Staff Guidelines

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Some general guidelines on what you need to do as a staff, and how to do it.

General Guidelines

1. Act Professionally - do not act out, cause dramas. Strive to de-escalate and solve problems.

2. Be reliable - don't shirk your duty, finish up tasks you've started, and be proactive in doing your job as staff

3. Don’t instigate conflicts - Whether with players, other staff or the community. Solve problems, don't start conflicts, and don't use confrontation as a method of solving problems, especially with staff.

4. Don’t abuse authorities, don’t ghost - Staff should not abuse their authorities nor ghost RP or engage in behavior that are undesirable as a normal roleplayer.

5. Be constructive & honest - Comments and discussion should be aimed at arriving at a good solution. And questions / discussions should not be taken with hidden purposes

6. Be nice - Be nice

If you choose to join staff, you are expected to do it because you are interested in the server’s continuous success, and are committed to its vision in the long term, not out of selfish interests.

All staff are expected to participate actively in Drase’s design and balance decisions as much as they are able and willing to. It encourages a healthy environment.

All staff are entrusted with the confidence and ability to do their job as they see fit. Which means you should not beat yourself up over mistakes or incorrect decisions, because they are a part of life. We learn and move on.

There will be no punishment dealt out for honest mistakes in Staff or incorrect decisions in staff. Only abuses will be punished.

Activities Requirement

All staff are expected to be active. Activities of any kind in the capacity of a staff will count toward the requirement. This includesModeration, Sub Checking (RP Claims or Submission, depending on which is available), Game Mastering and Overhaul (Content creation for the server). All staff are expected to engage in sub checking / GMing, even if it is just reading RP claims. RP Claims is expected to be the main source of visible activities, since new character submissions don’t come by very often. No submissions should be sitting for longer than 2 days. New players for 1 day.

Inactivity & Reinstatement Policy

If inactive for 14 days, or taking a planned break, a staff member will be moved to the community helper role internally in staff server with a "On Break Staff", with the expectations that if you are inactive you won't be chipping in on policies. If inactive for 14 days longer than that (Aka total 28 days), they'll be removed from the staff server.

Formal break can last for 1 month before they lose staff perm.

If a staff failed trial due to inactivities and were removed as a result, they'll have to restart the process.

If a staff member went inactive after making it to full staff (Or were a community helper for 28+ days and active during that time), and informed us of the planned break, then if they ask within 3 months, they'll be reinstated to the staff position they were at previously, immediately. If the staff went inactive without leave, then whether they'll be reinstated or made a junior staff will be made at admin discretion.

Staff Privileges

  • If a staff has not had any of their characters quest within a month and have put in substantial activities (Especially hosting a quest themselves, for non-staff), then they get high priority and first dip on quest.

Junior Staff

Junior staff are expected to be on trial for 1 calendar month, and if they do not exhibit sufficient activities, they will be removed. Junior staff do not have access to any staff privileges.

Staff Structure

All staff are expected to fill in the part of a checker - which includes checking RP Claims and Character Submissions. There are additional roles someone can fulfill.


Ansari. Final decision maker for major decisions on staff or server directions or major server plot line or lore change.


Admins are the highest level people in Drase and trusted to make important decisions for the server together with the Owner. They are authorized to make emergency decisions where needed on behalf of the owner if he is absent.

Specifically they may:

  • Approve or review staff projects or additional but non-revolutionary contents
  • Deal with administrative matter or problematic approved players
  • Advance major plotlines or set up major plot points they own
  • Is allowed to retcon someone else’s quest or roleplay contents as needed


Mod are staff members that also have other responsibilities, but are entrusted to help enforce administrative actions against unruly people.

Plot Master

A Plot Master is a highly trusted member of the staff, and is entrusted with the ability to make and approve major plot decisions. This means they can:

  • Approve or create a local settlement of high significance and determine its fate.
  • Make up local regional laws, tradition, food, etc.
  • Make up regional cults, organizations, variations of main cultures, antagonists as they want.
  • Make up NPCs as they want, subordinates and such of main, named NPCs and set up meetings as they want (Within reason). Change of major fate or major international events still should ask for approval.
  • Anything pertaining to the above scope and intentions within reasons.

Basically, plot master may do anything they like within the lore / plot as long as it isn't something that is so big it gotta get on the wiki.

Game Master

A game master is expected to host quests and events for players, they can advance major plotlines that they own or are trusted to do so by admin(s).

A Game Master is seen to be doing their quest for the benefit of advancing plots and providing entertainment to the players. They are expected to be not doing this out of a desire to push an agenda for their own PCs and or derive benefits from it.

Activity Requirements:

  • Average of 1+ GM claim per month. Inactive PGM will be removed - nothing personal. We want an accurate count of how many active PGMs we have.
  • Good, consistent hosting with no ghosting or ethical issue


Occasionally, a guild, organization, or even countries might be declared to be "owned" by a GM or two. This means they're primarily responsible for maintaining the organizations and determining its course of action, may modify its lore within reason to simulate organic growth and change, control its roster and its power. Before making any major change that would approve its plot, owners should be asked.

Player Game Master

A non-staff staff role, that has limited access to the staff server (For the purpose of discussing plots and gaining access to resources). Does not need an actual full application.

Initial Requirements:

  • 3 weeks in the server
  • Approved
  • Show good knowledge of the system and ability to handle learning and hosting quests.
  • Good person. No significant rule infringement issues.
  • Decent writer.

Activity Requirements:

  • Average of 1+ GM claim per month. Inactive PGM will be removed - nothing personal. We want an accurate count of how many active PGMs we have.
  • Good, consistent hosting with no ghosting or ethical issue

Sub Checker

A staff member who is dedicated to checking submissions. Also includes RP claims.

Forge Master

A staff who, on top of reviewing submission, is dedicated to writing and balancing mechanics.

Lore Master

A lore master is someone responsible for writing or owning a significant portion of Drase's lore. In area that they own, they have the discretion to add details and make any changes they like. Only major changes that impact other areas or ongoing / planned campaign needs to be approved or coordinated with others. They'll also have access to the wiki by default.

Wiki Master

A staff or community helper dedicated to helping out with the wiki.

Claim Checker

Someone who checks RP Claims, and not necessarily other submissions.


A staff who is dedicated to helping new players create a character and translate character concepts and teaching them about the system.

Community Helper

A community helper is not expected to perform any moderation or debate staff policies (Nor can they), and have the same activities standards as other staff. They won’t have the staff role in the main server.

They will be in the staff server, but opt out of the main staff chats where policies and administrative actions are discussed.