Formal Name | Regno di Viridia |
Capital | Silvana |
Head of State | Queen Alessandra Fiore |
Government Type | Absolute / Feudal Monarchy |
Cultures | ~100% Viridian |
Religions | Native Azcarian Religion |
Population Density | High |
Population | ~350,000 - 450,000 |
Viridia is part of the South Azcaria adventure zone. Click there for more information (especially about the general history)
Viridia is one of the three successor state of the Azcarian Empire in the Prime Realm, located precariously between the Kingdom of Montemara and Kingdom of Epinecote. Historically and currently the weakest kingdom of the three due to its position between the two other kingdoms and its poor, rugged and mountainous land. The island is overpopulated despite its small population size and it is the most eager kingdom to recolonize the mainland after the discovery of the foreigners.
Viridia is Macen only with a very small Uzhi / Treton minority, the country was recently discovered in 1052 - character lore should match this.
The Kingdom of Viridia has lost its independence many time over its thousand time history, at various point divided between and fought between the neighboring Kingdom of Montemara and Epinecote - often siding with Epinecote against the more powerful Montemaran to maintain its independence. Currently Viridia is allied with Epinecote and exist in a tenuous peace with Montemara.
The Viridian claims that they are the inheritor of the Azcarian people and its original people. This claim is ignored by the other two Kingdoms who claim an equally proud history.
The Kingdom of Viridia is ruled by Queen Alessandra Fiore, elevated from a prominent local merchant family as a compromise cnadidate after a war 26 years ago that led to the restoration of Viridian independence.
Geography & Locations
The island of Viridia is the smallest and poorest of the three, containing narrow strip of fertile land on the coast separated by a mountain range.
Silvana (10,000)
The city of Silvana is the capital of Viridia and is a medium-sized town by the standards of eastern Ramul Ta. It is where the royal palace is located and is located on the southern side of the island. It is the craftsmen hub of the island where many tools and luxury goods are produced.
Viridia is known for growing a significant amount of rice especially on its terraced hillside to make the best use of its poor land, alongside growing cotton and sugarcane as typical tropical trade goods.
Uses Italian for Viridian names
Viridian are Macen only with a very small Uzhi / Treton minority.
Viridia has a barely functional standing army of no more than 500 men under the direct command of the queen - though it would be more apt to call it a tax-funded militia or the queen's loyal henchmen and part of Silvana's garrison. It does however has a large-ish navy consisting of no more than 40 ships (Presumably decently sized and crewed). The rest of its military are controlled by local magnates and nobles around the island.
Like the rest of the Langara Islands military it is 3 - 5 centuries behind Eastern Ramul Ta at best.