Kingdom of Ombu

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Kingdom of Ombu
Head of StateQueen Scria Mulinn
Government TypeElective Monarchy
Cultures~99% Ombuian
Religions>99% Druobchoism
Population DensityHigh
Population3.5 million

The Kingdom of Ombu is a minor nation located in the last expansive magical forest in Ramul Ta - and some claims that it is their only one. Whether the magical forest has always existed - as asserted by the Ombuian themselves, or were largely the creation of a very very unique way of life and culture - as asserted by the Silnarian, is left as a matter of debate.


The Ombuian claim a mythological history lasting over three thousand years.

What is known is that by 754 B.S., there were already records in Siuian of some elves living in the magical forest located to the west. The region that Ombu was situated in was an exceptionally magical region rich in mana, which native faunas and floras took in and became oversized and extremely productive as a result. This forest was also very hostile to outsiders. All except a band of elves who some assert descended from Silnarian migrants from the north - and others asserted that modern day Ombu was in fact, the origin of the elves - with all elves descended from the forest itself.

Historically, the Ombuian entered numerous conflicts with the Siuian to their east - who practiced different religions and coveted the rich woodland resources of the Ombuian forest, and also blamed the elves for constant straying of dangerous faunas from the forest that attacked Siuian settlement. However, despite Siuian attempts to seize the left bank of the Telynydd / Talinith river throughout history, the Ombuian has always managed to regroup and drive them back - the Ombuian forest is notoriously hard to burn down and navigate.

The Ombuian and the Siuian eventually became tired of constant warfare, and settled on what is known as the Peace of Telynydd by 100 P.S., a peace treaty that'll endure almost 9 centuries with only small period of break in between - The Ombuian and Siuian divided their territory neatly using the Telynydd river as their boundary, and the Ombuian helped spread the seeds of their forest partially into the two border provinces of Siui that neighbored them - providing them with rich fruits and regrowing forest - a resources that is extremely rare in the unforested Siuian highlands otherwise. In exchange, the Siuian respected their side of the border and traded extensively with the Ombuian, enriching both countries together.

The agreement worked well for both nations - even as Siui adopted a much more dogmatic religion, the Ombuian were always pragmatically tolerated as a pseudo-vassal of the Siuian, and for their part the Ombuian made sure to always project strength - and to balance their diplomatic game by befriending Siui's northern neighbors and rival - at first the Silnarian who shared an elven kinship with them, and then the Mentian whom the Ombuian also shared the boons of their forest with.

All that would come to an end in 1051, when Siui embarked on a path of total war against the Mentian and upset the balance of power, causing the Kingdom of Ombu to invade the forested land to their east. Initial successes would be followed by a string of disastrous defeats as the Ombuian faced a well-organized, gunpowder-equipped Siuian army, with the Siuian army occupying the city of Tunuar after a brief battle outside that proved how inept Ombu's army is.

The Kingdom of Ombu were shaken by its thorough defeat and humiliation in the war, even though it managed to seize the most territories of all of the victorious nations - taking the Siuian border provinces of Siyavarz and Masuparan - the two provinces where part of Ombu's magical forest was extended to for the Siuian's benefits.

For now, the Ombuian have gained two valuable buffer provinces - one of which provide more than enough iron for the entire Kingdom and for the Ombuian to sell back to the Siuian themselves, but their control over the provinces are weak and the Ombuian have zero experience with administrating any territory outside of their forest.

Economy & Arboriculture

Those who lived in the forest practiced a unique art of magical arboriculture and over the course of centuries, tamed the entire forest to its own will. Where most people would clear the forest for farmland and then leaves some for coppicing or for wood, the Ombuian have mastered the art of doing both - in effect, through elaborate Plants Magic ritual they plant durable trees that provide food comparable in efficiency to - if not superior to conventional crops. Fast-growing trees from the magical forest are selectively cultivated to provide wood fuel, and those food in turn feeds their numerous animals, many of which are attuned to the forest's magic and become stronger and bigger - yet eat proportionally less food.

It is believed that with enough efforts, the Ombuian's magical forest could be spread throughout the world - but the only place where it has been done is the eastern provinces of Syiravarz and Masuparan - through centuries of deliberate progress that covers perhaps a quarter of these provinces with deliberately interspersed woodland between provinces.


The Kingdom of Ombu is not divided into conventional region but instead into mostly continuous regions held by the various clans of Ombuian. There are two significant cities - both located on the left bank of Telynydd

  • Tunuar - The capital of Ombu, located on the northern reach of the Telynydd river, where sustainably cultivated™ trees are exported down and up river alongside other exotic goods from the forest.
  • Suimer - The main trading center of Ombu, with Rumhainnese merchants having a large quarter in part of it, alongside Fricharii merchants from Tilai Khanate - other merchants are seldomly seen as the Ombuian largely prefer to trade with people that looks somewhat like them - one that they feel a sense of kinship toward.

In addition to the two major native cities, Ombu also owns or occupy two former Siuian border provinces:

  • Siyavarz (~2 million people): A densely populated province of Siui situated between the Tasmin and the Telynydd river, known for its abundant iron production - not due to an abundance of iron ore, but due to an abundance of fuel wood that is more than enough to feed its many furnaces.
  • Masuparan (~0.8 million people) - A heavily populated border provinces living on the eastern side of the Telynydd river.


To ensure peace and transition of power in the forest, the Kingdom of Ombu re-elect a new King or Queen every twenty years, selected by nobles and major tribes in the kingdom. It is not a true republic or democracy - with few explicit checks on the King or Queen’s powers during their reign.


  • The Sea Ban: Held for hundreds of years, the Ombuian Monarchy has banned the construction of any oceangoing ship or ships designed to do more than catching fishes, hoping to keep its rule solid and the elite in good condition. After all, the forests of Ombu are bountiful, why would people want to look outward?