Formal Name | Reino de Montemara |
Capital | Valdeluz |
Head of State | King Baltasar de Iscari |
Government Type | Absolute / Feudal Monarchy |
Cultures | ~100% Montemaran |
Religions | Native Azcarian Religion |
Population Density | High |
Population | ~900,000 - 1.1 million |
Montemara is part of the South Azcaria adventure zone. Click there for more information (especially about the general history)
Montemara is the northwestern most kingdom of the Langara Islands, and the strongest of the three by a significant portion, owning the biggest and most arable island of the island chain alongside some smaller and more habitable island. It is also home to Valdeluz - its capital and the primary city of the South Azcaria adventure zone.
Montemara is Macen only with a very small Uzhi / Treton minority, the country was recently discovered in 1052 - character lore should match this.
The Kingdom of Montemara proudly claims to be the most favored of all the people of the former Azcarian Empire (now rediscovered). It is said that Emperor Aurexien, the last Emperor of the old Azcarian Empire before its destruction, was a Montemaran himself and favored his own people to be evacuated onto the most suitable island amongst the Langara island. This is a point of pride amongst the Montemaran and resentment amongst the Epinecotian and Viridian.
As the strongest of the three kingdoms it has routinely engaged in wars with the other two kingdom in an attempt to control the entire island chain - and have succeeded multiple time in history in doing so. By the time the Rumhainn Expedition made contact with the countries of Langara Islands, the three states have broken up into its independent part again after a long bloody struggle, with Montemara remaining the strongest of the three.
Montemara welcomed the foreigners with open hand, eager to re-assert its status as the strongest kingdom of the three. Its capital Valdeluz became a haven for adventurers and the colonial nations eager to explore, exploit and maybe even colonize the land of former Azcaria. Montemara hopes to gain the foreigners assistance and retake the mainland as its rightful domain, without losing control of its own country. With the other two countries competing aggressively for the foreigners patronage and hundreds if not thousands of heavily armed, rich foreigners in its capital, the Kingdom of Montemara must maneuver carefully to ensure that it does not end up as one of the colony of the powerful eastern Ramul Ta states...
The Kingdom of Montemara is ruled by King Baltasar de Iscari, a king hailing from a lineage that claims to be noble since time immemorial in the time of the old Azcarian Empire, descended from a marriage of a powerful priestess and a legendary mythological king of the Montemaran before they were conquered by the Azcarian. Over the years, the claim has also evolved to also claim descendance from the legendary founder of Azcaria - playing on the phonetical similarity between Iscari and Azcaria.
Montemara is considered the most powerful kingdom of the three and have secured its claim with a royal marriage to Rumhainn - conducted almost immediately after the first contact of Rumhainn and Montemara, with King Baltasar de Iscari sending over one of his favorite daughter to look for a suitable husband amongst the royal family of Rumhainn. It is considered to be especially close to Rumhainn.
Geography & Locations
The Kingdom of Montemara control two islands of significance besides the main island - also named Montemara after the country. Its island is the least rugged of the three and consist of the most arable land with abundant coastal plains (for an island).
Island Baja is a flat island not considered to be highly arable and therefore used as a ranch for cattles and sheeps which are sold in the nearby capital city of Valdeluz. To its northeast is Isla Redonda, which is also densely populated with normal agricultural settlements.
Valdeluz (50,000)
The capital city of Valdeluz is located on the eastern side of the island, opposite the small and flat Isla Baja. More details can be found within the South Azcaria adventure zone page.
Montemara is the only island of the three with a consistent agricultural surplus, thus foodstuffs are often exported from it to the other two islands in exchange for goods the other two country produce.
Montemaran uses Spanish names and we'll also allow the usage of Portuguese name if wanted.
Like all of the Langaran culture the Montemaran are a patronymic culture with lineage going down the father's lineage. Montemaran have a more collectivistic culture with stronger family ties, similar to the Viridian but distinct from the Epinecotian who seems to be a bit more individualistic. Montemaran - like the rest of the Langaran have a bit of prejudice against people with pointed ears due to their history and especially against beastkins in general.
Cuisine wise it is rather close to Spain - its main inspirations, with heavier usage of tropical ingredients due to its location. Beef is extremely uncommon as a form of animal protein - even though Isla Baja allows them to ranch cow, with lamb and mutton being the most common form of animal protein after fish.
Montemaran are Macen only with a very small Uzhi / Treton minority.
Montemara has an outdated (technologically) military but the biggest of the three successor states - and certainly enough to rein in individual groups of rogue adventurers or pirates. It has a standing military in the style of the Azcarian with well-funded, professional spellblades and archers.
It is known to have the largest navy of the three Langaran countries - fielding up to a total of eighty ships.