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Formal NameRoyaume d'Epinecote
Head of StateKing Artur IV
Government TypeAbsolute / Feudal Monarchy
Cultures~100% Epinecotian
ReligionsNative Azcarian Religion
Population DensityHigh
Population~450,000 - 600,000

Epinecote is part of the South Azcaria adventure zone. Click there for more information (especially about the general history)

Epinecote is one of the three survivor / successor state of the Azcarian Empire in the Prime Realm, located on the southeasternmost island of the Langara Islands island chian, close to the western shore of the Jagged Spines. The country was the first to encounter the Rumhainn Royal Expedition and would play a key part in reopening the passage into the Arcane Seas. Despite this, the kingdom was sidelined and no longer the most favored partner of Rumhainn.

Epinecote are Macen only with a very small Uzhi / Treton minority, the country was recently discovered in 1052 - character lore should match this.


The Kingdom of Epinecote has existed for at least a thousand years - dating at least to the fall of the Azcarian Empire, unfortunately, existing historical records are very unclear on when exactly did the Azcarian Empire fall, other than it was more than a thousand years ago. The Epinecotian were one of the people evacuated by the Azcarian Empire to the islands instead of being brought to the Arcane Seas. Whether they're an offshoot of the Azcarian people or one of its conquered people who adopted their language, or both, is unclear - though the royal history claims both at once.

Pre-Modern History

The Kingdom of Epinecote has been noted to occasionally enter conflict with its neighboring island of Viridia but also change side to fight the more powerful Kingdom of Montemara.


The Kingdom of Epinecote is ruled over by King Artur IV, who employs a council of influential noblemen and merchant, but holds a lot of power due to how compact his kingdom is.

Geography & Locations

The island of Epinecote is divided by a short mountain range down the middle with coastal plains on the side. The largest stretch of fertile, arable land is located to the east - in the area known as the Brisegarde peninsula, densely covered in farmland and is also where the capital is located - on the north side of the island with a string of densely populated towns dotting the peninsula.

Brisegarde (25,000)

The city of Brisegarde is the only city of significance located within the small country, home to a sizeable population of approximately 25 thousand souls. It is located in a small natural harbor located on the northside of the Epinecote island, with a large fortress-palace located on a raised hill overlooking the rest of the walled city. It is a significant trading port for the rest of the population on the peninsula - approximately no less than 150,000 people - with the rest mostly evenly spread out through the rest of the island. Grain ships arrive from the rest of the island to supply the large capital.


Epinecote produce a small amount of local spices like nutmeg or cloves that is likely to be outcompeted immediately upon access to the Arcane Seas. It also produce wine for local consumption - brought over from the mainland with strain suitable for tropical production, and grown in the high mountain valleys. It also produce perfumes and incenses that is exported to the rest of the islands.


For name utilizes https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/french-names.php

Epinecote is Macen only with a very small Uzhi / Treton minority.  


Epinecote's navy and army are tiny by most state's standards, but seems to have small but effect standing army & navy - inherited from the Azcarian Empire, consisting of likely no more than 5,000 people at any time. Lamellar and mail armor are used regularly and it is generally considered that the army is roughly 3 - 5 centuries behind that of Eastern Ramul Ta.