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Dryuochoism is a henothistic religion that worships and believes in a supreme deity of the world tree - Naidruobcho - often shortened as Druobcho, which is seen as the supreme deity holding control over the realms and faith of all mankind. The religion is chiefly followed in the region of Ombu and some speculate it has originated there. The religion acknowledges that underneath the tree there are various little deities, whose worship are largely tolerated, but see the tree as the supreme deity that worship should be directed toward.



It is said that the universe was once empty, and a cosmic seed was planted in its midst. In the midst of the universe the cosmic seeds grew to become a massive oak trees, which had many many branches, one of which became the realm of Ramul Ta, with a great sky and great earth, and the brilliance of Snaidruobcho shines on it from above in cycle, illuminating the world with life.

The tree is said to last eternally for all life, and all the other magical realms in Ramul Ta are believed to be connected to it by the branches of the tree. It is said that the Arcane Gates are a holy object that open the realm of the supreme god, and even though followers of  has no participated in the construction of any arcane gates, many devotee attempts to traverse the arcane gates - and then come back, in a symbolic journey and pilgrimage to the other realm of Druobcho.

Naidoylcho - World Destruction

It is said that most of the Arcane Gates are indeed holy object, but the world of Druobcho is threatened by a rot, which originate in the realm below the realm of the dead - where those who has died await to be taken up the tree’s trunk to the realm of the living to be reborn. It is said an evil creature called Dynd - who is the progenitor of all goblins, opened a small gate of their own to the realm of the dead, and by accident, it disturbed the rotting evils that lurk below the dead, and made it spread throughout Druobcho’s trunk to infect all of them with evil.

Soon, evil men and people across the world found out about the magic of Necromancy, which allowed them to bring back the dead, and each usage of it further spread Naidoylcho, which threatens the very existence of the world and weakens the supreme god and the beneficial deities it has created. And thus it is the duty of all followers to purge the evil of necromancy from the world.

Gwaynyd - Creation of the Other Gods

The myth of Gwaynyd explains why many other inferior and less worship worthy deities came to be. It is said when the realm of Ramul Ta was created, it originally contained many tall trees who reached into the sky and beyond, until the world was whittled down by Snaidwoylcho, and the trees that reached the sky became small trees, and then fern, and then moss. And the eldest of those trees freed themselves from their body, and ascended to heaven and became deities known by many other names to be worshipped and to maintain the world, so that it can be returned to a state where all of the eldest trees may have their body again.


Druobchosim does not prescribe any organization of the faith and the organization depends on country to country. In general, it is seen as a private, somewhat tribal affair.

Other Beliefs

  • Birth: Giving birth under the shade of a tree is seen as preferable, but in practice not so doable.
  • Death & Burial: Cremation followed by scattering the ash underneath a sacred tree is seen as the preferable method of burial. It is said that unhappy spirits will linger if too much ash is scattered under a singular tree, so priests tend to control the frequency at which ash can be scattered under a single tree.
  • Goblin Slayer: Dynd have doomed us all by opening the secret of necromancy. And all goblins shall be exterminated to the last. Midorites are generally banned from entering dwelling or polity controlled by Druobchoism, as their uncanny resemblance to goblin lead to widespread discrimination - if not outright call for extermination.
  • Dislike of Necromancy: Necromancy is seen as a forbidden magic by most followers of Druobchoism.
  • Marriage, Polygamy and Polyandry: Druobchoism believe that marriage should be done under the shade of a sacred tree. There are no prescriptions on allowed types of practice.
  • Premarital and Extramarital Intimacy: There are no religious prescriptions on this.


Druobchoism does not have any significant branches.