleys are densely populated and advanced canals litter the landscape - though many of them have fallen into disrepair over time, with only the most important commercial canals still being maintained - mostly those that lead to Mentia, Lymia and Sebduania.

Significant Regional Industries: Mining, Underground Trade, Shroom Trading, Spices Trading, Dried Fruits, Winemaking


The Megumimzi refers to the highlands of Prasia, consisting of a strip of raised land mostly west of the Tossou mountains that successive Prasian Empires have managed to keep tenuous hold over. The land here is mostly poor, and is largely inhabited sparsely by Lora who herd and bring their animal produce back to the mountain valleys.

Significant Regional Industries: Sheep, Cattle and Goat Herding.


Runra is a region to the northeast of the core region of Ramul Ta - to the east of Keguntan. The region is named after the largest - and most important city-state of the continent - Runra, which has established at least two empires throughout its history, and is so important that everyone outside of Runra calls the continent and region by that name.

Runra is a large continent stretching far into the northern edge of the map. The most notable trait is that it is influenced heavily by what is called “Kepen” - a term used by the Runran to describe a magical mechanism unique to the continent of Runra nad Baninta.


Kepen is one of the words for magic in the Runran language, and it is used as a term to describe a particular form of magic that influences Runra and Baninta. In land influenced by Kepen, plants and animals are influenced by magical infusions that seemingly come from the land itself - accelerating their growth between two to three times and granting some of them magical property, while making them aggressive and vicious to human life.


Kepen have several effects on the land they are affecting:

  • Increase the maximum size and growth of animals and plants by up to 2 - 3 times, subject to food constraint.
  • Increase the toughness of animal and plant tissues, though not as drastically as their size.
  • Increases the frequency of magical herbs and potentially useful medical components in plants.

Kepen doesn’t affect domesticated plants or animals to a significant degree, reducing the potential of Kepen affected land to grow crops.

However, Kepen-infested land could still be colonized easily if this was the only problem - Kepen infested animals periodically goes on what is known as a “Kepensenyo” or Magic Madness, and both preys and predators become berserk and start charging and attacking civilization or sapient humanoid within a certain radius - usually within 2 - 5 kilometers, often rampaging on and on. Kepensenyo tends to occur somewhere between 1 month to 1 year between, depending on the closeness of a settlement to Kepen infested land. Small settlements or hamlets - somewhere around 50 population or less, are seldomly targeted by Kepensenyo.

Runran believes Kepen is the will of the land and the forest, a way to get rid of those who intrude on the land. However, Kepen provide a lot of opportunities - as magically grown animals and plants have unique magical properties and materials derived from those animals tends to be stronger than that of ordinary one, creating an industry that center on hunting those animals and harvesting those plants - and indirectly led to the flourishing of alchemy in the continent of Runra.

Kepen Geographical Spread

Kepen does not, however, cover all of the continent. And outside of Kepensenyo, there is seldomly any attempts by kepen-affected animals to cross into territory of animals and trees not affected by Kepensenyo. Kepen’s strength greatly weakens or disappear in the following land:

  • Nodes - which are usually 100 - 200 km across and irregular in shape, occurring throughout the continent
  • Links - 10 - 20 kilometers wide, linking the nodes of the continent together.
  • Southern Coast - The southern coast of a continent there tends to be a contiguous area not affected by Kepen, though the “depth” of it varies greatly. The area settled by Runran civilization is the largest contiguous area known.
  • Coast - Regular strips of land free of Kepen’s influence can be found, usually up to 5 kilometers deep into the coast - they are often interrupted by coast that are influenced by Kepen. Settlements tend to be established in those unaffected coasts.

Kepen-free nodes and kepen-free links diminishes in size and reliability as you head north to the continent, and the buffer zone continuously shrinks, making the continent to the north more and more inhospitable - even if climate wise it is quite suitable for habitation.

Kepen Mitigation

Kepen can be mitigated through taking care of local nature spirits. In most of Runra, this takes the form of what is called a “Wayshrine” (Settlements in the middle of links are most prone to attack, as they border Kepen on both sides). The process for establishing a way shrine is as such:

  1. The sapling of a particularly magically potent tree - often sapling of a tree confirmed to have spawned magical creatures or fae like creatures, is taken from Kepen affected land.
  2. The sapling is planted where a wayshrine would be
  3. The sapling is nurtured over the course of 5 - 10 years until it reaches adult height, and an altar is built around it.
  4. The sapling tends to grow trees and spawn in humanoid spirits at the end of 5 - 10 years, which are non-hostile but need to be provided for. Their presence protects settlements around them for intrusion. They often take the form of a kemonomimi.

A shrine priest or priestess is assigned to look over the spirits, ensure the tree’s good health, and take care of the spawn of the tree. Their presence seems to reliably prevent Kepensenyo from targeting a settlement within around 5 kilometers of the shrine - though it is known that larger temples and more saplings are needed for particularly large settlements. It however, does not prevent animals from targeting settlements that are within the area affected by Kepen, only whether periodic intrusions target them.

Maintenance of these shrines are considered necessary for safe travels and the prosperity of settlements on the edge of Kepen-affected area, and they often take on extra religious experience and grow in time, beyond what is absolutely necessary to placate spirits of Kepen.


Runra has a warm, monsoonal subtropical climate. There’s a warm, very wet summer and moderate amount of rain throughout the rest of the year, with a mild winter that seldomly drops below freezing. In the far north, roughly 500 - 600 kilometers from the southern coast, snowfall starts to become regular in the winter and it turns into a warm continental climate, with less frequent rainfall and snowfall in the winter - but often very light.

Very strong wind carrying warm, magical moisture arrives from the southeast and goes through the entire continent (As far as Runran has explored). The monsoon comes during the summer, and brings great rainfall.


Runra is suitable for the growing of paddy rice, sweet potatoes, potato, yam, barley, millet etc.


Bay of Runra

The Bay of Runra includes the area surrounding the Bay of Runra, and is the largest contiguous and deepest Kepen-free area, where Runran civilization is speculated to have originated. The region is largely flat and contains a lot of mostly drained marshland, and has fertile alluvial soil. The area consists of a depression below the Zaza Mountains - referring to the eroded mountain range that surrounds the Bay of Runra. The Bay of Runra also includes two peninsulas to the southwest and the south enclosing the bay, and has extremely level and flat terrain throughout. The Kesa (Red) river flows into the bay.

Southeastern Coast

The southeastern coast of Runra is a geographical region that is much hillier than the Bay of Runra, running alongside the southern coast of the continent.

Eastern Drake Islands

The Drake Islands are largely uninhabited, and are located south of Runra. The region is heavily affected by Kepen and is named for the large population of drakes - flightless, dragon-like creatures. On the coasts, there are several densely populated walled cities reliant on the export of live animals and exotic produce to survive in areas where Kepen is weaker - some of which are established in areas that are heavily affected by Kepen, with the walls serving as its only defense.

The islands are important to Runra’s economy as one of the most easily accessible sources of exotic natural materials.

Zuzasu Coast

The northwestern regions of the Bay of Runra are slightly elevated above the rest, and have relatively rich mineral wealth. The western coast of Runra is devoid of dense settlements - with most settlements instead being up north linked by land to the civilization of the Bay of Runra.


Detanarya refers to a large basin in the northeast of Bay of Runra, and is accessed by land through the Detanarya corridor - or for those who wish to brave the river, through heavily fortified river barges or ship up River Be (The River Between). The basin has rich land and a humid climate and rich resources, making it one of the most coveted regions in Runra.


Baninta is the continent to the direct north of the main continent of Ramul Ta and Pinnacelia - named as “Wildlands” by the Runran. Like the continent of Runra, it is affected by Kepen, but to a much more heavy degree. Unlike the continent of Runra, there is no great magical wind that makes the continent warmer and wetter. As a result, the region is much less heavily inhabited than Runra.


The island of Irtutia and West Drake Islands has a hot-summer continental climate with rain concentrated in the summer and most of the year and relatively moderate climate. As one goes north, one runs into a warm-summer climate and winter gets considerably harsher. The inner part of the continent is largely unexplored, but in the part where intelligent creatures have reached and inhabited - it is mostly continental climate with cold desert and tundra off the map.



Irtutia is the most heavily inhabited sub region of Baninta, and consists of a large island off the southwestern coast of Baninta, with volcanic activities. The island has fertile soil, semi-frequent volcanic eruptions and a relatively warm climate.

West Drake Islands

The west drake islands are located off the southeast coast of Baninta and are home to many different animals, most of whom have adopted to wide temperature differences compared to creatures in the East Drake Islands. As their namesake indicates, there are many drake and drake-like creatures on these islands. There are few walled cities here as it does not neighbor a major population center that can support a specialized industry based on the extraction of rare magical resources.


The area of Keguntan and surrounding it is the most suitable place in the mainland for inhabitations - other than its southeastern coast, which suffers from large Kepen coverage. The Bazukinu (Great White) river flows through the region, the top of which is frozen for part of the year. On river Bazukinu are multiple fortified outposts from which brave hunters and alchemists venture out into the cold interior of the continent to gather materials.

Inner Baninta

The region of Inner Baninta is largely unexplored and sparsely populated - though there are nodes and links, those nodes and links have not been settled densely enough to form viable polities. However, one can still find smaller settlements and tribes of Kemonomimis and Onis within.