The Knights of Firmament

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The Knights of Firmament
The Order of Knight of Firmament of Adelqin of the Archdragon Cathedral
Knights of Firmament.png
Formation774 PS
  • Qinism Military Order
  • Military Academy
  • Governmental Law Authority
  • As lawmen of Crownland and Middle Mentia, to protect the safety of the citizens and guests of the land, while assuring the upholdment of the laws and order.
  • Keeping the cities of Middle Mentia and the surrounding travel routes safe from threats such as bandits or wild monsters.
  • Maintaining and ensuring the existence of adequate battle prowess if the country would ever require to call upon the Order in dire times.
  • Providing institutions to educate and train fledgling bloods to uphold the three knightly virtues in their sword and their heart, among those are; modesty, honesty, and self-control.
  • For further details, refer to the Knights of Firmament Handbook - 6th Edition.
HeadquartersShaslandi, Middle Mentia
Grand Master
Argenta Fürrgeorn
200+ Knight, 800+ Knights, 2,500+ Esquire, 7,500+ Enlist


The Order of Knight of Firmament of Ädelqin of the Archdragon Cathedral (Sötsdt mi Brippfo mi Schprüfhich mi Ädelqin mi Willtinnsch Flärts Draubblyfnu, IPA: zøːtst mɪ ˈbʁɪpfɔ mɪ ˈʃpʁʏfhɪx mɪ aˈdelqin mɪ ˈvɪltɪnʃ flɛʁts ˌdʁaʊˈblyfnʊ), also known as the Knights of Firmament, or the Order of Archdragon Cathedral, is a Qinism military order and one of the most powerful and popular religious military orders in Ramul Ta. The organization was founded almost three centuries ago, in the year 774 PS, twenty years after the crowning of the first Mentian Ruler, Emperor Ädel‌hidh.

Organization Ownership: Asia founded and created the organization and may GM their NPCs. Other GMs can also roleplay as its NPC.


In response to pressure from foreign religions and the need for the new Mentian ruler - Ädel‌hidh to assert their independence, an organized priesthood was formed centered on Shaslandi in the year 775 PS - within which a new House of Wisdom was constructed, housing the national heads of the cults of the four dragons. A cathedral was also built, serving as the main site of religious worship. The construction was finished sixteen years later.

As the main sites of pilgrimage were constructed, the Qinism followers traveled from as far as the edge of what is modern day Middle and Upper Mentia territory to Shaslandi for guidance in spiritual matters. The safety of Shaslandi’s wall, unfortunately, does not extend towards the rest of Shasdum nor Middle Mentia, and often defenseless pilgrims would find their fate ends in the hands of bandits and monsters. In 774 PS, the Holy Knight Anthuria Einherjar approached the Emperor’s court and proposed the creation of a knight order for the protection of those who traveled inside of Shasdum. The Emperor agreed to the request and granted the crypt of the Archdragon Cathedral as the headquarters.

The Knights of Firmament was formed with Anthuria as its first Grand Master, alongside other eleven knights. Succeeding the tremendous success of the Knights of Firmament in only a couple of years, Bishop Äglovale of Shasdum advocated the Order towards the High Council of Shaslandi, which in turn officially approved and endorsed the Order on behalf of the church of four dragons. The favor of the church boosted the reputation of the Order massively, gaining monetary donations from wealthy believers, connections, and even noble-born sons and daughters from notable families, as the title of being a member of the Order was highly coveted and praised for. Anthuria was canonized as a Saint of the Qinism Church five years after her death.

Formed for the original objective of protecting pilgrims and travelers around Shasdum, the Order gradually transformed into what it is at the current time, the lawmen of Crownland, keeping its citizens safe and creating and upholding laws for all. With the diminishing of the High Council’s power following the decentralization of the Mentian Empire, The Knights of Firmament rose in power as one of the most prominent and powerful organizations in the Mentian Empire. The Order is tremendously supported by the Emperor and the nobles, as their warfare prowess is needed more than ever before, acting as the vanguard of the Middle Mentia armies.

Its presence has spread far and wide beyond the realm of Shasdum, with personnel stationed on Nupazdum, Wushjikum, and Yungikum, practically reaching the entire territory of Middle Mentia. The Order retains a certain degree of prestige in Ramul Ta as well, with foreign people often recognizing the Order’s name as one of the words which would surface in their mind when the name Mentia is mentioned, aside from civil war. This recognition came from the fact that there are many legendary names that originated and reside within the organization, alongside the reputation of their fearsome prowess and skills in the battlefield, greatly contrasting to their warm hospitality when receiving outlander guests.

Important NPCs

Knights of Firmament HQ - Shaslandi

Grand Master Argenta Fürrgeorn

5’6 Female Fire Macen, 22 years old

The infamous Vermeil Wyrmknight, a newly appointed Grand Master of the Knights of Firmament, after the previous Grand Master had passed away a year before. She is the daughter of Leonhard Fürrgeorn, Viscount Läcrosse. Hailed as a highborn from a noble family of knights, she was renowned for her once in a century prodigal swordsmanship ability, dauntless leadership, and tactical acuity. Her promotion had raised quite heated controversy, as she is viewed to be far too young to hold such a position with tremendous responsibilities.

However, the doubts which follow her closely are quickly dispelled by the showing of her immense competence in carrying out her duty as a Grand Master. Her fame and prowess is renowned far and wide by many in every part of the continent, recognized as one of the strongest knights to ever exist in the history of the Empire of Mentia. As she becomes the ultimate symbol of victory, her title strikes fear towards the heart of her enemies, frequently referred to as the First Sword of the Empire. Her other epithet also includes the Ascendant Vanguard and the Red Haired Knight.

Argenta’s duties include, but not limited to: makes the final call for major decisions of the Order, managing the organization’s overall operations, taking the role of the highest commander of the forces in the case of large scale mobilization, etc. Albeit rigid at times, she has a righteous personality and high sense of chivalry. Argenta takes all of her responsibilities and duties associated with her role seriously– a bit too seriously, regardless of how minor the tasks may seem. As a result, she often would tire herself from overwork, much to the concern of her fellow members.

Her work ethic makes her well-liked by both Shaslandi’s citizens and the other Order's members. On top of that, because of the grand scale of her power and influence, her name is placed as a major player into the radar of various influential and infamous figures, organizations, society, and nobility throughout Ramul Ta. Although she prefers using peaceful methods to solve problems, she will not hesitate to use force if necessary.

Acting Grand Master Chrono Adalsteinfostre

6’1 Male Air Macen, 25 years old

The Knight Commander of the Reconnaissance Brigade, and one of the three Knights who currently hold the titles inside of the Order. Chrono was born from the House of Adalsteinfostre, which while not quite the member of nobility, is still renowned because of them being the direct descendant of Anthuria Einherjar, the founder of the Order. He is known for his extremely refined swordsmanship which combines the might of Aero magic through a swift series of attacks, thus his title, the Thunderswift Knight.

Chrono was originally the former assistant and apprentice of the late Grand Master Arnoux Vollhardt, until his untimely death a year ago. He was unanimously chosen as the favored replacement for the Grand Master, as he had already proven his outstanding qualities in all aspects to take on such a position. However, for circumstances only known by the select few members of the Order, he decided to refuse the promotion. It was instead passed towards the person who he sees and trusts as the best fit, his junior, Argenta.

His duty as the Knight Commander of the Reconnaissance Brigade is of course, to act as a guiding hands for the Reconnaissance Brigade of the Knights of Firmament, which missions are to survey the territory of Crownland and Middle Mentia, observing and noting the existence of threats, identifying obstacles, and establishing planned routes for various type of missions. As for late, his duties are being split between his original responsibilities and to fill the empty seat of the Grand Master temporarily, as most of the other capable members are away for the civil war.

Chrono is highly popular amongst his subordinates because of his relaxed demeanor towards rules, a trait which is highly contrasting with Argenta. Despite the tremendous obligations placed on his back, his personality remains laid back as ever, frequently sharing drinks with the knights in his free time. Although, even if his exterior appears to rarely take things seriously, he is far and away from someone who would shirk their duties simply because they find it troublesome.

Knightmaster Äletheia Barbarossa

5’7 Female Water Macen, 26 years old

The Knight Commander of the Cavalry Brigade and the Captain of the Holy Knights. Äletheia is a knight who is infamous because of both her intellectual capacity and prowess in battle, as she utilizes an elegant combination of fencing and Aqua magic. She is among the three knights who hold a title in the Order, dubbed as the Permafrost Knight. Äletheia is a noble, daughter of Goswin Barbarossa, Earl of Altenhaven. Barbarossa is a noble family whose members have served as the esteemed royal guard of the rightful Emperor for generations.

Alongside Argenta Fürrgeorn and Chrono Adalsteinfostre, Äletheia had studied directly under the late Grand Master Arnoux Vollhardt. As the oldest and arguably the academically smartest amongst the three, she had always been there to take the reins of the others. Äletheia was the second favorite for the Grand Master candidacy. However, in a similar vein to Chrono, she believes that Argenta has the highest potential out of the three of them and advocated for her to take the position.

As the Knight Commander of the Cavalry Brigade and the Captain of the Holy Knights, Äletheia has a command over all of the elite combat units of the Knights of Firmament. Under the Holy Knight banner are composed among the most skilled knights in the Order. On the other hand, the Cavalry Brigade, which fought while mounted on horseback, are the most mobile of the combat arms. The Cavalry Brigade is largely divided into two types of mounted units. The light cavalry roles include reconnaissance, screening, and skirmishing in the front line. The heavy cavalry is depended as the first line of assault for a decisive shock attack.

It is only fitting, as the commander for such prestigious units, that Äletheia is reputed to be the perfect embodiment of what an elite knight should be. She has a mastery over every type of arms, possessing a remarkable degree of etiquette, and fundamentally honed every skill that one would expect from a knight. Because of this, she received the epithet of Knightmaster.

Chief Alchemist Olga Dy’uum

4’3 Female Lora, 31 years old

Olga is the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Firmament Headquarters, who also holds the position as the Knight Commander of the Investigation Brigade. She is regarded as one of the most brilliant alchemists in the Mentian Empire, once offered the invitation to become the court alchemist for Emperor Waltram II Draungo himself. As she greatly adores the late Grand Master Vollhardt who had taken care of her since she was a child, she ultimately answers with a refusal to such a prestigious title.

Her title of Chief Alchemist aligns with her duty as the Knight Commander of the Investigation Brigade. The core purpose of the Investigation Brigade is to provide the organization with various types of practical inventions to suit specific needs, serving to help and aid their endeavors. The Brigade also routinely conducts worldwide and historical research. The resulting data would be compiled to be utilized later as they investigate interesting and mysterious phenomena that may arise around Middle Mentia, which would likely be discovered by the Reconnaissance Brigade.

Albeit being quite literally a genius, Olga retained a set of personalities and antics that befitting of her height, rather than her age. She is mischievous, full of energy, and filled with curiosity, for the better or the worse. Because of these bright traits, she also had been teased by being called as a “mascot” of the Knights of Firmament. Amongst her peers, she is one of the most popular knights with the children. One would occasionally find Olga as she gives lectures in the academy or plays with the town children. But more often than not, she would be missing for a period of time from the public eyes as her nose is deep on certain research.

She also possesses another skill which is highly sought after and coveted from enthusiasts around Shasdum. That is, her masterful bartending proficiency. It might be an idiosyncratic case where the deft hand and mysterious machinations of a master alchemist would manifest itself in the form of Alcohol Mixing abilities. Given the outlandish ingredients and way in which she concocts her poison, it would completely deter some people simply from witnessing it. However, the little numbers of brave souls who have dared to try it for themselves would fall to their knees, as they realized that they would probably never again find the joy of relishing better beverages in their life. After all, in their words; “I have discovered the Magnum Opus of a cocktail”.

Colonel Lothos Vollhardt

5’4 Female Lathian Silnari, 22 years old

The Colonel of the 2nd Intelligence Regiment. Lothos is the granddaughter of Arnoux Vollhardt. She assumed the position after undergoing her accolade ceremony four years ago, quickly rising in ranks. Because of the memories that are still fresh imprinted in the mind of the Order members who wholeheartedly respect and love their previous Grand Master, many of them would instinctively treat her with extra care, as if she was their own little sister or nephews.

This treatment, coupled with their often boisterous behaviors, are highly disliked by the person in question. She would rather that they see her just like everyone else who are doing their duties to the utmost– which in turn, further reminded them of Arnoux, resulting in them pampering her even more.

Her responsibilities is to oversee the sorting and transferring process of each mission to the adequate regiments and companies. She would also provide briefing if required, mostly for a specifically designated mission with high difficulties.

Lothos is an empathetic individual, often expressing her distress towards the increasing attacks by bandits and monsters around Middle Mentia, as the Order, who are tasked for its suppression are occupied by the wars in the frontline. Having a high sense of justice and ultimately would protect Middle Mentia and its people with her life, her personality is quite similar to her grandfather. She would be more than glad to direct prospective adventurers who are willing to aid them and take on any of the piling subjugation missions.

Chief Investigator Eric von Löwenstein

6’1 Male Earth Macen, 26 years old

Chief Investigator of the Knights of Firmament Headquarters, as well as the Colonel of the Excavation Regiment, Investigation Brigade. Eric is a highborn scholar who is known for his brilliant deduction, engineering, and archaeology skills.

The Regiment which he leads is responsible to sort, gather, and analyze the news of interesting, extraordinary, or mysterious phenomena which might arise in Middle Mentia. Eric would be the first in line where one should report the case of a major unexplainable phenomenon, which knights may encounter in their missions. Though, the source of the information is more often coming from the Reconnaissance Brigade.

As the name suggests, the Excavation Regiment mainly conducts their activities through past data, historical, archaeological, and clinical field research to come to a satisfactory conclusion that would answer the said phenomenon using a number of theories. However in some circumstances, investigation using other means such as through arcane research are also not rare instances.

Eric’s personality resembles that of a suave nobleman, fitting to his refined and elegant appearance. He has a hobby to throw around sweet lines, which, coupled with his looks, would instantly melt the heart of your everyday maidens in Shaslandi. Although his traits may not suggest it, like any other Knights of Firmament, he upholds the proper integrity of a protector of Middle Mentia.

Master Blacksmith Argus

9’10 Male Titan, 244 years old

An ancient titan who can be found near the Dragonhearth Forge, as the Master Blacksmith of the Knights of Firmament. From his perspective, etched the long history of the Order as he witnessed more than a half of its existence. Nobody in the current generation of knights knows exactly regarding his origins, aside from the few very knowledgeable, equally old members such as Gazholf Vesterstörm. One thing they are certain about him, is the high quality of the steel he produced that they would trust with their life.

As the Master Blacksmith of the Order, he has a firm command over the legendary Dragonhearth forge and dozens of other skilled, fire hardened blacksmiths. Naturally, his incredibly polished experience shines in every piece he smithed onto. As he ensured that the forge ran on its course to equip the knights with the best armaments possible, he also indirectly gives learning experiences to the other blacksmith with every strike of his hammer, accomplishing multiple meaningful tasks at once.

Argus is a man of very few words. He would almost appear as apathetic to those who don't know him better, and that would be a healthy assumption considering how long he has lived. Coupled by his rugged and intimidating appearance, it often deters newer members from engaging with the old blacksmith more deeply. However, for the others who interact with him regularly, his true nature of a compassionate and wise individual would be as apparent as the sun on midday summer. Some say that he hadn’t gone senile yet only because of the amount of focus and dedication he puts into his creations, every single day, for centuries. The ultimate purpose of his life is to recreate a weapon of the equal, if not greater quality as the legendary sword of the Knight of Firmament, Anthuria Einherjar, which is smithed by the lora kings of old in their ancient mountain forges, based on historical anecdotes.

Ordinary Members

Captain Alphonse Grünewald

5’6 Male Hyena Kemonomimi, 65 years old

The Captain of the 3rd Company, 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion. An energetic veteran knight and a loving grandfather that likes to brag about the growth of her little granddaughter to his fellow knights.

Originating from Lanasentu, he was assigned as part of the 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion of Shasdum fifteen years ago. His role is quite major in recent times, with most of the other knights being deployed to defend the borders.

As the Captain of the 3rd Company, his duty is to lead his subordinate and identify any threats to nearby settlements outside of the city walls, such as monsters or bandits on the southern side of Shaslandi’s river embankment. Alphonse is also responsible for directing and ensuring the success of the newly conceived Operation Windmill.

Round-Nose Barry

4’6 Male Midorite, 18 years old

Barry is a young midorite who is often seen loitering around the sparring ground of the HQ or the streets of the city. Because of his slacker and lazy nature, he would often get scolded by his superior and put into disciplinary action, which makes him also prominently seen cleaning the church ground. He is a member of the 3rd Reconnaissance Company.

Although he isn’t the most diligent person you’d met, he is surprisingly quite capable in combat. His skill is equivalent to that of an esquire, which would make him stronger than trained soldiers. The reason for this is because he has a hobby of sparring with the other members– that is, when he isn’t feeling lethargic or hungry. Or, when he isn’t trying to swoon every pretty girl he sees for the hundredth time, resulting in him being reported as a stalker and facing yet another disciplinary action.

Often, Barry would mimic Colonel Eric’s way with words when trying to flirt with a girl, only to fail miserably. He is insecure with the shape of his nose, and dislikes it if someone were to call him with his nickname.

Knights of Firmament - Voznupaz

Headmaster Otto Randel

4’5 Male Lora, 74 years old

Otto is the Knight Commander / Headmaster of the Military Academy. He is a former Imperial Master who hailed from one of the most prominent Fencing Societies in the Mentian Empire, the Freefencers of Saint Brandr. A good friend with the previous Grand Master, he had joined under the banner of Firmament more than four decades ago, making him one of the most experienced and long tenured knights in the organization.

His duties as the Headmaster of the Military Academy is to ensure the education where knightly virtues are instilled inside the novice trainees that would later on shoulder the future of the Knights of Firmament, the role he carries is one of the most vital in the organization.

His personality can be described as “your typical grandpa”. Boundless insight and wisdom, coupled with a hint of sarcasm directed towards the younger generation nowadays. Although, he never truly meant them, as he is proud of what the Knights of Firmament had become today. He loves to share his long “story of wisdom” with students of the academy at every chance he can find, much to their dismay. In extremely rare instances, he would spar with the brightest talents of the trainee, a spectacle which is highly valued by new or veteran members alike as they can learn much from it. Despite his overall relaxed attitude, he is strict and uncompromising when it comes to the code of chivalry and knightly virtues, punishing adequately those who dared to break them while being a member of the Order.

Otto is a fan of board games. It would be given if one considered his ability as one of the best strategists in the Order. Some anecdotes quote that; “even if you are outnumbered fivefold, you would still be able to turn the tide if Commander Otto is on your side”. It was a result that is consolidated from the number of experiences he had amassed throughout the years. Otto himself believes that he is undefeated when it comes to that. At least, aside from the one he regarded as the wisest in the Order, Gazholf Vesterstörm.

Knight of Firmament - Wushjik

Knight Commander Vázquez Aguilar

7’3 Male Brayer, 51 years old

Vázquez is the Knight Commander of the Logistics Brigade, Knights of Firmament Wushjik Base. He hailed from the slum area of Wushjik, the prime trading center of the empire thanks to its river port. Vázquez joined the Order after he underwent an epiphany, as his life was once saved by one of its members in the past.

Wanting to fight for a noble cause himself, he enlisted around a couple of decades ago. After many years of dealings with merchants and traders from a number of nations, he had amassed a plethora of experiences and connections, which in turn had played their parts as pivotal resources– one of the supporting pillars of the Order.

Vukervajik Order - Vukervajik

Grand Master Wärsch Onerlldt

6'9 Male Earth Macen, 45 years old

Warsch is the Grand Master of the Vukervajik Order. Unlike many other members of the main order, Warsch has a more humble origin - without any association with nobles or free fencers. Instead, he was enlisted as a squire in the Eastern Mentian army, and distinguished himself during a battle with a Salvainian border army, when his master was killed and he picked up his weapons and fought off a group of charging knight. The reigning duke Askan witnessed the event, and elevated Warsch to become one of his bodyguard. Over the next twenty years, Warsch would rise through the rank and become a member of the newly formed Vukervajik Order - eventually rising to command a Regiment of his own.

When the previous Grand Master passed away from old age, Warsch was elevated to the position of Grand Master, picked by Askan for his loyalty and prowess, and as a reward he was awarded matrilineal marriage to one of Askan's own daughter, tying his family line with that of Askan Draungo. The Grand Master has two issues - both daughters at the age of 4 and 3 with his wife, which he cherishes greatly.

Organizational Structure

The Knights of Firmament are traditionally led by a single Grand Master, with a reserve serving as Acting Grand Master in the event that the Grand Master is absent or otherwise unable to perform his/her duties.

The Order’s tradition dictated a bestowal of “titles”, which are derived from that of dragon or one of the four cardinal dragon properties / elements and their variations, reserved only for those of great leadership potential from the Holy Knights. Such individuals would one day be considered to assume the position of Grand Master, devoting themselves to the leadership of a multitude of knights and the safeguarding of Shasdum.

The current and the eighth Grand Master of the Order is the Vermeil Wyrmknight, also known as the First Sword of the Empire, Argenta Fürrgeorn. Alongside many members of the Order, she is currently away to defend the territory of Middle Mentia as the part of levy for the civil war by the decree of the Emperor.

As the situation stands, the acting Grand Master and the Thunderswift Knight, Chrono Adalsteinfostre, has taken the reins of leadership of the Order.

The second highest rankings after the Grand Master are held by the Elfensjón, which consists of ten Knight Commanders who lead their own specialized Brigade, followed by one Outrider Knight Commander for a total of eleven, mirroring the number of the Order’s members at its first founding.

In the event of major disputes and decisions, such as the election of a new Grand Master, the Elfensjón would be called for the Grand Decree, a discussion and vote held in the old headquarters of the Knights of Firmament to reach a final agreement(s).

The Ten Brigades

The order possesses ten brigades.

1st Brigade, Cavalry

The Cavalry Brigade is widely viewed as the most prestigious of the Ten Brigade. It consists of the members of the Order who are capable of fighting skillfully while mounted on horseback, mostly that of elite knights. Its troops are the most mobile of the combat arms, operating as light cavalry in the roles of screening and skirmishing, or as heavy cavalry for decisive shock attacks.

Cavalry has a distinct edge in terms of mobility, and a soldier fighting on horseback has higher height, speed, and inertial mass than an opponent on foot. The psychological influence that a mounted soldier may have on an opponent is another aspect of mounted combat. The cavalry's speed, mobility, and shock value were immensely valued in various warfare situations.

Uniquely, this Brigade possesses its own distinct Special Unit, the Holy Knights. All of the members of the Holy Knights are handpicked only from the handful of the most skilled knights in the Order.

The Cavalry Brigade Headquarters is located in the Alioth Tower of Trias Gladius, Shaslandi.

Knight Commander: Äletheia Barbarossa

Members: 2000

1st Cavalry Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Cavalry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 4th Cavalry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

2nd Cavalry Regiment - Voznupaz [Colonel ???]

  • 2nd Cavalry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 3rd Cavalry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

Holy Knights [Captain Äletheia Barbarossa]

2nd Brigade, Infantry

The Infantry Brigade possesses the most number of active members of all of the Brigades. They consist of those who are specialized in engaging ground combat on foot with melee weapons. The infantry troops also have the most units spread throughout Middle Mentia as patrol or guard units.

The Infantry Regiments each possess a Garrison Battalion, which are stationed in particular locations, certain facilities that constitute a military base in each Dukedom of Middle Mentia to guard the borders. Those bases being; the Nörwald Castle of Wushjikum, the Läcrosse Castle of Shasdum, the Quednupaz Castle of Nupazdum, and the Görschau Castle of Yungikum.

The Infantry Brigade Headquarters is located in the Megrez Tower of Trias Gladius, Shaslandi.

Knight Commander: ???

Members: 6000

1st Infantry Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 1st Garrison Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 2nd Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 4th Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

2nd Infantry Regiment - Voznupaz [Colonel ???]

  • 2nd Garrison Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 3rd Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 7th Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

3rd Infantry Regiment - Wushjik [Colonel ???]

  • 3rd Garrison Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 5th Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 8th Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

4th Infantry Regiment - Lanasentu [Colonel ???]

  • 4th Garrison Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 6th Infantry Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

3rd Brigade, Artillery

The Artillery Brigade is dedicated to provide artillery support. While other brigades may or may not have an artillery component, the Artillery Brigade is inherently and wholly dedicated to artillery and thus, needing to rely on other units for infantry support, especially when attacking. The members of the brigade consists of the most skilled marksman in the Order, and engineers capable of constructing siege weapons such as trebuchet.

Although vulnerable without the required support from other combat troops, Artillery Brigade has four vital missions which may very well change the tides of the battlefield rapidly; the suppression of enemy’s own artillery firings, to strike high-value targets from distance, breaking up enemy forces concentrations, and providing the much needed backline support for maneuver warfare.

The Artillery Brigade Headquarters is located in the Alkaid Tower of Trias Gladius, Shaslandi.

Knight Commander: ???

Members: 2000

1st Artillery Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Artillery Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 2nd Artillery Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

2nd Artillery Regiment - Voznupaz [Colonel ???]

  • 3rd Artillery Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 4th Artillery Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

4th Brigade, Reconnaissance

The Reconnaissance Brigade carries the mission to survey the territory of Crownland and Middle Mentia, observing and noting the existence of threats and phenomenons, identifying obstacles, and establishing planned routes for various types of missions. Similar to the Infantry Brigade, the Recon units are spread well over every nook and cranny of Middle Mentia.

Recognized as the most mobile of the Ten Brigades not without reason, the delivery of such information requires absolute swiftness that could change certain outcomes of missions. The information obtained can then be used to maximize points of focus, to overtake possible strategic advantage of an adversary of the Order. It may also give an edge in competition when pursuing the same objectives as another point of influence.

The Reconnaissance Brigade Headquarters is located in the Galesong Keep of Görschau Castle, Yungikum.

Knight Commander: Chrono Adalsteinfostre

Members: 1500

1st Reconnaissance Regiment - Görschau Castle [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Reconnaissance Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

2nd Reconnaissance Regiment - Wushjik [Colonel ???]

5th Brigade, Military Academy

Formally known as the Military Academy of the Order of Archdragon Cathedral, this brigade is unique amongst the other Ten Brigade– in a sense that it’s not a true brigade. It is instead an educational institution– a boarding school which prepares inexperienced candidates for their service in the Knights of Firmament. The official members of the brigade outside of the students and trainees are made of faculty members, such as drill instructors, teachers of class, deans, campus staff, etc.

The academy provides education in a military environment, which includes training in basic military aspects, such as weapons drill, stratagems, etiquette, etc. Large numbers of those who attend the academy are individuals who only possess a fit physique without any special skills or experience beforehand, oftentimes hailed from common backgrounds. The academy required one to finish a compulsory two years of education in the campus ground before they could join the ranks of the Order.

The students who are particularly gifted, or those of noble born– thus, usually far more equipped and experienced in martial aspects than common folks, might have a chance to start out early in the higher ranks. The uppermost one hundred and twenty in the ranking at the time of graduation are eligible for the title of esquire, while the exceptional top twelve would be granted the honor to undergo their accolade ceremonies in the Archdragon Cathedral.

The Military Academy Campus is located within the Academy District of Voznupaz.

Knight Commander / Headmaster: Otto Randel

Vice Headmaster: ???

Faculty Members & Staff: 1000

Students: 5000

6th Brigade, Logistics

The Logistics Brigade does their jobs behind the scene to ensure that the knights would remain on their march with full stomach, their quality breeds of mounts in top shape, their armor and shield brand new, and their weapons are of good dependability. The brigade enables their deployment and supplies them with everything they need from wherever or whenever they shall operate.

The Sixth Brigade contains the second most number of members from any brigade. It’s natural, if one were to consider the amount of units that demand the necessary logistics support in the Knights of Firmament, numbered above twenty-thousand.

Filled by the members of the Order who are skilled in the way of mercantile, arithmetic, craftsmanship, culinary, and such, the Logistics Brigade can be seen as the bridge between the deployed forces and the industrial base, which produces the material and weapons deployed forces need to accomplish their mission. Exactly because of that, the Headquarters of the brigade is located in the prime trading center of Middle Mentia.

The Logistics Brigade Headquarters is located in the Knights of Firmament Wushjik Base, Wushjik.

Knight Commander: Vázquez Aguilar

Members: 3500

1st Logistics Regiment - Wushjik [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Logistics Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 4th Logistics Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

2nd Logistics Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel ???]

  • 2nd Logistics Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 3rd Logistics Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 7th Logistics Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

3rd Logistics Regiment - Voznupaz [Colonel ???]

  • 5th Logistics Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 6th Logistics Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

7th Brigade, Investigation

The Investigation Brigade's purpose is to provide the organization with various types of practical inventions to suit specific needs, serving to help and aid their endeavors. The Brigade also routinely conducts worldwide and historical research. The resulting data would be compiled to be utilized later as they investigate interesting and mysterious phenomena that may arise around Middle Mentia, which would likely be discovered by the Reconnaissance Brigade.

This brigade is formed around three regiments which are interconnected with each other; excavation, creation, and materials. The Excavation Regiment mainly conducts their activities through past data, historical, archaeological, and clinical field research to come to a satisfactory conclusion that would answer phenomena using a number of theories. The Creation Regiment is responsible to continue the progress– manifesting ideas into physical inventions through their own research data, or those provided by the Excavation Regiment, either to solve a field issue or phenomena. The Materials Regiment, as its name suggests, is responsible for ensuring the existence of scarce and extraordinary materials which may– and frequently needed to conduct such research. The materials can take various forms, namely grimoires, ancient tomes, scrolls, magical crystals and metals, rare alchemical substances, etc.

In some circumstances, investigation using other means such as through arcane research are also not rare instances– which in most cases would institute a collaboration with the Eighth Brigade.

The Investigation Brigade Headquarters is located in the Southern Composite Research Observatory - Octantis, Shaslandi.

Knight Commander: Olga Dy’uum

Members: 1000

Excavation Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel Eric von Löwenstein]

Creation Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel ???]

Materials Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel ???]

8th Brigade, Arcane

The Arcane Brigade is the unit where the most skilled magical combatant and researchers of the Knights of Firmament gathered. Although the main three combat arms brigade does contain numbers of troops who can use magic effectively in the battlefield, individuals who only– and strictly only limit their horizon into the field of arcane would be directed into this brigade.

The specialized magical combat unit– the Arcane Judgment Regiment of this brigade consists of knight mages who study for the pursuit of increasing the destructive capabilities of their spells. Thus, they act as rearguard alongside the soldiers from the Artillery Brigade. This regiment boasts the highest firepower amongst the Knights of Firmament, albeit more helpless in close combat than any of the other units.

On the other hand, the Arcane Research Regiment acts purely on the pursuit of magical knowledge. They do not share the general scope of the Investigation Brigade research, which also delves deep into phenomena of non-magical nature. This regiment would often collaborate with the other regiments of the Investigation Brigade, such as Excavation, to exchange ideas and theories on magical phenomena. Creation, to engineer inventions that require magical elements. And materials– for obvious reasons.

The Arcane Brigade Headquarters is located in the Northern Composite Research Observatory - Polaris, Nörwald Castle, Wushjikum.

Knight Commander: ???

Members: 1000

Arcane Judgment Regiment - Nörwald Castle [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Arcane Judgment Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 2nd Arcane Judgment Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

Arcane Research Regiment - Nörwald Castle [Colonel ???]

9th Brigade, Intelligence

The Intelligence Brigade has a similar role with the Reconnaissance Brigade– the collection of information to ensure the success of missions. The difference is, this brigade can be described as the connecting string between each and every of the Ten Brigades.

Various types of tasks and missions which are required to be done are distributed towards the Intelligence Regiments of each base, after conducting inspection and receiving reports from all other Ten Brigades as well. The continuous chain of information would act as cogs and wheels that ascertain the Order to keep running smoothly on its course.

This brigade can be considered to be the most important of all brigades. Without it, there would be many pauses and delays between transfer of information, that could drag down the completion of a mission– or even completely fail it as the information expired without notice. The placement of the Intelligence Brigade Headquarters is thus chosen to be the location which stood in the center of Middle Mentia, rendering the information transfer to each of the bases easier.

The Intelligence Brigade Headquarters is located in the Knights of Firmament Voznupaz Base, Voznupaz

Knight Commander: ???

Members: 2500

1st Intelligence Regiment - Voznupaz [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Intelligence Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 5th Intelligence Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

2nd Intelligence Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel Lothos Vollhardt]

  • 2nd Intelligence Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

3rd Intelligence Regiment - Wushjik [Colonel ???]

  • 3rd Intelligence Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

4th Intelligence Regiment - Lanasentu [Colonel ???]

  • 4th Intelligence Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

10th Brigade, Medical

The Medical Brigade of the Knights of Firmament carries the role to maintain the health of the knights, aiding them to conserve the Order’s fighting strength. Care is provided for eligible personnel in peacetime and, at the same time, preparations are made for health support of the Order in time of conflicts or war.

The Medical Brigade also offers counseling, whose purpose is to help individuals seek treatment for a number of issues, many similar to what civilians seek treatment for– depression, anxiety, and anger management– but all within the context of the demands placed on them within the military culture of the Order. In the same vein, the identification of highly qualified candidates for specific, often dangerous, missions requires one to undergo the screening process including physical and mental assessments done by the Medical Brigade.

As the healers within the Order are concentrated within this brigade, it mainly consists of personnel that specialize in Faith Magic. Particularly, those who hailed from Qinism religious background as priests, clerics, or the like. As such, the brigade will also sometimes be deployed as specialized combat units in missions relating to undead, vampire, or other impure beings extermination.

The Medical Brigade Headquarters is located in the Military Hospital of St. Anthuria Einherjar, Shaslandi.

Knight Commander: ???

Members: 2500

1st Medical Regiment - Shaslandi [Colonel ???]

  • 1st Medical Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 3rd Medical Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

2nd Medical Regiment - Voznupaz [Colonel ???]

  • 2rd Medical Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 5th Medical Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

3rd Medical Regiment - Wushjik [Colonel ???]

  • 4th Medical Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]
  • 6th Medical Battalion [Lieutenant Colonel ???]

Special Ops, Outrider Knights

The Outrider Knights are the specially designated, organized, trained, and equipped forces in the Order, manned with only chosen personnel. They are mainly deployed for missions which require unconventional tactics, techniques, or modes of employment. The number of the Outrider Knights is even lesser than that of the Holy Knights. Although it has a knight commander on its own, this unit ultimately only answers to the Grand Master directly and exists outside the jurisdiction of the Ten Brigades.

Because of the darkness inherent in an Outrider Knight's job, one's personality determines their eligibility for the force, resulting in the rejection of highly talented knights whose personalities do not match the brigade. This can happen as early as the Military Academy, when capable recruits are scouted for potential recruitment. The Grand Master handpicks the members based on their distinct characteristics and special skills. Age, background, or gender have no bearing on this decision; nevertheless, the training traditionally began at the same age as the minimum age of Military Academy enrollment, which was sixteen years old.

Once joined, they would need to undergo intensive training including studying of the human anatomy and concealing their identity through traditional means, as the usage of magic spells to do so can be easily detected. The Outrider Knights can be found on highly crucial missions inside and within the vicinity of Middle Mentia, although they are mostly charged with assassinations, disruptions, or espionage in foreign countries.

The assignments that they conduct to protect the country from exceptional threats include high-risk infiltration into enemy territory, dealing with extremely strong figures, tracking, surveillance, and interrogation. Due to the often sensitive nature of their missions and their unique capabilities, Outrider Knights are expected to destroy their bodies if they are too badly injured on a mission so that they can't be captured.

The Outrider Knights Headquarters is located in the Archdragon Cathedral Crypt Chamber, Shaslandi.

Knight Commander: ???

Members: 150

Training & Enlistment


The Knights of Firmament regularly conducts drill sessions for its members. For those who wish to sharpen their skill outside of the scheduled training, or for individuals who are not officially enlisted in the Knights of Firmament, they can still request for professional knight instructors in a certain field for an amount of fees.

Both Martial and Magical lessons of all aspects are available for request, though the latter availability– especially regarding the non-healing school is highly dependent on the existence of an Arcane Regiment within that base.

A Guest Badge can be rented by paying a fee of 5 silver. It allows the individual possessing it free access to the regular training yard, dummies / targets, and spare weapons storage for five hours.

Rates are established as follows, conforming with the Knights of Firmament Handbook - 6th Edition. Please report towards a nearby commissioned officer if a personnel were to attempt to haggle for increased fees.

Type Class Size Silver / Time
Military Theory / Strategy Group (10 - 15) 5 silver / 2 hours
Martial Group (4 - 6) 8 silver / 2 hours
Martial Individual 25 silver / 2 hours
Martial (Mounted) Group (3 - 5) 17 silver / 3 hours
Magical (Healing) Group (4 - 6) 10 silver / 2 hours
Magical (Elemental School) Group (4 - 6) 14 silver / 2 hours
Magical (Other School) Individual 30 silver / 2 hours


The Knights of Firmament always accept any able-bodied individuals to join them under their banners as official members. Able-bodied individuals– in this sense, refer to the people who fulfill these criterias:

  1. No younger than 16 years old.
  2. Medically and physically fit, and in good moral standing.
  3. Possessing a degree of martial / magical training, or both; able to handle their own in a battle against an adversary equivalent to a trained soldier.
  4. Possessing at least one specialized skill in the aspect of the desired brigade. Optional. For candidates who wish to enlist in the 5th - 10th brigade.

If candidates fulfill all of the requirements above, they can immediately apply in one of the Knights of Firmament Base, which can be found in all four cities of Middle Mentia.

An insurance deposit of 100 silver is required, after which the candidate would undergo a process of medical, psychological, and identity check-up, followed by screening of the existence of criminal activity record (if there are any). If the candidate passes, they are eligible to perform the examination process.

The Knights of Firmament Enlistment Examination is held every two weeks and known for its high level of difficulty. The Exam is divided into two. The first is the Writing Exam, which tests the logical reasoning capabilities of the new recruits and their theoretical knowledge of battle situations.

The second Practical Exam is also divided into two phases. The first, which tests the individual combat capabilities via a mock battle with an instructor, and the second, to examine their teamwork and strategic capacity via team competition in the course of a few days.

If the recruits succeeds in obtaining a passing mark or higher, they will shortly be enlisted in their brigade of choice. They will also receive a set of the Knights of Firmament Armor (light, medium, or heavy), a brand new weapon of their favored type, the insignia of their brigade, a special Knights of Firmament badge, and accommodations. They will be ranked as Enlist.

The 100 silver initial insurance deposit will also be returned for those who passed the Exam.

It is possible for a fresh recruit to immediately receive their first salary. However, if they are enlisted after the 10th of the month, they won't see their first paycheck until the 1st of the following month, but it will include all pay they are entitled to, as of that date.

If a recruit scored an exceptionally high score on their exam, they may be promptly promoted into the rank of esquire.

All of the recruits who wished to join the 1st brigade must possess the rank of esquire and proficient in mounted combat.

Enlistment - Military Academy

As another alternative to enlist in the Order, if one doesn’t fulfill the required criterias or struggling to pass the Enlistment Exam, is to enroll in the Military Academy of the Order of Archdragon Cathedral, Voznupaz. It boasts the reputation as the most prestigious and largest military educational institute in Middle Mentia.

Any prospective students from all kinds of backgrounds and races are welcomed. The requirement to enroll in the academy are as follow:

  1. No younger than 16 years old and no older than 21.
  2. Medically and physically fit, and in good moral standing.

A fee of 40 silver is required.

The Military Academy Enrollment Examination is held annually. For the prospective student who wished to enroll, they need to register no later than two months before the Examination takes place.

Similar to the Knights of Firmament Enlistment Examination, the Enrollment Exam requires test takers to pass on a Writing and Practical Exam, respectfully. The tests can also be taken on each city base of the Knights of Firmament.

The Writing Exam consists of basic reasoning and logical questions. While the Practical Exam simply gauges the basic physical abilities of the prospective student through a series of fundamental drills such as agility, endurance, power, etc.

The prospective students who obtain a passing mark and higher must wait until further notice. As each year the quota of the seat is limited, even individuals who scored above passing marks have a chance of failing if someone with a higher score continues to overtake their place, until all of the quotas are filled.

If the prospective student fulfilled the registration requirements, achieved passing mark and above, and remains inside the roster of that year’s students quota, then they will receive the notice that explains the details of their academic year shortly.

Now can be formally referred to as a student, they would need to move into the students dormitory in the Academy District of Voznupaz. A set of uniforms of the military academy, an arm of their choice, and basic reference books will be provided. As the Military Academy is an institute sponsored by the empire and the nobilities, students are not required to pay any tuition fee.

A student of noble-born may be enrolled directly without any tests, if they wished so. However, if they don't possess the necessary abilities, it would greatly impede their own progress. Regardless of their background, all of the students in the academy shall be treated based on their result alone.

The academy has a two years academic calendar. The students would learn about compulsory military education such as basic weapon handling, military stratagem, history, etiquette, etc. Specialized courses are also available, that can be chosen depending on which brigade the student wished to enlist in the future. The students who successfully graduated will have a guaranteed place under the banners of the Knights of Firmament.

Starting from the second year, the top one hundred and twelve second year students would be selected based on their overall performance, both in literal and practical skills. These 120 novice trainees are allowed to live in a 2-­story mansion dormitory with a roof that is laid in green slate tiles. Those who maintain their grades in this position will be granted the rank of esquire upon graduation.

The top twelve second year students on the other hand, would receive a prestigious title of the Elite Knight-in-Training. They will also be granted their own private dormitory on high ground, complete with a separate bright and spacious indoors practice arena for their exclusive use beside the dormitory. Individuals who retained this title until their graduation would be eligible to be immediately knighted, directly receiving their accolade ceremony in the Archdragon Cathedral.


The Knights of Firmaments has many military bases, fortifications, and camps spread throughout Middle Mentia. In this list will be listed only the most major of those structures.

The Knights of Firmament Headquarters

Located in Shaslandi. This headquarters is a massive military complex structure which encompasses the entirety of the lower ground of Ädelqin Plaza. It contains a lot of buildings such as barracks, warehouses, and offices that guarantee someone would lose their way the first time they arrived without a guide in the complex. In the center of this complex is the main building of the headquarters.

As described by various visitors' anecdotes in the past, the inside betrays the expectation of what a military headquarters base is supposed to feel. It has a clean and homey– even borderline luxurious interior, decorations, and atmosphere.

This headquarters complex has:

  • A total of 5 miles of corridors and 33 acres of floor space.
  • A total of 700 dormitory rooms. Some shared, some are designated for a single personnel.
  • 1 Great library.
  • A massive mess hall, able to feed more than two thousand people in 90 minutes.
  • The keep– where the key personnel of the Order in Shaslandi, and the Grand Master’s office is located.
  • Three gates that open towards roads that lead directly to Alioth, Megrez, and Alkaid towers.
  • A large set of stairs which leads towards the Octantis Observatory on the higher plain of the plaza.
  • And many more.

Trias Gladius

The Trias Gladius is another of the Order’s structures built in Shaslandi. It consists of three majestic stone bridges that extend from the high wall which protects the surrounding complex area of the Knights of Firmament HQ and the Ädelqin Plaza, towards the wall surrounding the city. The pillars of the bridge itself are so massive that they act as a separator which divides the city into three districts.

At the end of each bridge, built directly as part of the outer wall, the tower headquarters of three combat arms brigades are constructed. Cavalry Brigade in the Alioth Tower (center), Infantry Brigade in the Megrez Tower (right), and Artillery Brigade in the Alkaid Tower (left).

Southern Composite Research Observatory - Octantis

The Octantis Tower is a research facility that doubles as an observatory– the headquarters of the Investigation Brigade. It was erected on the corner of the plateau which makes up the highest part of the Ädelqin Plaza. A staircase was built connecting this tower directly to the headquarters complex below.

This headquarters complex has:

  • One of the two largest telescopes in Middle Mentia.
  • One of the two prototypes of the first Arcane Frequency Modulation Instrument.
  • A massive archive facility.
  • A large alchemy laboratory.
  • A large factory.
  • Rare materials and secret research data warehouse, locked beyond a quadruple underground vault.
  • 40 shared bedrooms.
  • 7 single bedrooms.
  • And the others.

Four Direction Strongholds

Location of the Four Direction Stronghold in Mentia
Location of the Four Direction Stronghold in Mentia

The term of Four Direction Strongholds is used to refer to the Nörwald Castle of Wushjikum, the Läcrosse Castle of Shasdum, the Quednupaz Castle of Nupazdum, and the Görschau Castle of Yungikum. Within each castle walls, part of the battalions and companies from all of the Ten Brigade, mainly that of Garrison Battalion are stationed.

About 35% of the Knights of Firmaments total forces are stationed within, and around the premises of these castles at any given time. Their main function is to act as the first line of defense against all of the Middle Mentia’s neighboring countries, which are keen to trespass the border in these wartime.

They also deter bandits and monsters around the land of Middle Mentia where four cities' jurisdiction are too far to reach them. The Southern Composite Research Observatory - Polaris, and the Galesong Keep are constructed within the Nörwald and Görschau castles respectively, as the headquarters of the Fourth and Eighth Brigade.

Military Hospital of St. Anthuria Einherjar


The Military Academy


Special Instruments

The lists of the inventions which are procured by the corroboration of the Investigation Brigade, Arcane Brigade, and Logistics Brigade.

Knights of Firmament Badge

The most widely used invention of the Investigation Brigade. The badges are given to the new recruits of the Order upon joining. At the first glance, it appears to be devoid of any content.

In reality, the badge actually contains an arcane enhancement that can form and change letterings on its surface by pressing the center of the back of the badge. It is able to record the subtle difference in human’s fingerprints, which means that anyone aside from the owner wouldn’t be able to activate it. The process itself costs a negligible amount of mana, which is stored in a small magic crystal embedded in the badge which can last up to 1 year.

Each badge is inscribed with the identity of the holder and their designated military unit. Everytime a member has completed a mission, they are required to bring these badges as part of the report to one of the Knights of Firmament bases. It would then be updated– adding the latest completed mission records in the list of their accomplished missions and achievements inside of the badge.

The storage of the mana crystal is automatically replenished every time a new report is added.

Ranks and Requirements

The Knights of Firmaments rank systems are broadly divided into three.

The first– simply referred to as Individual Ranks, utilizes the process into obtaining the honorary title of knighthood. Different from the traditional way, however– a servitude to a knight beforehand is not necessary. The system of pages also doesn’t exist– instead, the rankings are only divided into four; Enlist, Esquire, Knight, and Holy Knight.

The second rank system of the Knights of Firmament is that of Military Ranks. By having a Military Rank, a member would also be required to assume the responsibilities of a commissioned officer that also follows that rank. As a commissioned officer, they would hold the ability to command both officers and enlisted personnel under them.

It is to be noted that aside from the benefits, commissioned officers are also responsible to lead– ensuring the success of assigned missions where they lead the troops under them.

The third of the rank system is quite unique. It only consists of one title and rank– Honorary Knight. The Honorary Knights of the Knights of Firmament consist of individuals who have done a very considerable service to the Order, to Shaslandi, or to Middle Mentia as a whole without being a member of the Order. The achievement can be of any kind, and the individual isn't required to have any combative capabilities.

Individual Ranks

Higher individual ranks denote higher pays, benefits, and the right to assume the position of a higher Military Rank in the Order.

Although there are only four established individual ranks in the Order, about three in four registered members are ranked four. This is mainly because even the second lowest of rank demand the combative capacity that is well beyond the abilities of an ordinary soldier

Both ability in combat as well as the achievements of a member are needed to be considered in the bestowal of knighthood.

No matter how much battle prowess does an individual possess, they shan’t be granted the rank of a knight if they hadn’t proven themselves by amassing achievements that directly relate with the fulfillment of the Order’s objectives.

Normally, a formal request has to be made which then would be applied to one of the bases of the Knight of Firmaments in one of four major cities. The request must list the number of achievements, and the requester must provide their badge to check upon the records. The combat assessment will take place concisely after the information has been verified.

Accolade ceremony will be performed by a seer in a nearby religious ground. Nevertheless, if the person in question wishes so, they can instead postpone it until they find the right person and the right premise to do so.

The final and third individual rank, the Holy Knight, can only be reached by the select few, one in tens of thousands. This is because of the immense prerequisites that are needed, both in prowess and achievements. After all, only those of the Holy Knights would be considered to reach the military rank of Knights Commanders and Grand Master.

Holy Knights would undergo their accolade ceremony in the Archdragon Cathedral.



  1. Received a passing score or higher in the Knights of Firmament Enlistment Examination, or
  2. Graduated from the Military Academy of the Order of Archdragon Cathedral, or
  3. Possess the combat abilities equivalent or higher to that of a TL 1 NPC.



  1. Received an outstanding overall score in the Knights of Firmament Enlistment Examination, or
  2. Graduated as one of the top one hundred and twenty students from the Military Academy of the Order of Archdragon Cathedral, or
  3. Possess the combat abilities equivalent or higher to that of a TL 3 NPC.



  1. Graduated as one of the Elite Knight-in-Training from the Military Academy of the Order of Archdragon Cathedral, or
  2. Possess the combat abilities equivalent or higher to that of a TL 5 NPC, and completed at least three major missions.

Holy Knight


  1. Possess the combat abilities equivalent or higher to that of TL 10 NPC, and completed at least eleven major missions.

d can pay the membership fee

Military Rank

All of the commissioned officers must take their duties and responsibilities with a serious dedication.

The entirety of the Knights of Firmament are divided into Ten Brigades, each led by a Knight Commander, plus the Knight Commander of the Outrider Knights, forming the Elfensjón. Including the Grand Master, the decisions of the Order are made by them.

While exceedingly rare, a member of the Elfensjón can be demoted if at least the two-third members of their brigade choose to vote so.

Below the Knight Commanders is Colonel, leading a regiment. And below that is Lieutenant Colonel, leader of a battalion. Those who hold the rank equivalent or higher than that of Lieutenant Colonel are not allowed to leave their designated region without a formal letter of request which lists appropriate reasons to do so.

Each member who holds the position of commissioned officers, are in turn, compensated with high salary, benefits, and privileges only limited to their rank.

The Grand Decree Vote Weight:

Grand Master: 3

Knight Commander: 1

Grand Master

The highest leader of the Order. Often is the brightest among the Holy Knights. Because of the amount of jurisdiction and powers they hold, the Grand Master of the Knights of Firmament also holds a presence equivalent to the Marshal of the Empire in the Emperor’s court.

Salary: 1200 silver / day

Benefits: A personal housing in the luxurious, state of the art mansion within the military complex is provided. The value of such residences can be worth up to 500 gold.

Knight Commander

The leader of the brigade and the second highest authority in the Order. Consists of the best specialists at various areas of expertise. Essentially can command anyone below the rank of Grand Master.

Salary: 800 silver / day

Benefits: A personal housing in the luxurious mansion within the military complex is provided. The value of such residences can be worth up to 300 gold.


The colonels are the leaders of regiments. Regiments may vary even inside the same brigades– thus the colonels might be of a different expertise than that of the Knight Commander.

Salary: 500 silver / day

Benefits: Personal housing of the high-end dormitory or hotel suite within the military complex is provided. The value of such residences can be worth up to 200 gold.

Lieutenant Colonel

Leaders of many battalions of the Order. As the troops within cities or forts are constituted of multiple battalions from various regiments, individuals who hold this position are required to be quick to adapt and cooperate with the other battalions stationed in the same base.

Jobs where they are the foremost expert of a field within the Order who commands other experts of the same field, such as Chief Alchemist, Chief Investigator, and Master Blacksmith are equivalent to this rank.

Salary: 300 silver / day

Benefits: Personal housing of the comfortable dormitory or hotel suite within the military complex is provided. The value of such residences can be worth up to 120 gold.


Captains hold commands over the company of a battalion. Oftenly, individuals who hold this position should be always on alert– ready to be on the move, relocating their base / camps frequently as they’re dispatched to fortify or construct outposts.

Salary: 150 silver / day

Benefits: Personal housing in the upper dormitory within the military complex is provided. The value of such residences can be worth up to 70 gold.


The lowest rank of commissioned officer in the Order, commanding over a platoon. The usual size of dispatchment for missions around Middle Mentia. Because it necessitates the ability to be mobile, they are oftenly led by Lieutenant in platoons of 20 - 50 troops.

Salary: 70 silver / day

Benefits: Personal housing in the dormitory within the military complex is provided. The value of such residences can be worth up to 40 gold.


A regular member of the Knights of Firmament. Consisting of a wide array of units depending on the brigade, such as; infantryman, guards, alchemist, healer, etc.

Salary: 10 Silver / day

Benefits: Shared housing in the dormitory within the military complex is provided. The value of such residences can be worth up to 15 gold.

Honorary Knight

After they received the title, the Honorary Knights would be registered as part of the Knights of Firmament– thus, they were granted access to the bases and general facilities of the Order freely. At the same time, they are not required to undergo missions regularly nor they have to report in the case of an event of interest– although they could if they want to. In other words, the Honorary Knights can almost be said as “citizens with extra benefits.”

In the case of a Honorary Knight who opt for an official knighthood, they would need to undergo the same process to reach the rank of knight. In the case they are successful, they are free to keep their title as an Honorary Knight and be referred as such. On paper, they would possess two individual ranks; Official Knight and Honorary Knight.

The Vukervajik Order

The Vukervajik Chapter is a splinter orgnaization of the Knights of Firmament, formed relatively recently, during 1026 PS - right around the time of the first Upper - Middle Mentian War, as an attempt by the ruler of Eastern Mentia - Askan Draungo, to imitate Middle Mentia's highly effective and relatively centralized pseudo standing army. The order bolsters 5,000 men and is practically the standing army of East Mentia - and imitate it almost entirely in structure. Compared to the main order, the Vukervajik order has nearly the same amount of knights - numbering almost 2,000 total, in spite of the much smaller size of East Mentia, however, it has way less enlistees and trainees, reflecting its status as a de facto elite core of the East Mentian army.

Out of the Ten Brigades, the knights are overwhelmingly in the cavalry and infantry brigade, with the remaining brigades being practically honorary position of some sort, with no more than 50 members, and even the Arcane Brigade is somewhat neglected. The remaining eight brigade's leaders are appointed from (What is supposed to be) technically competent leaders by the Grand Duke himself, and is expected to form an army on the spot with mercenary and levies filling out the rank with money.

The Vukervajik Chapter has declared practical independence and does not subordinate itself to the main order in Shaslandi, and its leader refers to itself as Grand Master, though it does not claim full authority over the rest of the order (yet).

PC Roster

Original Order

  • Akasha - Honorary Knight

Vukervajik Order