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The Kirig are a Fricharii dominated ethnic group, who inhabit most of the Besian - Agaya Steppes. They are a nomadic or semi-sedentary people. They live together with a small amount of centaurs who have assimilated into their cultures - it is believed in historical time, the Kirig consisted of much more centaurs relative to Fricharii, or that the centaurs were a once different culture that were subjugated and then assimilated into the Kirigs.

General Information

  • Primary Faith: Koism
  • Language: Kirigic
  • Locations: Besian - Asaya Steppe
  • Minority: Tilai Khanate
  • Races: Nearly all Fricharii Silnari
  • Inheritance / Succession: Patronymic, Partible Inheritance divided between sons are the norm.
  • Slavery: The Kirig practice slavery extensively, and takes and enslave people, especially those who are skilled laborers and sell them across market where they are demanded. Lifelong chattel slavery is common and the status of those born to slaves are usually inherited. On the steppes captives are often captured and held in a status somewhere between a slave and a serf subservient to freeborn members of the tribe.
  • Name Generation:

Cultural Traits

  • Power Structure: Respect those who are strong, and those who are old and wise. But, above all, the rights of kings and inheritance shall be respected.
  • Family Structure: Care for your family, and then your tribe, whom you must consider as an extended family whose loyalty you owe.
  • Gender & Sexuality: Kirig have a relatively gender equal society, with both male and female expected to partake in physical labor, hunting and fighting, and females are often in leadership positions amongst Kirig clans. Most females are expected to engage in motherhood, but other than that, there is no lines of gender role separation - males and females are both expected to take care in child rearing and care, hunting, fighting, physical labor etc.
  • Hospitality: Guests should be treated to good hospitality, food and drinks. It is common to offer shelter, food and drinks for free in more rural and non-urbanized area, in exchange the traveler is expected to share good story of their travels - of course, a traveler should not overstay their welcome without paying, this courtesy is only offered for a day or two as necessary, unless the weather is bad.
  • Religion: It is important to respect spirits and deities for one’s everyday life depends on their good will.
  • Charity: You should be charitable and give to strangers for they will one day return the favor, and if they do not, then heaven will, what goes around will come around eventually.
  • Conflict Resolution: Laws are followed by settled Kirigs, and on the steppe itself, councils of the eldest and most respectable are called in order to settle disputes in between members of a clan peacefully and with as little bloodshed as possible. Monetary compensation - often in the form of blood taxes, are acceptable as a way to atone for mistakes. And where honor is at stake and blood would not do, symbolic duel to the first blood or drawing of blood or corporeal punishment will do. Death is only reserved for the most dishonorable of crimes like kinslaying, or for outsiders. Violence must be directed toward outsider groups.
  • War: War is but a way of life and way to acquire wealth and honor, especially against people who are not like us.
  • Magic: Kirigs prefers fire magic and practice necromantic magic with cautions


Traditionally, the Kirigs does not grow any crops as they are a nomadic people. However, wheat and grains are imported from the Midians states and Siui, and Siuianized and Midianized cuisine features a lot of dumplings and pancakes made by simply pan frying or steaming. The primary fat used is sourced from animals - mostly butter.

Kirigs consume a diverse amount of meat, most of whom are either roasted or occasionally, boiled. Spices usage are rather sparse as they are expensive and hard to acquire in the steppe - but of course, settled Kirig cuisine adopts and takes to local specialty and are considerably more sophisticated. Beef, muttons and horse meat are popular amongst Kirigs.

Kirigs consume a large amount of milk and make fermented milk drinks called Shalex. Tea is commonly consumed, and are imported and traded for. Kirig often add fat and butter to tea together with barley and milk curds for special guests - for regular consumption, milk and salt is added instead of butter.