Kingdom of Awarya

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Kingdom of Awarya
Formal NameAwarya
Head of StateZewdareks
Government TypeMonarchy
Cultures~95% Awaryan
Population DensityMedium
Population2.4 millions

Awarya is a nation inhabited by the eponynmous Awaryan, located on the upper reach of the Lapi river in the marginal arid land between it and the Mattan highlands proper. The Kingdom once encompassed the agriculturally productive upper reach of the Lapi river beyond the Agaya Axu mountains, but the rise of the Tilai Khanate led to it losing all land to the west of the Agaya Axu mountains.


Due to the taboo against the Awaryan in Mattan Society, the Kingdom of Matta in its east never bothered to fully conquer and integrated the Awaryan, allowing them some kinds of autonomy as long as they paid tributes and demonstrated submissions - and the Kingdom of Matta was not always united in most of its history.

Awaryan have settled the western side of the Agaya Axu mountains since time immemorial and had a complex relationship with the nomads that dwell next to them in the west - trading livestocks and metal goods with them while occasionally being subjugated or subjugating them.

The most recent history is a period of subjugation and unprecedented disaster. Awarya has lost all territories west of the mountains and a good half of its population, sending refugee waves east into the marginal land of Eastern Awarya, which is barely able to support them on the few land that remain between. Most of these refugees have settled or migrated further east into Kingdom of Matta now, and Awarya remains a small, weakened state with no hope of retaking its western territories anytime soon...


The current Kingdom of Awarya only hold the territories traditionally known as Eastern Awarya, which is located on the upper reach of the Lapi river. The river valley and its surrounded are farmed and irrigated extensively, and its left bank give way to stark, uninhabitable desert, while its eastern bank fade into marginal dryland - before conditions become more tolerable again as the eastern border of Awarya is reached.

The city of Gomer has a population of 10,000 and is a relatively small and unremarkable capital city.


The economy of Awarya is feudal and rather underdeveloped - Western Awarya historically having been the center of wealth and iron production instead of the rural east.


Like the Mattan to the east, the Awaryan army is feudal in nature and fields a decently effective royal guards. Cavalries are not fielded widely and are mainly used by nobles who can afford to armor themselves in chainmail and lamellar. Awaryan typically fight with large shields and long spears, supplemented by swords or axes as they can afford it. They are however, renown longbowmen - especially western Awaryan who practices longbows in order to defend their community from the infamous Kirigic steppe archers.