Kingdom of Rumhainn

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Kingdom of Rumhainn
Head of StateKing Ifo Sirt
Government TypeConstitutional Monarchy
Cultures~65% Rumin Silnarian, ~25% Sinic Rulmi, ~10% Vipic Rulmi
Religions~80% Silnarian
Population DensityModerate
Population5.5 millions

The Kingdom of Rumhainn represent the farthest western reach of Silnarian civilization - and is a province that split off over two centuries ago during the first collapse of Silnarian civilization, and have survived since then.

It is ruled by King Ifo Sirt, who has reigned for over two centuries since he declared himself King instead of governor.

The ethnic makeup of Rumhainn varies heavily across the country. The cities are primarily Silnarian of all types, whilst the countryside is a mixture of Silnarian colonists, settled loyal Brayer tribes and semi-nomadic Centaurs.

The countries primary trading partners are the less hostile nomadic Rulmi tribes to their west, the Anushken traders from Mipmi and various merchants which travel through the arcane seas. The nation is resource rich with very little exploitation of it's resources and is mostly self-sufficient.


The Kingdom is a fairly liberal colonial state. It's King is bound by articles which he himself agreed to and rules his people lightly. Regional nobility are also restricted by the same rules and govern the country with a light touch. The State as a whole views the Rulmi people to it's west as being in need of civilising, with even the name of the Kingdom invoking it's ambitions of taming the vast steppes to it's west and integrating it's people into a unified Rumin people. Tribes are integrated and moved deeper into the state, with tribal leaders receiving top-notch education and their children being given administerial positions to Silnaricize them. The King has respected tribal structures, though has made every effort to settle them and impose written law onto them.


Despite being ethnically Silnarian, most of the place names in Rumhainn are of different origins - of a language that might've dated from before even the Rulmi arrived in the place. The nation's population center is in its west - around the Avenamul river and Lake Agans, with a small amount of people residing in its easternmost province of Oscus. It is sparsely populated.

  • Aikhanom - The capital of the country, known for its splendous statues and monuments, many of which date back to the day of the Silnarian Empire as Emperors and Empresses made sure to make their presence known in the furthest reaches of Silnaria. It is also home to the Library of Aikhanom, which contains a lot of treasured knowledge brought here from the northeast. Some canons that cannot be found in Silnaria or Lymia can be found here instead. The libraries also hold a lot of secrets and literature from the tropical south.
  • Cairnapluir- The main trading city of Rumhainn, surrounding a large harbor next to the Yarst river. Home to the mighty Rumin merchant and war fleet, whose presence - and sophistication, is known throughout the Besian and arcane seas. Exotic goods from the faraway lands make it through here upriver toward the capital.


  • An Old King: King Ifo Sirt is probably the one of the longest reigning and oldest monarchs in the world of Ramul Ta, his reign having begun shortly after his father died after declaring the Kingdom independent. Now, he has ruled for almost 300 years, and is reaching his old age. Some say it is time for a replacement…Other believe he is seeking to extend his rule even longer.