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The Irunian are an oni ethnic group that originated from the Runran continent - though some speculate they were originally from the colder Baninta continent. They originated off-map, mostly in the area north of the current southwestern extent of Runra. The Irunian were originally integrated into the Runran Empire, and was named after the most prominent city of Irunia - which is located in Runra, before it was destroyed. The Irunian emigrated in great numbers from deliberate displacement and voluntary migration to the south through the Irunian gate, where they eventually established the modern state of Amongko and Irunia - naming their capital city after the old one they’ve lost.

The language they speak - Irunian Runran, are from the same language family as the Runran but are not 100% mutually intelligible. North Irunian, Blue Irunian and Red Irunian are three different subcultures.

General Information

  • Primary Faith: Uhazuism
  • Language: Irunian Runran
  • Locations: Amongko, Irunia
  • Minority: Runra
  • Races: Oni
  • Inheritance Law: Male-preference primogeniture.
  • Slavery: Attitude to slavery varies based on what types of Irunian you are - North Irunian largely have the same attitude as Runran toward slavery, Red and Blue Irunian fully adopt and exploit chattel slaves, with Red Irunian seeing it as normal to sell the weak into slavery. White Irunian are the most queasy about slavery and tends to dislike it as an institution - as the most frequent victim of it.
  • Name Generation:

Cultural Traits

  • Power Structure: To the Irunian, there are two criteria to inherit and hold power - raw strength and hierarchical right. Amongst equal, or when electing a new leader, those of the greatest strength or magical power should have the say and become natural power. The right of inheritance of course, is important, and greater force or magical power should not take it.
  • Family Structure: Core families are important, and one should listen to and take care of aged parents, but their will is not necessarily supreme. Family lineages are usually patrilineal.
  • Gender & Sexuality: Irunian have traditional gender roles and sexuality. The majority act according to traditional masculine and feminine traits, but it is not unusual for people to act less like the other, which is allowed in Irunian society but rare. However, Irunian don't see strength as inherently masculine nor weakness as inherently female - in fact, Irunian society think strength is something to strive toward equally for both gender, and looking muscular and ripped is considered attractive and ideal for both gender role.
  • Hospitality: Guests are generally treated to tea, meat and food in copious amounts. The more luxurious the food you serve, the better your status is. There is a culture of abundance, and it is a sign of good fortune for rich hosts to have leftover food on the table - those will be eaten by servants.
  • Artisanship: Blue Irunian are renown mages, but the Irunian in general are not particularly known for some kind of artistry.
  • Religion: Faith is personal and shall be exhibited by virtues and to act it out, not by frequent visit of temples. But temples can be a way to reassure one’s faith.
  • Charity: One should assist those in genuine need, but we have no tolerance for vagrancy. Some poor people have really brought it upon themselves.
  • Conflict Resolution: Laws and Orders are to be respected, but there is honor to resolve differences through honorable, fair combat. Honor overrides the need for laws from above.
  • War: War is a matter of life. An honorable pursuit that allows one to acquire resources and grants glory. It should be proportional, and no unneeded cruelty should be made, but loot should be plenty.
  • Magic: The best magic are ice and fire, depending on which subcultural group you belong to.


Structurally, Irunian cuisine is largely inherited from that of the Runran - amongst those who live in Runran still. However, their cuisine has undergone drastic changes since most of them emigrated south. Rice and wheat are still the main staple crops with potatoes being incorporated in much larger amounts. Palm oil became the most popular oil, while soybean oil features prominently still.

Seasoning wise, soy sauce is used widely, but the amount of spices used in Irunian cooking are much more varied, with tropical spices of all kinds used to make what we know as curry, with many families having their own unique recipes. Curry is often served with coconut milk, but amongst the more poor people of Irunia and Amongko, they can be served plain. Lemongrass, basil and lime leaves are used to add a refreshing flavor to food.

Beef are uncommon, but poultries of all kind alongside fresh seafood are used extensively in Irunian diet. Irunia has a lot of deep fried food, with deep fried meat battered in flour being particularly popular, alongside all kinds of vegetables - especially eggplants.

Drinks wise, Irunian prefers to drink rice wine and cultivate and drink a large amount of tea, with coffee being uncommon despite Irunia’s proximity to coffee exporting region - it is simply seen as unhealthy compared to tea.

Irunian cuisine are based on Thai Cuisine.


The Irunian are split into three main subcultural groups - identified by the primary types of Oni they are. Each of them have some unique beliefs different from the rest.

Red Irunian

The Red Irunian chiefly consists of Red Onis. Red Irunian are barely present in the main Runra continent, with most of their population concentrated in modern day Amongko. Cultural Traits includes:

  • Might over Magic: Magic is nice, but raw strength and toughness is greatly appreciated. There’s no time for subtlety and trickery, and your foes are best taken head on by crushing their skull and taking their attacks like nothing.
  • Honor Above All: Honor - reciprocal relations, and protecting one’s reputation, is important enough to override law. Law should be followed, those who break it can be punished, but morally, it is understandable to break laws for honor.
  • Straightforward: There is honor in being straightforward and boisterous.

Blue Irunian

Blue Irunian chiefly consists of Blue Onis. They are the most prominent and widespread group, still present in wide numbers in their native continent of Runra and of course, in the appropriately named country of Irunia. They are noticed for their mastery of magic:

  • Might & Magic: Strength is nice, but magic is capable of doing things that cannot. The ideal course of power is to be both strong in body and strong in magic.
  • Law and Order: Law and Order are very important. Honor, still important, but the greater good of society comes first. All matters of nature follow set law and order, and chaos is the mere result of man’s inability to observe the truth. And thus men must follow law.

White Irunian

White Irunian consists chiefly of pale onis. Of smaller stature than the other two, and often persecuted or targeted by the other Irunian, the White Irunian are a plentiful, but often repressed group. They are the most abundant in Runra, where ironically they are the most accepted of the three Irunian subgroup:

  • Magic Lean: When we are of smaller stature than the other Onis, magic is the best way to level the battlefield.
  • Charm: Charm is important, and it is a great thing to be persuasive, and to tell white lies for the better.
  • Tribalism: In a world where many White Irunian are prosecuted for their relative lack of size or for their horns, it is important for White Irunian to stick to each other's interests. Only we will naturally look out for eachother, and outsiders should be trusted with a healthy degree of caution. Of course, once you are away from White Irunian society, this rule breaks down almost by necessity.