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This article contains a list of canons important literary works in the World of Drase, with their names, author, date of authorship (If known), (original) language, and a brief description of content. The works are classified by topics and relevancy. They can be referred to in the roleplay.

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The Ulnos Saga - Unknown Author, ~PS 120

A large collection of 24 poems and epic story written or compiled by an unknown author on behalf of Empress Scre, consisting of myths involving all of the ten heroes of the traditional Silnarian religion.

Epic of Anise, Silnarian, PS 216

An epic of a priestess turned pirate who went on a 10 year voyage to find her son, not knowing the man trying to halt her was him all along. Throughout her journey she meets all 10 heroes of the Silnarian religion, each teaching something more valuable than the last. There are two iterations of the Epic, in the first she kills her son only to discover their relation afterward, yet in the second, he kills her and never knows of their relationship.

It is unknown which is the original, but it's possible the author released both versions to sow discourse. The Epic emerged around PS 210 in Silnaria, and were swiftly censored due to thoughts that the epic was an attempt to slander the relationship between Scre and her favorite son (Now stricken from history). After Chlul's death, the epic started to circulate around and is most commonly read in Lymia and Silnaria.


A Hundred Nights - Multiple Authors, Siuian, Hombaxian & Dezabian, ~PS 300

A collection of 96 poems about love, hatred and all kinds of relationship. Consist of a collection of folklores and poems in the South of Ramul Ta. Four poems were deemed unfit to publish and lost. The number of poems commonly attributed to the Hundred Nights actually number around 105 - varying between publishers and scribes, excluding the legendary stricken fours. The full collection is known to be housed in a few Silnarian libraries, allegedly plundered from Dezabian temples.

"For she is like the sun, never there when I am cold,

For she is like the sun, watching with her eyes of gold,

When she is strong she burns my heart, when she is far I cry,

For she is like my sun, lost without her by my side."

-Excerpt from A Hundred Nights, "My Darling Sun", #41


Magi-Meni Series, Aislinn Whelani, Silnarian, PS 1050 - Current

A fictional novel series targeting young girls, considering one of the most pioneering novel series in the world of Drase, and the beginning of what starts to resemble modern popular fiction. Meni is the heroine who goes on life-threatening adventures every day with her talking familiar Pip. There are many installations to the series, and two spinoff series. The series are popular amongst middle and upper class girls in the Silnarian cultural sphere, but is widely derided by reviewers for its "Lack of literary merits", "Degeneracy" and "Naive portrayal of magic." Despite all attempts by critics to censor it, the book is deemed so trivial it has not been subject to any true censorship efforts - and hatred by "adults" and "real mages" of the book only serve to make it even more popular.

Theatrical Works


On Matter of Government, Lymian, ~920 PS

A series of discussions held by a group of anonymous men in West Silnaria - all of which were speculated to be Lymian based on description of their pattern of speeches and slangs presented in the book. The discussions covered the questions of what an ideal government entailed, and discussed methods such as how to supply food and distribute wealth fairly, the necessity of voting and representation, people's inherent rights, the meaning of divine rights, monarchy, and republicanism. Though the series of discussion is supposed to be anonymous, at least two of the five men portrayed discussing matters have striking resemblance to later leaders of the Lymian rebellion. Considered mandatory reading for many people well versed in Lymian politics.

The treatises take a perspective of middle - upper class and somewhat privileged upbringing, and the discussions within influence many political thinkers to this day. The series generally fail to consider the poor - and discussion on slavery focuses narrowly on Silnarian-On-Lymian slavery, with barely a mention of beastkin slavery except portraying it as a threat to Lymian free farmers rather than a morally wrong act in itself.

Queen's Harvest, Silnarian, Ciaran Shannoni, ~750 PS

A semi-satirical, semi-fictional account of the Silnarian government and palace drama written during the Five Years War. The government anticipated future events, the split up of the Silnarian Empire, and is an indirect call for reform of the system. The author has no other known fiction to their name.

Hasaapian Manifest, Silnarian / Hasaapian, Muot Sasinen & Tady Vaoiks, ~1012 PS

An anthology of civil laws, tribal laws and discussion by several groups of Hasaapian scholars over the course of several years, mainly compiled by two Hasaapian fluent in both Silnarian and Hasaapian. The anthology was written with the general political purpose of pursuing the Lymian public that the Hasaapian causes are worth their support and attempt to portray Hasaapian as a "noble savage" stereotype to reach Lymian hearts. They contains several instances on interspecies relations, talk of cordial relation and co-operation in the western frontier between Hasaapian, Mentian and Silnarian, and proposals for laws for better integration between the species, while expressing hope for peaceful and fruitful relation between Hasaapian and the Silnaris.


Merchant of Mentia, Anonymous, Mentian, ~760 - 763

Is a pseudo-autobiographical story of a young orphan who recalled the tales of being raised by a merchant caravan who travelled across multiple countries at the height of the Western Reconquest. Most of the stories are light-hearted, but some takes to a much darker nature as the author expounded on the meaning of wars and the devastation it caused to the people in its way, especially early on. The caravan were portrayed as making hefty profit, following in the wake of the advancing Mentian and Silnarian army, and provides many first hand account of the frontier customs, including that of the beastkins still living within reconquered territories.

Records of Five Years War , Silnaria, ~750 - ~755

A collection of a series of diary entry blended with recounts of the five year war's events, allegedly written by a Silnarian soldier who participated in the five years war - participating in multiple significant events. It also contain separate sections where the soldier recounted events she did not participate in. The soldier is implied to have fallen during one of the penultimate battle before the establishment of the South Silnarian Empire. Analysis of the book however, point to the fact that the diary was likely a fictionalized description of the war, likely written by a high ranking Silnarian Colonel, as the writing were highly complex and consists of knowledge unlikely to be gleaned by a rank and file soldier. It was likely written as a tribute to a beloved soldier who indeed has fallen in battle.

Burning Wool at Sunset, Lymia, ~890 PS

Semi-fictional historical account, allegedly written by a tholian elf who was separated from his family and enslaved during the Burghers Wars. In his dreams he walked along pastures as a shepherd, recounting his life leading up to his current enslavement. Every sheep he tended to represented a memory, and every time smoke rose on the pasture in his dream, he knew a memory was gone forever. With age, the fire spread, and in his last written entries he laid aimlessly in a barren field every night, before taking his own life.

Martial Arts

Aku Ki San Zu (Book of Six Ways) - Gonpi Dozun, ~PS 950

A book talking about swordsmanship and how to duel opponents using different types of weapons, authored by Gonpi Dozun, one of the most famous swordman of his era who wandered Runra and won every single duel he was involved in, and then travelled to Ramul Ta to fight even more duel, before returning to Runra and peacefully passing away in his sleep after finishing the book. Includes four parts. Part I covers training routine and how to train with a weapon - with the author using a Daikatana himself for duel. Part II talk about weapon matchup, dueling, and how to fight. Part III is a record of over 50 duels the author participated in, his observation of his opponent's tactics, split into Chapter I - Duels in Runra, and Chapter II - Duels in Ramul Ta, covering different type of Runran and Silnarian weapons. Part IV is more religious and talk about integration of Uhazuism beliefs with his training system, how he believe that the body must be in harmony with nature to achieve greatest strength, how meditation ensured he had a clear state of mind and how Uhazuism can provide a sense of guiding, and philosophical musing on the meaning of combat, morals and killing, based on Gonpi Dozun's intervention against local bandits in Mentia during his travel.


Compendium of Materia Medica - Runran - Yupyu Sani, PS 540 - 565

A large work written over a lifetime by the herbalist Yupyu Sani, under commission from the then Emperor of Runra, including general information on all kind of medicines, a list of herbs and alchemical recipes that would treat common diseases, containing information on over 2000 types of herbs imported and native to Runra and prescriptions for treating illnesses. Split into 60 volumes.

Medic's Almanac - Silnarian, Carmag Donohoei, ~PS 750 - 767

Written during the Five Years' War, the Medic's Almanac was a collection of tips and teachings aimed for field medics in training to brief them faster than training would typically allow. The book aims to cover common herbs and remedy for wounds when magic were not available. Many soldiers received copies or even just excerpts of the almanac or were narrated its content verbally to know what to do if a mage was not closeby. A lot of the passages went over how to stop bleeding, what to do if you or someone you know has been impaled, or how to properly kill someone (or yourself) to put them out of their misery.


The Ikmit - Prasi - Multiple Authors, ~BS 1600

The Ikmit (Holy Word) is the main holy text of the Kejomujism religion, consisting of three volumes - Fobb, an explanation of the creation of the world, Kib - a collection of religious laws updated over the course of 500 years that adherent of the faith must adhere to, and the Hos (Witness) - the longest part consisting of the religion's early history including a large amount of the First Prasian Empire's history and its intertwining with divine signs and religion. The latest version of the Ikmit was compiled around 800 PS - known as the Prasi Standard Ikmit, established the modern written literary language of the Prasi.

Strategies & Tactics

Lifalai Thua - Silnarian - Bria Neigech PS - 450 - 470

A book whose title means "Discussion (on) Military), a book written by the Silnarian author Bria Neigech, consisting of four volumes, portraying Silnarian military tactics, recruitment at the height of the Silnarian Empire nearing the end of Scre's reign. The book was considered somewhat obscure at the time of Bria's natural death 30 years later, but later on resurfaced during PS 800 as the Silnarian Empire starts to collapse and authors searched through old classics looking for way to restore Silnarian Empire's height - or to defeat any potential resurgence and found the book. It became popularized and generals and authors in Ramul Ta started to gift the books to eachother and carry it as a manual and use it as a way to inspire the way they drilled and commanded their troops. The book is split into five volumes:

  • Prelude: A 20,000 words treatise on the history of the Silnarian Empire and numerous other empires - mainly the Prasian, going into depths about their history, how their cultures led them to adopt certain way of fighting, and in the author's opinions, the reasons for the Prasian Empire's stagnation, fall, and the inevitable rise of the Silnarian Empire. Contains a small word lamenting that the Silnarian Empire may not keep its peak power for long, words that were prophetic.
  • Volume I - Selection and Training: A treatise on how Silnarian soldiers are selected and trained.
  • Volume II - Organization of an Army: A treatise on how soldiers are created, formations, organization, logistics and organization
  • Volume III - Magic: A treatise on how magic are used in battles, what kind of mages should be selected, disposition of suitable mages, personality types, what kind of children shows the best potential for magic and should be picked for early childhood training, and treatise on the various schools of Magic and which one the author consider most suitable for battle (Faith and Fire)
  • Volume IV - War Machine: A treatise on war machines that are used by the Silnarian Empire, methods of construction of siege weaponries, ballista, catapult, trebuchets, warships, recommended crewing levels and equipments for a warship - and a treatise on naval warfare and how they are seen best to be done
  • Volume V - Battle Study: A study of 24 historical battles according to information available at the time, including sequences of the battle, order of battle, forces involved, and commentaries that author added on what he see as the decisive factors on these battles that led to its outcome - including tactics, equipments, disposition of the commanders etc.

Zato Ki Pubyu - Ninsan Nakonbu - ~BS 600

A book consisting of thirty maxims of wars and how it is to be executed drawing on contemporary examples during one of the warring states period of Runra.