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Siuian are an ethnic group that consists mostly of Fire Macen, inhabiting the highlands of Siui and surrounding area. They are one of the groups with the oldest civilization attested to them in Ramul Ta. The group mostly follow the Kozartism religion. Some believe Siuian were Fire Macen that once inhabited the steppe to the south, before being displaced by the steppe elves and moving in. Being at the crossroads of multiple cultures, Siui has acquired a colorful and varied culture.

General Information

  • Primary Faith: Kozartism
  • Language: Siuian
  • Locations: Siui
  • Minority: N/A
  • Races: Fire Macen
  • Inheritance Law: Male-Preference Primogeniture.
  • Slavery: Siuian considers slavery to be an abhorrent institution and consider its abolition to be key. Indentured servitude exists, but laws and cultural norms try to limit them - usually with a statutory limit of up to 10 years of servitude allowed. This extends even to permanent summons.
  • Name Generation:

Cultural Traits

  • Agnatic Solidarity: There is a general trend to preserving power alongside the patrilineal clan and it is considered common for women to take the name of their husband if in a Pact of Conceivement, and last names pass alongside patrilineal line.
  • Expansionist: Siuian have a general high tolerance for warfares made to conquer and convert other, and see it as a vital source of warfare.
  • Tolerant: Historically, Siuian have a generally tolerant attitude of other cultures, religions and practice - and are considered quite open minded about most things in private. Intermarriage is common and has been actively encouraged by Siuian rulers.
  • Poet and Philosopher: Siuian have a very long tradition of poetry and philosophy and they are rightfully proud of it, with centers of learning and libraries abound in their territory.
  • Divine Right: The Siuian have a long tradition of divinity supported kingship and while kings are seldomly elevated to the position of the god or god incarnate themselves, it is seen as normal to obey the king (within reason) and it leads to a trend of absolutism or attempt at it amongst Siuian polity.
  • Coffee House: There’s a large amount of coffee houses in Siui where one can socialize and be served snacks.
  • Rich Court Culture: The courtly culture of Siui is rich and varied.
  • Magic Practice: Siuian has a cultural preference for the practice of Fire, Water and Earth magic.


Siuian cuisine has two staples - rice and wheat. Barley and oats are grown, but mostly as animal feed. It features vegetarian dishes - often made out of chickpea and beans extensively, as meat is relatively expensive and rare - Siui’s land being more arid and most of it being intensively cultivated. Rice is served in the wetter part of the country and in the homes of the wealthy, while bread is commonly eaten everywhere else. Rice is medium-grain, and typically cooked in salted water after it is washed. Some regions prepare the rice by parboiling and steaming it, for extraordinarily fluffy rice. Rice tends to be served separately and not cooked together with ingredients. As for bread - nearly all bread in Siui are of the flatbread variety, including thin, flaky and oval bread, plain leavened bread, and thin and soft flatbread. Sometimes sweet bread is also made, mixed with spices and dates. Fruit and dates are often served alongside. Salads are made, often garnished with olive juice and salt.  

In terms of spices and seasoning, spices are used widely, with saffron used in middle to high end cooking sparingly, rose water is used alongside onion and garlic.

Chicken, mutton and goat are the preferred meat in cuisine, often grilled as a kebab or in chunks - marinated and brined beforehand with salt. Meat and ground beef are also prepared in the pan, and there’s a wide variety of stew that are heartily spiced with meat and served with rice or sometimes potatoes. There’s nearly no seafood in Siuian cuisine.

Wine is cultivated and drunk widely and Siuian wine is considered a high quality import. Low quality second pressing wines are often made for commoners. Beer is another type of common alcoholic beverage and is usually drunk as an everyday drink. Hard liquor is used mostly as a medicinal remedy. Tea is the most common type of non alcoholic beverage and it is customary to serve them to guests - with the ability to serve tea being seen as a blessing of sorts. Black and Green tea are the most common type of tea served, and often sugared and with milk mixed in where possible.

Siui is known for their dessert - such as pudding flavored with rose water, saffron ice cream - normal iced cream and fruits, vermicelli in rose water and feta cheese. Cookies, deep fried sweet dough, candies, almond-filled pastries etc. are some of the many kinds of cuisine available.

Siuian cuisine is based on that of Iran.

Warfare & Tactics

Siuian warfare points to their formerly nomadic nature. Usage of bows are very common, with up to half of the army expected to utilize bow - pike are uncommon, and regular infantryman are equipped with munition chestplate, helmet and sometime limb armor, and equipped with polearms or more commonly - shields, spear and arms. Heavy infantries are quite prominent and common. Siuian foot archers tend to be heavily armored to the extent possible, with long brigandine coats being a common type of armor.

Cavalry-wise, most of Siuian utilize horses that are bred to be strong and large, and there’s a favor for heavy cavalry equipped cataphract style - though a lot of them are equipped with light horse but a powerful bow, due to practical economical concerns. Siuian Cataphracts prefer to draw their bow fully and fire at long range, following up with devastating charge headed by the most well armored cavalry, followed by lighter armored one. Camels are used - widely as supply animals and occasionally as battlefield animals, especially for the most arid part of Siui, usually lightly armored and as raiders that traverse areas too arid for enemies to travel.

Siuian prefers embedding fire mages amongst their cavalry to devastating effect.