The Amhouli, referred to in the singular form as Amhouli and Imhal in their native language, are a group of mostly Fricharii elves that settleds around the eastern edge of the Kur-Anzu mountain range, living in the Kingdom of Tazrara to the south, and in the area known as Amhoulia on the northern slope of the range. Most Amhouli are settled farmers, with a small group in Northern Amhoulia that lives in marginal area and practices pastoralism.
General Information
- Primary Faith: Native Polytheism
- Language: Amhouli
- Locations: Tazrara, Tilai Khanate
- Minority: N/A
- Clades: Fricharii Elves
- Inheritance Law: Male partible / primogeniture inheritance, patronymic. Some subgroups traces their lineage matrilineally instead.
- Slavery: Chattel slavery are practiced amongst the Amhoulian and primarily consists of war captives. It is not very prominent in Amhouli society however.
- Name Generation: ,
Cultural Traits
- Power Structure: Leadership are often inherited, but council consensus and collective decisions by respected elders, warriors and wise men. A clan or tribe is generally led by someone of noble lineage which in turn form a confederation led by an elected chieftain who leads in time of war.
- Family Structure: Amhouli life revolves around the extended clan, each of which claim a common descent from a common patrilineal ancestors. Matrilineal lineage are generally only claimed rarely - often by a distant founder of a clan should said clan be of far greater prestige.
- Gender & Sexuality: Men holds most overt position of leaderships and women have considerable influence within the household, but exceptional women may lead, fight and rule. Most groups trace lineages patrilineally, but a smaller subset matrilineally - however men still holds most important positions of powers.
- Hospitality: Hospitality is considered important but guests are often welcomed into the community as a whole. Guests are expected to offer gifts or services for shelter but the poor and travelers will generally be accommodated. Reciprocity in hospitality are expected, but score are generally not kept.
- Religion: The Amhouli are particularly venerates and values nature spirits, especially river and lake spirits that are believed to be important for blessing.
- Charity & Gifting: Charity is focused on community supported and helping the vulnerable such as the widows, orphans and the sick.
- Conflict Resolution: Disputes are generally resolved through community councils that are guided by shamans. While there are occasional blood feuds, full on violence between clan and different clans generally prefer to settle their difference through symbolic blood duel or very limited conflicts.
- War: Being a mostly settled people, warfare are seen as necessary but raiding is not considered an integral part of life.
- Magic: Magic is considered to be an innate part of the natural world and a gift from lake and river spirits in particularly. Water and earth magic are particularly valued, alongside healing magic.
A key differences between Amhouli and the Moroccan cuisine their cuisine are based on is that spices usage are more prominent and generous, even amongst poor people, especially in the south in Tazrara due to the kingdom containing land or neighboring land that produce tropical spices. Alcohol usage are also prominent, but moderated. Seafood play a prominent role - but are largely caught from lake instead of the sea.
Ways of War
Amhouli are a mostly settled cultures, but maintain a very strong tradition of horse archer and horsemenship. Northern Amhouli are skilled light horsemen and very occasionally utilizes camel, while southern Amhouli utilize much more armor dues to being richer and in a more well-forested area. Both groups utilize composite bows - a technology that likely spread from the Kirigs to their northeast. Shock cavalries are also used and Amhouli are traditionally proficient in hit and run warfare.