Timeline of Greater Silnaria

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A timeline of the events in Greater Silnaria


  • ~650 BS, First King of Ulnoor: The first recorded monarch of the city of Ulnoor is recorded. Their dynastic name was Aesilnari.
  • 0 PS, Scre's Birth: Scre, daughter of one of the kings of Ulnoor - who by then has expanded into a small city-state with multiple tributaries, is born.
  • 22 PS, Scre becomes Queen of Ulnoor: Scre becomes the Queen of Ulnoor after her father died in battle, conquering the city-state of Cesinor and warring against Hovia
  • 45 PS, Scre’s Conquest of Silnaria: Scre successfully conquered most of modern day Silnaria, establishing the city of Ulnoor-hon-juinui and declaring herself Queen of Silnaria - named after her dynasty’s name.
  • 45 - 51 PS, Scre’s Eastern Conquest: Scre invaded the rich land of the Lymian to the east and over six years, managed to nominally bring most of the cities under her control. Rebellions would continue for decades, but are inevitably crushed.
  • 50 - 61, 75 - 90, 103 - 110 PS, The Arzidan Wars: The powerful Arzidan Empire declared war on Silnaria, each of them lasting a few years, usually with Arzida attempting to support the Lymian’s independence or rebellion, and losing multiple time as they overextend. By the third war the Arzida was in a much worse position than it started with, and Scre invaded the capital of Arzida, massacring the royal family and burning their capital to the ground. Survivors retreated to the underground and Arzida stopped existing as a political entity above ground.
  • 65 - 105 PS, First Silnarian Invasion of Mentia: The Silnarian Empire gradually encroached south into Mentian territories, but ended up retreating back into the valley of Dirqal river due to resistance.
  • 121 - 140 PS, Scre’s March Down Sebdu: Scre lead a great expedition into modern day Sebduania, inhabited by different Macen petty polity, and conquer it.
  • 175 - 190 PS, Second Silnarian Invasion of Mentia: After suffering from frequent Mentian raids, Silnaria invaded Mentia for the second time and successfully subjugated most of the regions
  • 240 PS, Construction of the 1st Arcane Gate: The construction of the Northern Gate is complete, and a few years later one of Scre’s rebellious heirs, Chlul, was exiled to the Arcane Seas for allegedly plotting against his mother.
  • 350 PS, Scre's Death: Scre passed away peacefully, but not before upsetting her succession as she has managed to kill multiple of her direct offsprings who attempted to overthrow her, greatly weakening the nobles and any chance of peaceful succession. Succession plans were unclear - as Scre did not expect to die until at least twenty years later.
  • 350 - 363 PS, Silnarian Interregnum: One of the purported lost sons of Scre emerged and ruled over Silnaria, with great chaos and rebellions throughout and multiple claimants claiming to be Scre’s descendents fighting over the throne. The Emperor that ruled over Silnaria was lost to history - his or her name scrubbed from record, and official history of Silnaria list Chlul as the rightful Emperor during this time.
  • 363 PS, Chlul’s Return: Chlul returns from the Arcane Seas with a massive army of Runran mercenaries, and overthrew them, paying the mercenary with the treasury and unsettled land around in exchange for military service. His reign begins and this event would start the mass migration of Runran people into the continent.
  • 373 PS, Lymian Gate: Chlul constructs the Lymian gate and starts to focus Silnaria’s effort outward, building a powerful navy and eventually colonizing the north, establishing multiple cities in the future Irtutian League.
  • 550 PS, Chlul’s Death: Chlul passes away, the next two centuries would be relatively peaceful for the Silnarian Empire - civil conflicts were largely subdued and non catastrophic.
  • 750 PS, Beginning of the five-year war: The Empress of Silnaria, Aeignais, passes away with unclear succession plan and very ambitious and powerful children - Her primary heir - Eithsei’s succession was disputed by three princes and princesses - all three of them his own siblings. Elspeth, a veteran and general in the west. Padraigin, governor of the south, Muirne, governor of the southeast.
  • 751 - 753 PS, Dozhabian Invasion: The western beastkin Dozhabian coalition invaded Silnarian territory, leading to the independence of Mentia in two years. Elspeth would die early in a great battle between him and Eithsei, and Padraigin would die in the chaos of the war, though his death is variously attributed to Mentian, Beastkin or his Sibling - the situation is unclear.
  • 753 PS, Mentian Independence: The Mentian became independent from the Silnarian at this time.
  • 755 PS, South Silnarian Empire: Eithsei failed to dislodge Muirne from his position in the South, and Muirne managed to push forward to invade most of Lymia. The border of the two Silnarian Empires would stabilize, and warfare would continue on.
  • 761 - 770 PS, Western Reconquest: Silnaria and the Mentian Empire allied together and annihilated the Dozhabian Federation - the Silnarian managed to reconquer half of their western land - but failed to push to the Hasaap river again.
  • 935 - 952 PS, Southern Conquest: The then-current Emperor of South Silnaria, Udim, decided to invade the countries to his south. His ultimate target was to subjugate Dezabia - a theocracy led by Oriates whose fertile land could secure prosperity for years to come. To help him, the normally powerful Dezabia was in the middle of a civil war.
    • Taking advantage of the feuding Hombaxian City States, Udim landed and obtained the fealty of the eastern cities, who swore loyalty to him and agreed to become tributaries - in exchange for special status in the Empire. Then he marched west on the city of Fondese, who mustered a mercenary army of Ieian and managed to stop his advance. With the conquest of Western Hombaxia stalled, Udim gathered his strength and marched east - overtaking the capital city of Rakmurse - though Dezabia was strong, they were in middle of a religious civil war, and wholly unprepared for an invasion.
    • Udim installed his sister Stía on the throne of Dezabia - declaring her the new High Priestress - but she wasn’t exactly popular. The Silnarian Government only had tentative control of the south - and the populace were rebellious.
  • 958 - 961 PS - Collapse of South Silnaria & Establishment of Salvainia: A series of unfortunate events would lead to the total collapse of the South Silnarian Empire.
    • Stia incited a mob to murder her brother Udim after inviting him to a feast in Rakmurse, and then sailed for South Silnaria to take over the throne, only to have prime minister Triteis flee with the three-years old rightful heir Bianiafai and the imperial treasury to Mentia. The Mentian Emperor came to the east at the head of a great army and defeated Stia with Bianiafai in his arms, and then retreated.
    • Stia would return with an army to the capital, overthrowing her nephew again. A Lymian general, Tholtua, would reconquer Southern Lymia on behalf of the Silnarian Empire. Stia returned to the capital shortly after receiving this news, and attempted to mobilize an army.
    • Her nephew would return for a second time with Siuian and Mentian mercenary in tow, one of them a Siuian Kozarti mercenary, named Salvain Haslan. Stia would be overthrown for a second time in three years, and would be killed in the ensuing battle.
    • By 961 PS, a payroll dispute would lead to Salvain Haslan leading a coup against the South Silnarian - the South Silnarian were overthrown, and Salvain quickly seized control over most of the empire, suppressing rebellions left and right.
  • 970 - 982 PS - The Lymian Wars of Independence: In a series of rebellions against high war taxation throughout Silnaria, Lymia ended up gaining independence alongside its colony Irtutian League. Grievances included taxation, oppression, enslavement of Tholian elves and others - the end result being the abolition of nominal chattel slavery in Lymian territory. Salvainia and Mentia played an important part in supporting the rebellion.
  • 995 PS - Battle of Ulnoor Gulf: Salvainia and Lymia jointly invaded Silnarian territory, capturing Cesinor and were on the verge of besieging Ulnoor. A greatly outnumbered Silnarian navy managed to destroy an army of 150,000 men and 600 ships, using only 400 ships and 90,000 men of their own. The loss was highly devastating, and ended the invasion.
  • 995 PS - Treaty of Cesinor: Salvainia, Lymia and Silnaria sign a peace treaty recognizing Lymian independence and eachother’s territory, ensuring peace for the coming years.
  • 1000 PS: Salvain Haslan renamed the Kingdom of Sebduania the Empire of Salvainia, after himself.
  • 1011 PS: Anushken Invasion: The Anushken Federation, centered on the Hasaap river invaded Silnarian's western land. They were eventually stopped near Suimbulime and in modern day Northern Mentia - Nearly all of Western Silnaria were lost.
  • 1050 PS: Modern Day.