Hombaxian League

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Hombaxian League
Formal NameLeague of the United Cities of Hombaxia
Head of StateTBD
Government TypeCity State League
Cultures~95% Hombaxian
Religions90% Safaism, 10% Kozartism
Population DensityHigh
Population8 million

Located on a strip of fertile and wet land along the southern coast of the Yor Sea, the Hombaxian city states have always had an independent streak, competing and co-operating with each other for prominence. With the first fall of Fondese of most of Hombaxia in the wake of the South Silnarian invasion, however, regional politics has been greatly re-arranged - Fondese has gained total dominance thanks to its early surrender and preserving much of its strength, and a core of hardened South Silnari and Sebduanian mercenaries, and now is at the head of a newly formed league of city - where the other city must pay either taxes or supply troops, which is used to defend against the threats from west to east. The league formed shortly after the fall of the Kingdom of Ie. The nascent league’s existence is greatly threatened by its two near-neighbors - most of all Siui, who see the Hombaxian as the logical next step in their conquest and rich and ready for the taking.


The Hombaxian League is ruled with the city of Fondese at its head, with each of the other cities sending delegates to its senate to represent the league as a whole - though all significant cities retain legislatures of its own.

Locations & Important Figures



  • Western Support: The Hombaxian states are understandably, extremely alarmed that Siui have mobilized and invaded the Kingdom of Ie to their west - although their western neighbor follow an archaic, monarchical and tribal form of politics, there’s no doubt they are still kins and Hombaxian. They fear that soon the next victim of Siui’s ambitions will be them, and have been not so subtly supplying a large amount of money, mercenaries and grain to Ie in hope of fighting them off. So far, the Hombaxian has not officially thrown in their lot with Ie, yet.