Formal Name | Kingdom of Leyudia |
Capital | Sarnulla |
Head of State | Zaldrakar III Zardrakid |
Government Type | Feudal Monarchy |
Cultures | ~95% Arcanic, 2% Neo-Alamethri |
Religions | >95% | Arcanic |
Population Density | Medium |
Population | 4 millions |
Leyudia is the only independent Arcanic nation in the Arcane Seas, and is located on one of the largest inhabitable island in the Northeastern Passage
The island of Leyudia was called “Oilean Mor” by the Silnarian and “Dadao” - coincidentally both meaning Big Island. It was inhabited by a large native population of Halimari Arcanic people who practiced agriculture on the island when the colonizers came for them. Since its discovery in 300 P.S., the two colonial powers have fought subtly over controls with eachother while slowly but surely eroding the controls of the natives over their own land - driving some of them into the sea and corralling others into indentured or forced labor.
In Year 520, a large-scale revolt occurred on the southern Silnarian side of the island, led by an Uzhi leader named Zaldrakar who claimed to have visited a vision of impending apocalypse for the Silnarian, from a fiery fire god.
Zaldrakar skillfully played off the Silnarians and Runran against each other, promising parcels of land and feigning submission to the Runran to acquire much needed weaponries, and then when the Silnarian were driven off the island, opened diplomatic channels with the Silnarian by promising them protection of some of their properties and treaty rights, and then in turn used the Silnarian’s weapons to drive off the Runran. He was also a skilled tactician who employed a strategy of guerilla warfare against the occupiers - and trained his followers to take advantage of their amphibious ability to launch attacks from the seas.
In Year 527, Zaldrakar’s rebellion has mostly succeeded, leaving the two powers with only small fortified outposts. Knowing he had won, he negotiated for recognition from the two powers in exchange for commercial rights, and renamed the island Leyudia - a name that alludes to his aspirations to establish the island as an independent homeland for his own people.
Since then, the Zaldrakid dynasty has ruled over the island - while there were a few internal conflicts, most of them were resolved quickly.
The Zaldrakid dynasty ruled at the head of a quasi feudal monarchy with powerful chieftains and tribes competing with burghers in the major city of Leyudia for influence at the royal court.
Leyudia has a mixed agricultural economy and is an important transit point for international trade between Panguea and Ramul Ta. It has a bountiful tropical forest. The island is considered relatively underpopulated for its agricultural potential.
Leyudia has decent mineral reserves of iron - sufficient for domestic usage but uncompetitive for major export. Its metallurgical industry is considered underdeveloped compared to that of Panguea or Ramul Ta, and its rulers import and incentivize foreign craftsmen who do most of those skilled metallurgical work.
Elatara & Titans
Eons ago - before the Arcanic people organized their first entity, a group of exiled Titans from Lulladia stopped by the island and established a city in the southwest called Elatara - which stands for “Place of Refuge” in their language. The Titans of Elatara became famous as mercenaries around the world and contributed greatly to the independence of Leyudia when they joined the side of the natives.
The Elataran Titans - numbering no more than 10,000, occupy a privileged position in Leyudian society but mostly stick to themselves while providing the monarchy with powerful soldiers.
The capital of Leyudia is located at the port city of Sarnulla which is nested in the bay of Leyudia and sheltered from storms from the east and protected by a defensive harbor to the north.
Other significant cities include Iyaranna, Malhassa, Zalipura.
Leyudia has a decent navy that is widely regarded as outdated by a century or two - with nearly no presence of cannons and a boarding based naval doctrine, but it is enough to enforce its own sovereignty in the Arcane Seas.
It is well known for the loyal marines underneath the king - the Leyudian Bronze Guards, a well-trained formation of 5,000 magic-wielding marines who can swim quickly in the sea and supplement their navy through boarding actions and deadly magic. As their names imply, they’re equipped with rare and expensive bronze weapons and armor to protect themselves, and they claim a tradition dating to the years of the revolt as Zaldrakar the First’s assault troops.
It is said that Pinnacelia’s marines have taken inspiration from the famous Bronze Guards.