Kingdom of Ie

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Kingdom of Ie
Head of StateKing Kasa Mahubbur
Government TypeMonarchy
Cultures~95% Hombaxian
Religions50% Safaism, 50% Kozartism
Population DensityModerate
Population4.5 million

While most of the Hombaxian who migrated north ended up settling and establishing city-states, in the more marginal land of the Kingdom of Ie, a conventional kingdom instead emerged. Founded by Hombaxian who retained part of their nomadic traditions from when they inhabited the steppes, the Kingdom of Ie is currently ruled by the Mahubbur dynasty - who has seen their kingdom overran once already by the South Silnarian. Now, the kingdom is once again in trouble, at war with a much greater enemy than they are.


The Kingdom of Ie is a traditional, semi-feudal kingdom. However, the small size of the settled part of the kingdom allow King Kasa to exert a certain degree of control over the city - appointing governors and receiving tax and troops levy to fund a centralized army. On the more marginal land away from the Sha river, however, there are scattered, dense settlements around oases and water sources, and powerful nomadic tribes whose allegiance he must win. King Kasa so far has the loyalty of nearly all the tribes - except those who have converted to Kozartism and whose loyalty is dubious.


  • Second Invasion of Ie: Catastrophe! For the second time in recent history and in the rule of the Mahubbur dynasty, the Kingdom of Ie has been invaded. This time, their enemy is the much stronger Siuian Empire to the west, and so far they’ve been losing settlements left and right - the Siuian envoy ask for submission - to present their sword and livestocks, and many of the western tribes are defecting faster than the news can reach the capital. Will Kasa Mahubbur hold out? Or will his dynasty’s legacy end under Siui’s ambition?