South Azcaria

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To the west of Rumhainn, across the thousand miles arid Great Western Steppes lies the Jagged Spines - a tall and imposing mountain range that prevent any sea travel further west. Beyond the mountain range is the territory of the former Azcarian Empire - an Empire whose historical size likely exceeded that of the Silnarian Empire at its peak, and claimed to be an empire of over a hundred million people stretching for thousand of miles (Currently unverifiable).

The ancient Azcarian Empire were destroyed by a mysterious foes only known as the "northmen" who apparently had the ability to destroy it but not to pursue its survivors to the Langara islands where three rump states languishes in stagnation until the Rumhainn Royal Society expedition rediscovered them and made contact with them from the east, and played a key part in opening an Arcane Seas connection to former Azcaria and then through The Veil to Eastern Ramul Ta.

Rumors of hidden wealth and riches in vast tracts of habitable land in the west have spurred a massive flood of adventurers and colonial missions from the states of Eastern Ramul Ta to the west, most of them concentrating in the capital city of Montemara - Valdeluz, who has graciously welcomed these foreigners with open arms. The other two kingdoms are also attempting to benefit from the flow of adventures, but so far all activities are concentrated in the city of Valdeluz.


In the City of Valdeluz and the zone in general, the players can take missions or quests associated to the various factions present in the city - mostly made up of foreign nations each competing for more influence at the Montemaran Royal Court all while using the island as a base for further expeditions within the South Azcarian mainland. They can also mount independent expedition - but the Montemaran monarchy (or the other two alternative country should they choose to do it there) will take their share of the royal fifth. The player can focus on the politicking or the expeditionary / colonial side of things and the two will be tightly intertwined as success in one will bankroll success in the others, but they will have to be careful to not antagonize too many factions or do act that are considered extremely outrageous, as their patrons WILL throw them under the bus should that happen.

The hub city of Valdeluz and its surrounding uncivilized area is meant to provide a logical place for a large amount of players to have an interest in and interact in. A natural gravity zone. It is eventually intended to rapidly grow as food supply come in and more of the mainland are cleared to support its population - and new maps are released while the conflict within the city of Valdeluz and between the Kingdoms itself grow more severe.

Eventually real estates and detailed city maps will also open up.

Discovery & History

The Rumhainn Royal Society Expedition were mounted in Summer 1051 P.S. by the Kingdom of Rumhainn, an expedition mounted due to rumors of riches and land to the west that have reached the kingdom recently, but also as part of the Kingdom's competition with the Anushken for influence and territories to the west. Its key members included:

  • Captain Cian - Expedition Leader (NPC)
  • Finnian - Expedition Scribe / Translator (NPC)
  • Odette Ryder - Mentian Tholian Cleric-Paladin who served as the expedition's primary diplomatic point of contact (PC)
  • Diao Tai Feng - A Runran mechanist from Dai Hua who served as the expedition's primary engineer and archivist (PC)
  • Fazrin Masqarani - A Siuian mercenary / ex-soldier who served as a diplomat but also almost caused several incidents and severe misunderstandings (PC)

And other members who also participated on a rotational basis mainly in combat, including Asilhan "Han" Niyazin - A Mentian nomad who might have Siuian blood, Katherine Vayne - a Salvainian warrior, Aldeberto - a Salvainian warrior, Mihume Shira - a Kemonomimi warrior and Llwellyn - a Fae archer from western Mentia.

The expeditions participated in a series of events as it went from east to west, following the coastline until they finally established contact with Azcaria & the three nations of Langara Islands, over the course of 14 missions. Here's a synopsis of the events leading up to the discovery:

  • The expedition makes contact with the Rulmi tribe of Yagbu - a friendly vassal tribe of the Kingdom of Rumhainn, and engaged in conflict with the hostile centaur tribe of Temir-Kanat for its chieftain.
  • The expedition moves southwest to the land of Kara-Orun, a tribe that is more skeptical of the expedition's purpose due to their inhabitation of the fertile delta of the serpent river - one of the few pieces of easily cultivated arable land in the west. They eventually convinced the Kara-Orun to open up limited trade relation with Rumhainn before receiving their blessing to go on.
  • The expedition moved to the island of Aelrindel's Bane, an obscure tropical island that was the last known location of a historical Rumhainn mage known as Aelrindel. They made contact with the local Midorite tribes who seems to be unrelated to the Midians, and a group of reclusive aquatic goblins who were reclusive. A trade agreement were opened with the Midorites - who turns out to be able to converse in a form of Silnarian that Aelrindel's group has taught to them. Later on they discovered the fate of Aelrindel's group by breaking into a mountain complex which turns out to host several undead servants of Aelrindel and Aelrindel who has turned into an undead lich or a simple-minded undead with great magical power, before promptly defeating him and taking his research books to be researched in Rumhainn - containing key insights on necromancy and what seems to be an entire collection of fantasy novel written over the course of three centuries.
  • The expedition continued on making few contact of significance along the coast of the steppes, before reaching the Jagged Spines, where they were forced to abandon continuing westward on their ship, instead walking through the forested slope of the eastern side of the Jagged Spines. The eastern forest turn out to be host to some impoverished, technologically primitive Qua.
  • The group continued west where they encountered their first civilization out here - Dumurzan, an isolated small hold of Durkigalian Lora who evacuated here eons ago fleeing the Zamari invaders from another continent. It turns out they have not made any contacts and has been here for centuries, and have heard rumors of great western kingdoms that were destroyed in a series of catastrophe and shut themselves off from the west. They also gave the expedition clues to the origin of the Qua - they were apparently a part of a massive invasion from the underground that shut off access to the caverns. In exchange for doing mercenary work the group gained a significant amount of silver.
  • The expedition continued west, where it encountered an ice dragon (!) in the wild who was protecting a tribe of Kobolds from nearby undead, avoiding a fight with it and in turn learning that there are in fact, wild dragons in this part of Ramul Ta and there might be more to be found.
  • The expedition destroyed a group of undead who seems to be of ancient origins.
  • The expedition camped in a forest nearby as they continued and were attacked by hostile woodland spirits and dryads.
  • The expedition found what looks like an ancient ritual site and were attacked by a group of Fomorian, before spotting a fishing boat that turns out to be from Epinecote. The fishing boat would take them to the capital city of Epinecote - Brisegarde, whose King welcomed them graciously as the foreigners told them tales of far more powerful countries to the east. The other two kingdoms of Viridia and Montemara are also informed of this discovery eventually.
  • After doing some researches, the expedition found out that over a thousand years ago the Azcarian Empire opened a portal in an Arcane Rift, in what is nowadays known as Pioneer's Passage - a place of instability in the connection between the Prime Realm and the Arcane Seas that makes it much easier to open the gate. The expedition mount an expedition to the last former capital of the Azcarian Empire - Aeterna, where they found working arcane gate devices not dissimilar to Artair's Device in purpose and a large stockpile of mana crystals that went unused in the last day of the Azcarian Empire.
  • The expedition opened up the passage to the Arcane Seas, and encountered a small settlement of Azcarian pirates on a giant turtle. They defeated the pirates who inform them that the Azcarian Empire has survived on the other end of the gate. The party would sail through with a diplomatic ship from each of the Langaran Kingdoms and make contact with the Azcarian.
  • The Azcarian would bring them to their capital of Nova Aeternae, where the monarch of the Azcarian Empire - Antonius welcomed them. In a series of severe diplomatic gaffe the party member Fazrin proudly declared himself and the party diplomats of the "northmen" having misunderstood that the Azcarian were in fact, referring to the mutual ancient enemy, and afterward also demanded a full map of the entire kingdom for trade purpose and rudely demonstrated firearms by firing three times in a row without stopping. A more severe diplomatic incident were only avoided by the other party members throwing him under the bus and calling him a barbarians, which saved face for the rest of the party. Eventually the Azcarian were convinced to lift the magical spell that seems to maintain part of the veil and allow traffic from west to east to resume again.
  • The expedition returns to Rumhainn as hero and is sent back with a large amount of gifts targeted for the Kingdom of Montemara
  • The Azcarian would come under attack by a mysterious fleet on the island of Custodia which control the passage to the east, with the timely return of the strengthened expedition successfully destroying all of the invaders who left no clue to where they really came from. The expedition successfully arrive in Montemara where a princess would be taken back to Rumhainn and a royal marriage arranged between the House of de Iscari and House of Sirt, cementing an alliance between the two kingdoms.

The expedition officially ended in Year 1052, with Rumhainn forming a Rumhainn Western Expedition Company (RWEC) in order to coordinate profitable colonization & expedition enterprises in the west. The news of the discovery spread like wildfire.

Very little is actually known about the ancient history of Azcaria and its fall, due to over a thousand years of history between when it happened and current time, and the loss of records and historical accounts - most of the known literatures in the Langaran Kingdoms are more myths than verifiable history. All that is known is that it apparently fell to a combined attack by undead, monsters, beastkins and northmen who were apparently elves-like in nature with pointy ears.

Valdeluz - the Hub City

The city of Valdeluz consists of several distinctive quarters and suburbs / areas:

The Citadel Hill

The Citadel Hills are the highest point of the city and consists of several luxurious houses located on steep elevated hills, it is also where the city's citadel are located alongside a barracks for the royal guards - a group of a hundred mounted royal knights, scions of nobles warrior handpicked by the King himself to protect him. Access are restricted even for the most privileged foreigners, but several ambassadors and envoys are located here - specifically, that of Lymia, Silnaria and Rumhainn.

The Merchant District

Located right next to the harbor, the merchant's quarter is a bustling place of commerce where foreign goods are traded. Food and wine here are expensive but of good quality and many an adventurers lounge here regularly and many well to do people can also be found here. Some foreigners reside here in rented (overpriced) housings from the locals but they have not moved in in large number yet.

The Artisan District

Located behind the merchant's district and separated by a temple district from the Citadel Hill - located at the center, this is where most of the artisans are located.

The Wharf District

The Wharf district consists of nearly the entire shoreline of Valdeluz - it is unwalled as Montemara feels secure in its defenses from the sea - although it is guarded by a small castle on a peninsula extending out into the harbor. It is divided into two sections: The Commercial Harbor specifically for merchant ship, full of poor working class people where many of the dockworkers and sailors are housed but also warehouses used by merchants and foreign traders including the Rumhainn Western Expeditionary Company who owns several large warehouses.

The fisherman's district are located further away from the commercial harbor and is where most fishermen must land their catches - so that the fish's odious stench does not reach the (supposedly more upscale) commercial part of the wharf. There's no dedicated military wharf but shipyards are located in the same sector

The harbor of Valdeluz were divided into two sections shortly after the arrival of the foreigners, with one section reserved mainly for foreign ship. The Commercial Harbor is the part of the pier reserved for those commercial ships. It is a poor working class districts with densely populated buildings where many of the dockworkers and sailors are housed.

Inland Foreigner's Quarter

Part of the residential area close to Citadel Hill - separated by two blocks of mixed commoner and noble residences, were cleared out forcibly to create a dedicated Foreigner Quarters with a small defensive wall erected to keep the locals out instead of the foreigners in. Here most foreigners with permanent residency here are located. It is a small area and real estate are expensive with few large houses available and the quarter constantly expanding and driving away even more locals to meet the demand of rich and well to do adventurers.

Other Section

The rest of the walled city consists of mixed use residential and commercial sections with a mixture of mostly local and nearly no foreigner presence

Las Huertas

An unwalled section outside of the city mostly used for orchards and forestry. Recent population inflow means that displaced poorer family have moved en masse here, creating a community of poor laborers who venture into the city or the countryside regularly in search for any kind of paying work


Literally translating to outside the wall, this is another suburb of Valdeluz where the poor have historically resided en masse.

Like all cities the city is surrounded densely by farms and hamlets that supply it with food. Shipyards are built outside of the wall where space and wood are more readily available.

Geography & Climate

The South Azcarian expedition zone has a generally subtropical to tropical climate - closer to tropical in the Langara Islands especially south of Isla Baja, and closer to subtropical closer to the coast. It has a distinctive wet season from June to September that affects most of the northern coast up to the island Montemara - and a southeastern monsoon that affects Viridia, Epinecote and the eastern coast from October to November. The dry season lasts for the rest of the year with fewer rain and potential drought condition.

The Jagged Spines extend north-south and prevent any direct naval connection.

The relatively protected Azcarian Inner Sea - surrounded by the Langaran island is a shallow sea that is part of a continental shelf and home to teeming and thriving fishes - the shelf drop off somewhere to the southwest beyond the known and explored area into much deeper ocean.

Because mainland Azcaria is not inhabited, it can be assumed that nearly all of it is densely forested.

Other Inhabitants

The Azcarian Inner Sea is also home to a small group of nomadic Tretons and Uzhi who descended from a small group that migrated the other way round into the Prime Realm during Azcaria's opening of the portals, most of them however live on land integrated with the community of the Langaran Islands, none of them having preserved their previous languages.

Factions & Relationships

The city of Valdeluz - and the zone of South Azcaria is home to various factions competing for influence for the slice of the delicious Azcarian pie.

The Valdeluz League for Exploration

The Valdeluz League for Exploration is a formal organization created at the insistence of Rumhainn and Montemara to regulate the flow of adventurers. The League consists of several powerful nations in Ramul Ta - and Montemara.It is meant to regulate adventurer activity, delineate territorial rights for expeditions and generally maintain orders.

The League's authority is often undermined by internal rivalries and competing interests among its member nations. It is intended to exert centralized control, but struggles to fully govern the actions of independent adventurers, especially as they can choose to launch their expedition from Viridia or Epinecote instead - who are much less well prepared to support them but is also willing to compete for their business.

Membership in the League carries significant weight and it serves as a formal recognition from Montemara of a nation's status as a Great Power, entitled to a share of the spoils gained from Montemara's domains (Which it claims as everywhere on the river valley of Claron and everything to the west, a claim that the other two Langaran nations does not recognize but also do not have the interest to dispute..for now). Member nations of the League is entitled to keep a half of the Royal Fifth that is meant to be given to Montemara whenever adventurers land at a Montemaran port - in exchange for agreeing that the first port of landing will always be Valdeluz instead of directly circumventing Montemara to land a much farther away homepart. For long term success, staying on the good graces of the League is highly advisable, as it will act collectively against any adventurers who are seen to threaten the collective interest of the Great Powers in the League.


  • Goal: Reclamation of the mainland (Reconquista, even), expansion of national power
  • Attitude: Friendly with Rumhainn, outwardly welcoming to other, generally skeptical.
  • Rewards: Landed titles, properties within Valdeluz, promise of future territories on the mainland, serfs & servants

The Kingdom of Montemara might be the strongest amongst the Langaran Kingdoms, but it is a puny power compared to that of Ramul Ta or even rediscovered Azcaria. Its ruler, Baltasar de Iscari acted assertively to welcome the foreigners to strengthen his own country, walking a fine line between losing sovereignty and becoming irrelevant from stagnation. The League is a construct meant to ensure that Montemara gain the first claim on any territories recovered on the mainland - and by associating together and binding those Great Powers in a common goal of exploring and clearing the mainland it hopes to protect itself from any singular Great Power or Azcaria's attempt to invade its territory.

Montemara will offer very generous or stingy contract - depending on what you think, where it will promise a significant portion of cleared out land and possibly titles associated with Montemara itself and even servants - so long as the adventurers clear out even more land than were given to them. The first target for clearing and colonization is the large peninsula to the north of Montemara.


  • Goal: Exploration for scientific knowledge, mateiral gains from trade, maintaining balance of power, sponsoring (plundering) expeditions and landing the loot and knowledge within Rumhainn.
  • Attitude: Close relationship with Montemara and Epinecote, neutral to Viridia, protective of its own interest but aware of its relative weakness.
  • Rewards: Landed titles & money within Rumhainn.

The Kingdom of Rumhainn were the first country to make contact with the Langaran Kingdom and enjoy a very close relationship with Montemara thanks to King Ifo's decision to immediately arrange a royal marriage and by Montemara's acceptance. Epinecote also remembers the expedition fondly and thus is friendly to their interest. As one of the weaker Ramul Ta power it is generally trusted as a neutral power or mediator by all three powers - although the other two Kingdoms may eventually consider distancing themselves from Rumhainn due to their choice to strengthen ties with Montemara. Still, Rumhainn might be relatively weak but is geographically the closest power with no natural enemy - and is thus able to project plenty of power into the Azcarian Sea & beyond.

Mentian Empire

  • Goal: Acquiring drakes & dragons, offloading "excess" soldiers.
  • Attitude: Opportunistic trading
  • Rewards: Landed titles & money.

The Mentian Empire is landlocked, and most of its interest are done through rented Kadhoki ships. The Mentian Empire was recognized as one of the four Great Powers within Ramul Ta with a seat on the League. Its envoy is small - although a significant amount of iron and lately firearms are exported into the Langaran Kingdom through Kadho. The envoy currently has one main goal - acquiring drakes which are in very high demand in Mentia as a form of dangerous prestige mount, and possibly acquiring a tamable or self-tamed dragon for none other than the Emperor himself - to assert the Emperor's legitimacy over the rest of the Empire. Mentia is also more than willing to see excessive amount of mercenaries and soldiers take on risks and get killed or maimed in the dangerous expedition zones of South Azcaria.


  • Goal: Making money
  • Attitude: Staying neutral & making a lot of money, staying on the good sides of Mentian & Silnarian Empire and sabotaging Lymian & Salvainian interests
  • Rewards: Money & properties in Kadho.

The Republic of Kadhok is not recognized as a Great Power in the League nor is it formally in it, but because the Mentian Empire is and Kadho is the only way for Mentia to access the sea, it basically free-rides off Mentia's membership and maintain its own independent envoy. Compared to Mentia it has no overt goal besides making money and is more than eager to export technologies as it has no colonial ambitions in the far west yet. But it may change its mind later on...

Silnarian Empire

  • Goal: Maintaining prestige & acquiring knowledge.
  • Attitude: Countering Lymian interests without causing open conflicts
  • Rewards: Money & properties. (Landed titles are unlikely for non-Silnari)

The Silnarian Empire is one of the four Great Powers recognized and with formal membership on the League. Silnaria has its own general interests in exploring further to the west, but it is too pre-occupied with its territorial ambitions elsewhere to consider serious efforts to colonize the west. However, it is more than eager to acquire more knowledge from expeditions within South Azcaria, especially the legendary magic that is known.

Republic of Lymia

  • Goal: Acquiring money and potential land-based colonies and naval bases for dominance of the spice trade
  • Attitude: Nominal Salvainian ally, but in truth just looking out for its own money.
  • Rewards: Money & properties.

The Republic of Lymia is very interested in establishing naval bases in the area and further exploration - being a navally oriented nation who see the opportunity for even more naval land grab. South Azcaria is a massive oyster to them waiting to be cracked and eaten and gobbled up in the name of glorious Lymia.

Salvainian Empire

  • Goal: Colonization & staking its claim.
  • Attitude: Anything that serve the motherland's interest.
  • Rewards: Money & properties & land grants

The Salvainian Empire is a rich and powerful nation in Eastern Ramul Ta who has suffered some recent setbacks when it comes to expanding by land - and thus is deprived of an expansion route. With the discovery of South Azcaria the Salvainian Emperor has seen opportunity for more land grabs and future Salvainian colonies. For now, it will likely stick to clearing out places and simply sharing some loot and taking in knowledge while remaining on the good sides of the Langaran Kingdoms.

Domestic Factions (Valdeluz)

Artisans (Collective)

  • Goal: Honest living
  • Attitude: N/A
  • Rewards: Money & Reputation

The various artisans of Valdeluz would very much love to work with exotic materials from all kinds of materials adventurer party could gather, and would pay a handsome sum for this.

Merchant (Collective)

  • Goal: Expanding commerce, anti-pirate / banditry
  • Attitude: N/A
  • Rewards: Money & Reputation

The merchants of Valdeluz (and really, other countries) in general would pay bounty on any pirates - there's very few bandits around due to the compact nature of the island but there might be occasional criminals taking advantage of the sudden inflow of wealth, and piracy is becoming a growing problem due to increased traffic - with pirates taking shelter in the uncivilized portion of the coast, moving their bases whenever it is threatened by the monsters that dwell on the mainland. These merchants would gladly put bounty to end these pirates.

The Other Two Langaran States

Kingdom of Viridia

  • Goal: Reclaiming the mainland & protecting its independence
  • Attitude: Friendly with Epinecote as an underdog, will welcome adventurers that choose its side.
  • Rewards: Land grants on the mainland & money (small)

The Kingdom of Viridia is the poorest Langaran nation and is willing to offer adventurers significant benefits should they choose their side - including land grants on the mainland. Like Montemara it sees territory on the mainland as its rightful heritage and recolonization as the way to maintain the viability of its statehood. Unfortunately it lacks much leverage on the surface...

Kingdom of Epinecote

  • Goal: Reclaiming the mainland & protecting its independence
  • Attitude: Friendly with Viridia as a fellow underdog, will welcome adventurers that choose its side.
  • Rewards: Land grants on the mainland & money (small)

The Kingdom of Epinecote is one of the poorer nation and is willing to offer adventurers significant benefits should they choose their side - including land grants on the mainland. Like Montemara it sees territory on the mainland as its rightful heritage and recolonization as the way to maintain the viability of its statehood. Unfortunately it lacks much leverage on the surface...

Subnational Factions

Pirates & Smugglers (Collective)

  • Goal: Yarr Harr
  • Attitude: N/A
  • Rewards: Money

Piracy was not a big problem before the arrival of the foreigners - there was simply not enough wealth around and most of the ships were close to shore. However, with the rise of international trade and adventurers potentially carrying unimaginable wealth from the mainland pirates has started to appear, inhabiting hideouts on the mainland in area known to be relatively safe and evacuating whenever undead hordes or monsters happen upon them. For now, the pirates are relatively few in numbers and are made up of basically 100% locals, using fast overcrewed ships to overtake merchants - most of them lightly with zero firearms or cannons. It probably won't take long before the pirates of the region become more organized and rogue captains from eastern nation join them though. They'll also be eager to smuggle goods where possible to be sold elsewhere and explore possibly unknown route into the region.

Expedition Zones

South Azcaria can be divided into various expedition zones with different kind of danger.

Southern Peninsula

The Southern Peninsula is a point of focus for the Kingdom of Montemara - its proximity to Montemara means it is seen as a suitable starting point for its effort of recolonizing the mainland, while it is far away enough from river Claron, Aeterna and the former main population center of South Azcaria to be not totally infested with undead. Expeditions here will be focused on clearing future land and any found dungeons in order to prepare it for future colonization.

Expedition by non-League sponsored party are considered illegal and is dangerous due to its proximity to Montemara.

Aeterna / Claron River Mouth

Aeterna and the river mouth of Claron is a formerly densely populated area (Circa over a thousand years ago). The city of Aeterna was a massive capital that might've had over 500,000 people at its peak - with many refugees living in its outskirt before Azcaria's final destruction. That means there's a great concentration of wealth and knowledge to be plundered in intact buildings left in the capital - as the undead hordes that overwhelmed it did not loot it systematically and many important buildings remain sealed. However, it is extremely dangerous with a large amount of undead that might take years to wander out - and as it is close to densely populated countryside wandering undead could move in at any moment. Adventurers are advised to stick to the river itself preferably on an armed and well-crewed ship.

However, due to the great value contained in the city of Aeterna and its surrounding, Montemara have claimed the city as its exclusive right to be jointly excavated by parties sponsored by it - and any violation is going to be seen as illegal and can be met with lethal attacks. The countries participating in the League do not seems to object to this.

Northeastern Coast

The northeastern coast of Azcaria was decently populated and likely contained various smaller settlements, it is a relatively safe zone to explore (At least compared to river Claron), and inhabited by a mixtures of various kinds of faunas and floras.

Dragon Coast

The Dragon Coast is the narrow strip of coast to the west of the Jagged Spines - widening toward the top. It is so named because the Rumhainn Royal Society Expedition encountered a living breathing ice dragon when they descended from the mountain of Dumurzan. It is likely those dragons are native to the Jagged Spines or the mountain range to the north, and can be found very very rarely in this area. Drakes is also rumored to be native to this area and could be captured given sufficient efforts. The city of Dumurzan also produce a massive amount of iron, silver and almost endless minerals - so merchants from the three Langaran nation may occasionally want to form well-protected caravan to the dwarven city to trade for metal goods.

Types of Danger

There's various kinds of dangers within the area of South Azcaria, including:

Undead Horde

Undead were animated en masse by the "Northmen" by means unknown and may or may not be self-propagating. They largely draw from the dead denizens of the former Azcarian Empire and many of more capable one were former soldiers (i.e. fight like a mix of early to mid late Roman Empire and early post-classical soldiers) supported by powerful mages. They tends to wander from place to place or gather idly without command at places of great massacre and symbolism, some even irrationally participating in "worship" of old temples. These undead generally has no known agenda.

Woodland Spirits / Creatures

South Azcaria is densely forested and generally subject to a higher level of magical power than most of Ramul Ta, which leads to plenty of awakened and potentially hostile magical creatures wandering around.


A small group of Fomorian travelled the other way round into the Prime Realm and taken up residence in the Azcarian Inner Sea and may occasionally attack people there.

Dangers that are NOT present

The mythical "Northmen" or beastkins that were allegedly part of the people who destroyed Azcaria has 0 actual known presence in South Azcaria, do not present them as enemies.

GM Guidelines

There's some general guidelines to ensure that South Azcaria remain an area of repeatable RP content:

  • Do not explore more than 100 miles in land
  • Do not allow exploration of land way farther to the south / north or create a lot of undue mapmaking burden (I need to write lore and draw map..)
  • Do not causes major conflict between the various factions without a headup!

You're allowed to do all of the above with a "Yes" from me, but for now, stick to easily runnable skirmishes!