Middle Mentia

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Middle Mentia
Mentia Shield.png
Formal NameEmpire of Mentia
Head of StateEmperor Waltram II Draungo
Government TypeSemi-Centralized Feudal Monarchy
Cultures~90% Dun Menti
Religions98% Qinism
Population DensityHigh
Population11 millions

Middle Mentia is the strongest of the Mentian claimants. Waltram was the favored heir of the old Emperor and Waltram inherited the richest and most useful land of the Emperor, alongside a de facto centralized army known as the The Knights of Firmament. However, the country is in general war-weary, and general prosperity has ironically whittled down appetite for large scale warfare.


Middle Mentia follow a traditional form of feudalism - while the Mentian Empire have made great progress toward reforming and centralizing, local nobles have gained great power after it disintegrated in recent chaos. All of the dukes swear fealty to the Emperor and pay a small amount of yearly taxes and are obligated to supply him with troops. Internal warfares are generally prohibited, and the Emperor has a relatively strong grip on the nobles. Currently, the Emperor is obligated to summon Rafinogo and consult his nobles for matters of taxing them and starting wars.


  • Kynelend - Lit. King Land, also known as Siobona (Lower Ebona). Ruled by Waltram II. Under administration of a Steward.
    • Kyneburh - A large city located along the banks of river. It is the traditional capital of the Mentian Empire - and Middle Mentia as a whole. The city has however, certainly seen better days, with a large amount of its suburbs abandoned or sparsely populated, as Mentia’s population moved away from urban center to rural land in the face of constant warfare, instability, and the cut off of tax transfer from the rest of the Empire.
  • Treyes - Lit. Triple.
    • Ebonaforda - A middle sized city located along the banks of Ebona river, at the confluence of all of its major tributary, known as a center of the pottery industry and trade. One of the most strategically important Middle Mentian city.
  • Seothanlend - Lit. Strong (Beer) Land. Name originated from the allegedly strong spirits that Silnarian consumed, called Strong Beer early on.
    • Seothanburh - A middle sized city located on the lower reach of the Dirqal river inside Mentian territory. This is a prime trading center where Silnarian goods are sold and bought, and plenty of ships make a temporary stop here on their way toward the north sea.
  • Westlend - Lit. Empty Lands
    • Keitmarc - A small city located in the open plains of Yungikum - a duchy named for its empty ground. The city is the center of livestock and horse trade, and with intermittent warfare in the south, have seen the city prosper as good breeding stocks.
  • Steradel - Lit. Valley of (River) Stera
    • Strathstera - A small city located along river Stera, one of the heart of what was known as North Mentia, the city was recently reconquered and is devastated. Name means Valley of Stera, likely of Ombu or Silnarian origin.
  • Machar - Lit. Empty Fields (Of likely Silnarian origin) - A large, flatland duchy on the right bank of the Ebona river
    • Berworth - A small city located on a raised mound in the plains of Machar, named after Barley of Value.

Important Figures

Waltram II Draungo, Male, Water Macen, 67, Emperor of Middle Mentia

The Emperor of Middle Mentia, who crowned himself at a young age when his younger brother did so. He is the second son of Waltram I, and was the favored heir after the oldest heir was disinherited. Waltram II was noted as the tallest of the siblings - standing 6’3, though of a lithe build. He displayed interests in scholarly matters and study at a young age, and was sent off to be educated in Ulnoor by his father - in hope Waltram would grow up to be an able administrator, during his time in Silnaria he was known to have become quite sociable - and made many friends amongst the natives - most important of which were that of the Clan Unn brothers - Crutar and Miart, who were known to have housed the future Emperor. It is likely that the Empress Innei Aesilnari have met him at some point - but the relationship between them is unknown.

By the time he hit age 23 - he received news that his eldest brother was disinherited and was recalled to become the rightful heir. He would be given governorship of Shaslandi and the crownland of North Mentia - a powerful position that gave him plenty of opportunity to enrich himself and ingratiate him with the future bureaucrats that would support the rule of a powerful Mentian Emperor.

Waltram II would visit Silnaria two years later, and meet his adulthood friend Saorise Unn - a Silnari from the prominent Unn family who ruled Southern Silnaria. The two allegedly fell in love and married each other, though no doubt politics were very important in deciding this marriage.

Waltram II have three issues - one son and two daughters, all of whom are adults.

When his younger brother, Galschen, utilized his status as a war hero and his stronger (at the time) army to declare himself pretender, Waltram II quickly followed and declared himself Emperor. Whereas the Silnari Imperial House is neutral on this, Clan Unn gave its full support to Waltram II and considered Waltram II - with whom they have a good relationship.