Faiths of Drase

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The world of Drase includes many different, varied religions. To pick the faith your character follows - we recommend going for one of the culture that your character is from, and then picking the faith - however, convert does exists and you can also browse through the details of the religions here.

  • Qinism - A monolatristic religion focused on the worship of Adelqin, the eternal, world-creating dragon. Mainly followed by the Menti
  • Silnarian - A polytheistic religion widespread across Silnaria, Lymia and Sebduania, based on a five gods pantheon, heroic worship and a belief in cyclic life. Followed by the Silnarian, Lymian and Sebduanian
  • Kejomujism - A monolatristic religion focused on the worship of Kejomuji, one of many gods that is seen as the most worthy to worship. Mainly followed by Prasi.
  • Hasaapian - A polytheistic, loosely-organized religion followed by the Hasaapian people, a beastkin people living to the west.
  • Kozartism - A polytheistic religion focused on the worship of Kozart, with a fierce reputation for dogmatism. Mainly followed by the Siuian
  • Safaism - A polytheistic religion focused on the worship of the two sisters, Sayit and Fayit. Followed by many people in the south, the Dezabian and Hombaxian
  • Druobchoism - A henotheistic religion focused on the worship of the world tree - Naidruobcho. One of the less tolerant and more dogmatic religion by Drase standards - with a hatred for goblins, Midorite and Necromancy. Followed by the isolationist Ombuian
  • Arcanic - A polytheistic religion focused on the worship of Batu - the World Whale. Followed by the Pinnacelian and likely many inhabitants of the The Arcane Seas
  • Uhazuism - A polytheistic religion with a focus on karmic, revering of nature and nature of soul. Followed by the Runran and Irunian
  • Koism - A polytheistic religion followed by the nomadic Kirig people, with focus on the nature of soul.
  • Ruttenian - A polytheistic religion based on harmony and co-existence with nature, based in Ruttenia.
  • Maktuvian - A henotheistic religion focused on the worship of the sun god and the angels that are seen as their minion.