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Capital Keguntan
Head of StateTBD
Government TypeRepublican City State
Cultures~70% Keguntanese Runran, ~10% White Irunian, ~5% Blue Irunian, ~10% Other Runran
Religions>95% Uhazuism
Population DensityVery High
Population4 million

Keguntan were established by Koyan refugees fleeing the civil war between the various Courts of Koya, many of them fleeing through the newly constructed Koyan gate toward the unexplored continent of Baninta. Over the centuries, waves after waves of Koyan refugees would arrive and populate the country. Soon the Republic gained a reputation for attracting all sort of exiles from Panguea, and is one of the few country if not the only one of Pangueaic origin that welcome all kind of people - youkais or Kemonomimi.

The name of Keguntan is likely not of Koyan origin and might have came from a local tribe's language.

The city-state highly values its independence and is important in the region. It is the most most established and richest of the colonies established by any Pangueaic state so far, and control the mouth to a major river that enables easy and relatively safe expedition into the interior of the continent.

The city state of Keguntan is a very popular destination for adventurers wishing to collect magical and exotic materials, and is known for a highly literate and learned population and its popularity amongst scholars.


The city of Keguntan is run by a 150 members senate elected from the affluent in the city, with 40 seats reserved for peripheral settlement based on population and significance.