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Qinism is a religion widespread amongst the Mentian people and their diaspora. Some scholars classify it as a dualistic, monolatristic (Worshiping only one worthy god, but not denying existence of others) religion. The religion is based on the worship of Ädelqin, the eternal dragon, and opposition to Dirwe, the devourer. The religion contains lesser deities that are worshiped and venerated amongst its many followers.

The Qinism faith has existed for at least a thousand or two thousand years before present, and morphed into its current form within the last three hundred years.


Cosmology & Creation

At first, the universe was empty, consisting only of yungik - the primitive matter that makes up the world, and the element from which all other elements of the world were created. From nothing, the first two primordial deities of Ädelqin and Dirwe - the one who creates and those who devour. The two were genderless, scaled dragons without wings and with many many legs, stretching for miles across. Ädelqin creating worlds and molding earth, and Dirwe devouring it behind him, restoring the balance of the universe.

This continued for eons, until one fateful day, Ädelqin molded a clay egg, and found the shape particularly to its liking. They coiled around the egg, nurturing it, while Dirwe asked curiously, “Why do you nurture the egg? If it grows, will it not upset the balance of the world?”. Ädelqin answered,”I want to give life to the dullness of the world.”

Dirwe looked unhappy. The egg hatched, and Ädelqin split it in half. From which he created heaven and earth, and an echo rippled through the world, as the primordial universe was disturbed, and the realms of the four elements were created.

Dirwe was angry, and asked,”My sibling, why do you split and disturb the world so?” “For I desire life and color in this world.” Ädelqin answered.

Ädelqin found the world dull, with nothing but flat, empty plains and sky. They flew over the new world they created, and resolved to populate it with creatures. Ädelqin molded the first pair of macen with clay, and showed his creation to Dirwe. “Why do you create creatures that can walk? Will it not disturb the world even more?” “For I desire life and color in this world.” Ädelqin answered.

The first pair of macen became hungry, and they prayed to the dragon for food. So Ädelqin created animals and plants, from which they can gain sustenance. Then, the pair of macen ate all the animals and plants, and asked for more. And thus Ädelqin created the two sexes for the animals, and made plants multiply, so the macen can have more food. Then, the macen said they were lonely, and wanted more like them. So he made them into male and female, from their primitive, sexless form, so that they may procreate and populate the world.

Then, Dirwe became angry, and said,”Now you’ve made animals and plants in the world, and made those two legged creatures who multiply. With time, they will disturb the universe even more, and send it to its doom. Do you not know what you are doing?”

“I desire life and color in this world.” Ädelqin answered.

Dirwe would not have it anymore, and breathed a massive blast of void at Ädelqin, cutting part of his body. His blood flowed down from heaven, creating rain, clouds and the ocean. The flood carried the children of the first macens across the world, and imbued them with the divinity of Ädelqin, turning them into the first Water Macen.

Ädelqin was angry, and he breathed fire unto Dirwe, the scorching flames going pass him from heaven and scorching the land, forming the desert of today. Those who were fortunate to have taken shelter from the path of the flame became Fire Macen.

Dirwe bit unto Ädelqin, and tumbled into the earth with him. Wherever they landed and their body slammed into the ground, earthquakes were had, mountains were made and valleys formed. Those who survived the cataclysm became Earth Macen.

The two dragons continued their fight, and their furious fight created gusts and winds. The macen in the path of those divine winds became Air Macen.

Eventually, Ädelqin threw Dirwe away in a wrestling match of cosmic proportions, throwing him to the edge of the universe, far away from his favorite creations. Dirwe retreated to the void of the universe, where he brooded and prepared for a fight, by creating a void egg from which the void people emerged, so they can take in their souls and prepare for a final confrontation, to restore the balance of the universe as it sees it - empty and primordial.

Ädelqin would not allow this, but Ädelqin was exhausted and wounded, and he had lost much of his divinity in the fight. He imbued every macen in the world with divinity, and then created the lesser dragon deities, so that they can guide the macen to multiply and populate the world. Then, when they pass away, they’ll be taken to the elemental realms, where the most worthy will be elevated to Ädelqin’s throne, becoming hero-god who will take the front in the war against Dirwe, and become the gods of a heavenly new world Ädelqin will create. Those of lesser stature will become footsoldiers, and populate the world created afterward.

With their work finished, Ädelqin flew back into heaven, nursing their wounds and watching their creation from above, occasionally lending a benevolent hand. But Ädelqin is curious about the happening, and desires to not intervene in the world, wounded. Instead, the job of intervention is left up to his children, who are benevolent deities created to govern the world.

Afterlife & Bändizhegaflüm

Qinism believes that all sapient races originate from the four branches of the Macen people, and they will be carried to the four elemental planes when they die. They become one with the element and live in harmony with one another, until the day they are called upon for the fight that will decide the fate of the world. This event is known as Bändizhegaflüm (Lit. World Destiny), which will end the world as we know it, and the victor will create a whole new perfect world without the void stopping them - or devour it and return the universe to nothingness

The Lesser Draconic Deities

Ädelqin created four deities, one for each of the four elements. Two are males, and two are females. Dirwe created four void dragons, who would serve as a counterpart to Ädelqin’s four deities, luring men into evil so that they would destabilize the world Ädelqin has created, returning it all to the void.

The four cardinal deities are:

  • Füdi the Light - A red dragon that is surrounded by an eternal red flame, scorching and burning the lands around him. He has a fiery temper, and is the god of fire, forge and craftsmanship. His fire feeds the flame of the forge and hearth.
  • Zünfïnte the Wind - A white dragon that floats eternally in the sky, who brings a great wind wherever he flies, bringing cold with him. He is the god of cold, thunder and prophecy. His winds bring the wisdom of prophecy and enlighten the oracle, and his cold exterminates the insects and pests in winter.
  • Balintu the Lush - A green dragon with plants growing off their back, who represent the force of nature and earth. She represents agriculture, and is the goddess of fertility and harvest. Her blessings bring forth fertile land and give the bounty of many children to her worshiper.
  • Zhap the Flow - A blue dragon that always resides within the great ocean, never going onto land, who represents the force of the ocean, she is the goddess of sea, storms and fishes. Her blessing brings forth bountiful fish in the land, and it is said since she does not leave the ocean, she created many little drakelings who inhabit the ponds and lakes inland, taking custody of them and providing plenty of harvest for her followers.

The four void dragons are not spoken of greatly in Qinism traditions, as they are seen as evil and not worthy of notice. When Dirwe created them, they based it on dangerous emotions in the Macen’s heart so that the macen can be tempted. They tempt away from proper worship of the four cardinal deities. They look like their cardinal counterparts - but all of them have horns, and when they open their mouths, there is nothing but emptiness inside. Their names are:

  • Làheth the Fierce - A red dragon that tempts people with divine materials that inevitably corrupt their users, and often send them on pyromaniacal spree.
  • Gerdu the Winter - A white dragon that follows in the wake of Zünfïnte, cooling down his winds so that winter becomes harsh, making the ignorant curse out the sky dragon. Gerdu brings devastating winters to the enemy of his worshiper - but sap away the life force of those who bargain with him
  • Raz the Insect - A green dragon who grows plants on them like Balintu, but she carries insects and locusts, devouring the crops of those who oppose her.
  • Ràgüg the Surge - A blue dragon who evokes the seas to bring tsunami and waves onto the coast, and kill the fishes of the seas. She makes the wind on the ocean worse, so that it will sink and capsize ships, and make songs that deceive sailors, driving them onto rocks and reefs.

Open worship of the four void dragons are rare - if not non-existent within Mentia, and accusation of void deity worship are common as an accusation levied onto a condemned criminal or rarely - a ruler, but seldomly are the true cause of persecution in the first place.


Though the faith is somewhat decentralized, the worship of the four dragons and their elements have created four natural cults of the dragons, with accompanying seers and school of faith and magical teaching. The faith remained scattered and unorganized for most of its history.

300 years before present, in response to pressure from foreign religions and the need for the new Mentian ruler - Ädel‌hidh to assert their independence, an organized priesthood was formed centered on Shaslandi - within which a new House of Wisdom was constructed, housing the national heads of the cults of the four dragons. Under his rule the Council of Shaslandi was called, within which the rites for worshiping the four dragons - the proper sacrifice (Fuel, Ice Cream, Dessert and Spring Water), and penalty for worshiping the void deities were instituted. However, the penalties for using the “wrong rites” were seldom enforced - not that the central authority were able to, anyway. With the disintegration of the Mentian Empire, the central council’s feeble power disintegrated, and once again the religion fell into local centric organizations.

However, the High Council of Shaslandi is still seen as an authority by followers throughout - and many travel to seek resolution on faith matters - and if not, for the more practical matter of magical assistance, which the High Council have in plenty.


Qintìbà & Qinpùsa (Summer/Winter Solstice)

Qintìbà & Qinpùsa, lit. Dragon Wake and Dragon Sleep take place on the Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice respectively. Legends has it that it is the day where Ädelqin wakes up for the longest - and sleeps for the longest. And on days where he is awake for long, the day is long, and on days where he is asleep for long - the day is short.

During Qintìbà, a loud parade is often held mid afternoon, with music, gaudy and colorful costumes and dancing, to tell Ädelqin of the lives and beauty of the world, so they will be motivated to stay awake longer - and hope for a long summer. Usually, figurines of the four cardinal dragons will be paraded too, and then their figurine will be elaborately decorated with paper - before promptly being burnt in a ceremony known as the “Return to Heaven”. The ashes are usually symbolically plowed into a nearby field, to represent the blessing of the fields with their divine essence. There is usually a feast held with mostly vegetarian and fresh food, with elaborate plant food prepared specifically for the festival.

During Qinpùsa, an effigy of a void dragon with black pudding inside is burnt to symbolize banishing of the void dragon. This is usually done on a communal basis - with many locations outlawing the usage of black pudding as it is seen as a waste of food, replacing them with dark soil or rock instead. An animal is often slaughtered and sacrificed, and their meat shared amongst extended families of the community. A feast with pork and sausages alongside alcohol often accompanies, and prayers are made at the altar for Ädelqin to shorten the winter.

Other Beliefs

  • Birth: Births are celebrated with feasts. When a baby is born, they are considered to be unclean and prone to the influence of Dirwe. Depending on their mother’s elemental bloodline, a ceremony is held to clean the baby of the corrupting void as soon as possible. Water Macen have the baby washed in holy water carefully, often by a seer. Fire Macen uses a wet cloth to clean off the baby, and then burns it in a nearby brazier. Earth Macen are cleaned with a metal scraper to remove the filth, and Air Macen use bellows to blow the filth off their bodies - but in many cases, a gigantic fan is used where there is no bellow. It is believed an improper ceremony means that later in life, the baby will be easily corrupted by the Dirwe’s agents. “Unwashed” is an insult amongst followers of Qinism and Menti culture in general - often used when accusing someone of inappropriate behavior, implying they were not washed properly at birth and thus, tempted by the void dragons.
  • Death: Followers of the Menti religion universally prefer cremation, and dislike burial, as it is said that the smoke from the flame will carry the soul to heavens quicker and leave the world in a clean slate for the next creation of Ädelqin. What the four elements differ in is how they deal with the ashes of the deceased.  Fire Macen tends to put the ashes in the middle of weeds or crops that are to be burnt (And if not possible, stalks or hay), and then burn them together, plowing the mixture into the Earth - not dissimilar to what the Earth Macen does. Water Macen scatter their ashes in a nearby, large flowing body of water or lake. Earth Macen often bury the ashes in the earth - in fact, often on the very fields they cultivate, usually with a prayer for the ancestors to bless the field with fertility. Where possible, a fallow field is chosen so that the ashes have time to rest, and it is plowed multiple times to ensure it is scattered in trace amounts. Air Macen usually wait for a very windy day and then go to a high place or place with wind- where specific “Scattering Tower” are built, and then scatter the ashes into the wind slowly and gradually, while calling to the dead’s name.
  • Burial Practice: Cremation is exclusively preferred. Inhumation is frowned upon, but acceptable. Burial at sea are accepted as a necessity, and since the seas are so big and boundless, it is not seen as against the principle of the religion to bury at sea as it surely will not take up the space of the living.
  • Marriage, Polygamy and Polyandry: Qinism has no prescription on how marriage works or should work according to the main literatures of the religion.
  • Seers: Seers are powerful religious figures who are consecrated in elaborate washing ceremonies, and can be of both gender. They are considered to have dedicated themselves to perfecting elemental arts and magic so that they become closer to Ädelqin, in hope of becoming chosen as one of their heroes in the Bändizhegaflüm. It is seen as their duty to produce a bloodline that would produce heroes, and so seers are heavily discouraged from marrying a non-seer. They are often encouraged to master practicing one magical school before dipping into another, and mastery of all four elements are seen as signs of a true master and bestowed with great honor.
  • Communion with the Dead: Only seers are allowed to commune with the dead. Any other who attempt to commune with the dead without consecration are seen as evil and corrupted by the void deities.
  • Practice of Non-Elemental Magic: Practice of non-elemental magic is considered fine, however, mastery of elemental magic - especially the one close to the elemental heritage one is born with (If a Macen), is considered the best course of action. However, Faith Magic and healing magic in general are considered so useful, that multiple schools have worked an exemption - Faith Magic are often seen as a pure form of magic melding all four elements together, so exemptions are often granted to students who show talents only in Faith Magic.