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Head of StateTaikon TBD
Government TypeOligarchic Republic
Cultures>90% Irunian
ReligionsNo census data
Population DensityHigh
Population7 million

Kihara is an oligarchic republic located on the northwestern coast of the Panguean Inner Sea, centred on the Kurotsuchi river's lower delta. Founded by the Irunian Pale Oni, victors of the war against the Great Oni Empire.


The Kurotsuchi (Black Dirt) river valley has been the center of Oni civilization ever since history first started being recorded. The Onis are believe to have emerged from the mountains to the west of the valley. The Greater Onis - Red and Blue onis of a gigantic stature are said to have originated from the caves within the mountain or from the mountaintop, while the much more numerous Pale Oni of a smaller stature are said to have originated underground.

The Caverns of Panguea is generally small and not too inhabitable compared to that of Ramul Ta - there's simply way less area underground than there is in Ramul Ta. As soon as the first Pale Onis reached the surface, they started to migrate out of it in great number. The bigger, stronger Red and Blue Onis would lord over their "lost cousins" from the underground, and formed a new hybrid culture known as Irunian - a translation of the word "Iro" - meaning color, standing for the colorful people.

By Year 500, the Red and Blue Onis obtained total dominion over the western part of the Panguean continent, using their great strength and stature. The pale onis, who were physically weaker were relegated to a secondary caste - toiling in labor for their Greater Onis overlord. This built up much resentment and caused rebellions throughout the Great Oni Empire's history - but none succeeded until the Empire of Runra entered two hundred years of warfare against the Oni.

To induce the Pale Onis to revolt, Empire of Runra signed what is known as the Treaty of Kihara with the Pale Onis - the Runran will provide them armament and support, and in exchange, promised that the most fertile reach of the Kurotsuchi river - previously mostly reserved for the Greater Onis, will become theirs and theirs alone - a homeland for them, in the shining, sunny surface where the land are fertile and the weather is great.

Pale Onis revolted en masse in the lower Kurotsuchi valley, and many of them were butchered and massacred. To the north, constant conflicts and migration of non-oni people meant that the Pale Onis were relegated to a minority in most of their former homeland, but by 532, the Pale Oni have carved out their own independent state centered on the city of Kihara, after butchering their oppressors and throwing the survivors into the harbor of Kihara, tying them down with stones attached to their horns - provided it wasn't cut off in the first place.

Since the Pale Onis did not have many natural leaders amongst them before the revolt, the newly formed state were led by a Council of Elders, where groups of rebels would elect respected elders amongst them to represent them in Kihara. This would become formalized as the Diet (Parliament) of Kihara later on.

Kihara endured and survived for another 450 years, fighting against the Oni, their remnants, their successor states, tribal people, the Hanuelian and even the Runran at many point - all of whom covet the fertile land that the Oni sits on. The Republic endures, but for how long?


For a state in Drase, Kihara has a relatively democratic government. The Republic is structured like a typical administrative republic, headed by a Diet consisting of representatives elected from the city of Kihara and various significant cities and rural districts. The government is headed by a Taikun, meaning Great Prince / Great Lord. The title was adopted at first in order to elevate the Chancellor of the republic to a more stately equivalence in terms of title, but were later co-opted as the actual title of the leader of the Republic of Kihara.

The Republic of Kihara is oligarchic in nature and voting rights are generally granted to the respected, the wealthy and the propertied whom form several different blocs within the republic.

Foreign Relation

Kihara generally has hostile or neutral relationship with most of its land neighbors, whom are to be covered in a future lore expansion.

It maintains friendly relation with Empire of Runra, one of its biggest trade partner.

It currently has a friendly relation with Hanuel but its relation with Hanuel is noted to change quite often.

For all of the major powers, Kihara has tried to act friendly or as a neutral ground for all of them to negotiate, leading to them serving a role as an intermediary between some of the major powers of Panguea - when they wants to talk to eachother, that is.


For Kihara name, uses Japanese names.

The culture of Kihara is based on Japanese culture, with the main differences being a much higher emphasis on individual freedom than conformity - rooted in Kihara's rebellious root as a country. However, loyalty to family and extended family is still as valued as before.

Kiharan culture heavily dislike if not prohibit the presence of Red and Blue Onis amongst them.


Kiharan religion is for all purpose, pre-state Shintoism.


Kihara's land forces are generally unremarkable, but experienced, relying generally on disciplined infantry supported by mage and as of recently - cannons.

Kihara have a competent naval forces, with its navy constantly copying shipbuilding techniques from the Hanuelian (Much to their consternation) and then trying to improve on them. Their heritage means they are still more inclined to boarding combat than gunnery compared to their Hanuelian counterpart.