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Head of StateQueen Chyhundraa Osingo
Government TypeElective Monarchy
Cultures>90% Paranian
Religions>95% Maktuvian
Population DensityHigh
Population20 millions

Parania is a large Vedurian state established along the reach of the Iha river and the large Paranian forest, located in the northeastern coastland of the Ruttenian subcontinent.


Parania were established by Vedurian immigrants coming in from around Lake Gaingia - the tropical homeland of the Vedurian people. Eventually, they migrated from the highlands of Upper Ruttenia into the lowland dominated by the Paranian forest - and there founded their first settlement, not too far from the site of Paranrata - the swampland were barely occupied by any other inhabitants, and considered uninhabitable - but the Vedurian were adaptable and quickly worked and settled this previously inhospitable land - discovering it was in fact, quite hospitable with the right manipulation of the local flora.

The Paranian spread out across the lower reach of the Paranian forest, establishing villages and cities wherever they go, bringing with them specialized variant of jackfruit and breadfruit to plant as staple. Soon, they converted the entirety of the Paranian highland and most of the Iha river basin into their own land - a mixed land of villages, forest, cultivated fields and large, wooden-walled city made in their own image.

Eventually, the Paranian were conquered by the Maktuvian and ended up adopting their culture and religion, deviating away from their southern cousin who retained their own distinctive religion and language.


Parania is an elective monarchy with the monarchy elected amongst the nobles of Parania.


  • Paranrata (250,000): The coastal capital - which is home to a massive textile industry with Paranian silk and textile exported all over the world as they are considered to be the finest, most delicate textiles ever made - with the Paranian's reputation preceding them - many wealthy customers seeing that plant people would surely make better textile than normal people. It is also home to a large shipbuilding industry, with fine catamaran and ships built by the Paranian themselves from the strongest, most well-picked wood manipulated by the Paranian natural ability - ships constructed in Paranrata are often exported as far away as Runra, and the city is home to a small but prevalent population of craftsmen who seek to better their craft with well made Vedurian organic materials.
  • Others: TBD


The Paranian have an infantry and archery focused army with small cavalry contingent and large usage of war elephants, alongside a small amount of imported and hired Maktuvian dragon mercenaries. The Paranian is famed for and favor medium-length pike formation, using their race's natural ability to extend their reach to crush other formation in melee, and use copious amount of archers to support and cover their own pikemen.