Timeline of Mentia

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Modern Timeline

The more recent history of Mentia is presented in a timeline.


Hausting (N.): Native name for “Deliberative Assembly”, the name for the assembly of all nobles of the realm, usually of count rank and above. The “13 Princes” are the nobles who, upon death of a previous Emperor, elect a new one from the male line descendants of the Emperor - then male brothers, and failing to find one, will elect one amongst the female descendent.


  • 753 PS, Dozhabian Invasion: The Silnarian Empire fell into one of its routine civil wars, weakening the Empire once again. At the same time, the Dozhab Federation - a tribal federation of beastkin, assembled and invaded modern day Northern Mentia.
  • 754 PS, Battle of Hennapace / Kynepace: Alarmed, local Mentian nobles and generals gathered their troops in Upper Mentia, determined to check the invasion of the beastkin. Needing a leader amongst themselves, Ädel‌hidh Draungo, a veteran of campaigns under the Silnarian and a noble from Middle Mentia, was elected the general of the army. He proceeded to lead the Mentian army to a decisive, low casualties victory against the Beastkin. Finding the name too whimsical, the pass was later renamed Cynepace.
  • 754 PS, Crowning of Ädel‌hidh: A few days after the Battle, chasing down beastkin and looting their baggage train, the nobles present gathered in the Rafinogö of Vozjishonhi, a site near the battle which is noted for its scenery and being the alleged site where the dragon fought the void creature. Ädel‌hidh was crowned Protector of All Menti, and Emperor of All Menti, and the nobles swore loyalty to him, kissing his sword finger.
  • 878 PS, Mentia reach modern Territorial Extent: Under the rule of Emperor Bàhamol, the Mentian reached its modern day territorial extent, after winning a war against Siui, securing the lower reach of the Ebona from Silnaria, and winning a war against South Empire - securing its eastern border.
  • 1000 PS, Waltram I crowned: Waltram I ascended to the throne. He was an ambitious Emperor raised in Northern Mentia, intent to centralize the empire, and invested greatly in infrastructures and industries in the north to strengthen his base - as at that point, Northern Mentia has been cultivated for the past two generations as a directly ruled area.
  • 1006 PS, Dim Draungo Disinherited: The eldest son of Waltram I, Dim, was disinherited by the Emperor and sent into exile in the south for his continuous womanizing, and was accused of unsuitability for rulership - by actively having multiple wives. This was considered against Duni (North) Menti tradition - though not seen as extraordinary by South Menti standards, He was exiled to Siui, where he lived on a lavish stipend from his father and was greatly popular in the Siuian court.
    • As a consequence of this, Waltram II was prepared as the heir instead - with Waltram II sent to Silnaria for an education in statesmanship - also in hope of cultivating a good relation with the elves. Waltram II would be appointed governor of Shaslandi and then successively North Mentia when he returned, becoming well-known for his administrative ability.
    • Galschen Draungo - the third son was appointed as a general - a backup heir of some sort, and appointed as a titular Duke of Shadhusa.
  • 1011 PS, Anushken Invasion: Considered irrelevant at the time, the Anushken Federation has formed in the north and started invading Silnarian territories.
  • 1011 PS, Fireball Plot and the Eastern Revocation: Seeing the southerners as unruly and finding the Grand Duke of Thormark rebellious, Waltram attempted to gradually erode their power. In one fateful night in Shaslandi’s palace, Waltram was fireballed in his own bedroom but survived barely scratched. In the purge that followed, Waltram convened a Rafinogo and accused the duke of Eastern Mentia of treason, stripping him of his title and declaring him exiled. The eastern duke didn’t rebel - believing that this would naturally lead to his brother assuming the title. Instead of doing what every noble expected - Waltram declared the title reverted to himself and granted it to his favorite brother Askan Draungo. This was widely considered a bad idea and everyone was angered greatly.
  • 1011 - 1014 PS, War of Thormark Succession: The southern nobles, greatly displeased at the decision to revoke one of them’s title and hand it to a close relative of the current Emperor, declared open rebellion and pressed the claims for the original claimant on Eastern Mentia. Askan was almost killed by rebellious nobles when he tried to enter Stalaburh, and Waltram forcibly escorted him into the city, while battles were fought throughout Southern and Eastern Mentia.
  • 1014 PS, Kadrushian Invasion of Northern Mentia: 3 years into the great rebellion, there was no end in sight, Waltram was making progress, but slowly and steadily, and it seems the war would take another half decade to end. The Imperial coffer was depleted, and Mentia was starting to be saddled with debt. At this time, Kadrush invaded modern Northern Mentia and overran most of the countryside.
  • 1014 PS, Peace of Cyneburh: Waltram signs a peace treaty at the southern city of Cyneburh, effectively enforcing the status quo ante bellum, but gaining tenuous recognition for the title - the southern nobles conceded that the East is under stewardship of his brother until the situation at the border is resolved. In exchange, he promised to convene a new Hausting to resolve the issue once and for all.
  • 1014 PS - 1016 PS - Kadrushian - Mentian War:
    • May 14, 1014 PS - Battle of Strathstera: Waltram gathered and marched his exhausted army north as news of the Kadrushian marching on the capital came to him. The southern nobles - their own troops depleted and loyalty in doubt, refused to send more than symbolic help as they licked their wounds. The Emperor’s son, Galschen Draungo, was sent to the relatively untouched Upper Mentia to raise a new army, mustering a total of six thousand footmen and two thousand horsemen of unknown quality. While resting near Strathstera and awaiting reinforcement, the Kadrushian army would appear and surprise the Mentian army, massacring them with thousands of its men fleeing across the river and dying. Waltram I would be killed in the rout and his body would never be found - alongside the Regalia of the throne.
    • May 15 - July 29, 1014 PS, Southern Push: With the main Mentian army defeated, the Kadrushian Army scouted ahead and considered sieging the river city of Ebonaforda - but were repelled by local militias and swung around to the west - deciding that the city was too well fortified to target. Instead, the Kadrushian swung west and crossed the Ebona river near its upper reach, pillaging and burning its way down south - sacking the city of Caer Lifo on its way south, then attempted to take the city of Hennaforda. Galschen Draungo managed to check the beastkin’s advance here, inflicting a tactical defeat that forced them back north of the Ebona river.
    • April 15 - May 14, Second Kadrushian Invasion: After winter, the Kadrushian regained strength and decided on a second invasion south - this time bypassing Ebonaferda and directly invading Southern Mentia, the city of Caer Lifo was sacked for a second time in two years, and the Kadrushian started besieging Isernburh in hope of gaining loot.
  • July 15 - 1015 PS, Second Battle of Kynepace: The southern nobles became extremely alarmed as now the beastkin threatened to sweep south into their territory. In desperation, the Southern Nobles recognized Askan Draungo’s claim to the east, in exchange allowing him to levy troops effectively. They also called on the support of Siui, who sent a massive army north - understandably alarmed that Mentia’s troubles will soon be theirs. Galschen Draungo joined with his own private army. The two armies met as the Kadrushian pillaged their way down south, near the site of Hennapace - the same place where Ädel‌hidh checked the Dozhabian three centuries prior. During the ensuing battle, the entirety of the Kadrush army was annihilated, as they were caught unaware and busy looting the countryside.
  • 1016 PS, Year of Three Hausting:
    • After winning in the battle of Kynepace, Galschen Draungo, the third and last son of Waltram, gathered an assembly of Upper Menti and Northern Mentian nobles, and convened a Hausting of his own at the site of Kynepace, the same place where Ädel‌hidh were elected almost 3 centuries prior. The southern nobles and the Siuian were greatly displeased - hoping to play a bigger part in the future of the Mentian Empire, and find Galschen to be not a candidate to their liking. In protest, the Siuian and Southern Menti nobles withdrew from the campaign. Upon hearing the news of his younger brother crowning himself, Waltram II, the second son of Waltram I, convened another Hausting in Kyneburh, and declared himself Emperor with support from most Central Mentian noble.
    • The northern reconquest campaign disintegrated completely, and within a year the two Emperors were in open warfare against each other. To further complicate the matter, the Southerner elected Dim Draungo, who returned from exile in Siui as the Emperor, with the support of the Siuian Army. The stage for the civil war was set
  • 1020 - 1026 PS, First Upper - Middle Mentian War: The first major war of the civil war was fought, with Middle Mentia mobilizing 25,000 men to invade Upper Mentia, hoping to catch them unaware. After some initial successes on the border, Galschen forded the Ebona river behind the Middle Mentian’s rear, and surprised them with a night attack, killing and wounding a significant amount of the Middle Mentian army, while sending the rest fleeing. The Middle Mentian retreated into a defensive posture, and nothing significant happened for the next three years.
    • Eventually, Waltram II gathered the remnants of the Northern Army and gained the support of other Middle Mentian nobles for the war. However, Waltram II was unaware that Dim and Galschen had formed a pragmatic alliance amongst themselves.
    • 1024 PS - First Battle of Hennaforda - Galschen’s army met Waltram II’s reconstituted army on the field in front of Hennaforda , with Galschen refusing to give battle, ready at any moment to stay within the city. Eventually, by late afternoon Dim Draungo’s army arrived - together with a small number of Siuian mercenaries. Both the Middle and Upper Mentian stared eachother down, wondering who the southern pretenders were joining - if any. Eventually, Waltram II lost his patience and ordered a frontal attack. In the middle of it, Dim Draungo ordered his men to attack the Middle Mentian from the side, and Waltram II narrowly escaped capture.
    • The war would wear on for two more years until the nobles pressured the two Emperors to make peace - with beastkins incessantly raiding their territories from their foothold in Northern Mentia, and the war exhausting their coffers.
  • 1030 - 1033 PS, First Upper Mentian Reconquest Campaign: Having spent half a decade recuperating from the first civil war, Galschen decided to bolster his legitimacy by rallying his nobles to reconquer part of Northern Mentia. The campaign was generally successful - and over the course of three years, Galschen managed to dislodge a large number of beastkin warlords, expanding his territory from the upper reach of Ebona river to the reach of western mountains. This also regained access to numerous lucrative mines in the west.