Cultures & Languages

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This article covers the languages and cultures and subgroups in the world of Ramul Ta - for details on each individual cultures, please check the Navigation Box at the bottom of the page!


A shortlist of the languages available. Nearly all Drase languages are based on a real language with some changes.


  • Silnarian - Default Choice, spoken commonly. Prestige language. Based on Irish.

Commonly Used & Referenced Languages:

  • Menti - Based on Anglo-Saxon / Old English, with influence taken from Dutch or Welsh when it makes sense.
  • Runran - (Mandarin) Chinese, but also includes the other Chinese languages so your character don't have to spend multiple slots on learning all the other Chinese spoken languages. (You are free to roleplay not being proficient in one of the regional language or not)
  • Koyan - Japanese
  • Hasaapian - Finnish
  • Thalassite - Greek

Other Languages:

  • Hanuelian - Korean
  • Zamari / Durkigal: Based on Sumerian / Akkadic. Actually two language, but people likely can't tell the differences
  • Siuian: Farsi (Iranian / Persian language)
  • Ombuian: Welsh
  • Hombaxian: Phoenican
  • Dezabian: Coptic
  • Rulmish: Bulgarian
  • Neo-Alamethri: Hebrew
  • Kirigic: Turkic / Manchurian (TBD)
  • Arcanic: Hittite
  • Ruttenian: Sanskrit

Indeterminate Languages:

These are languages that have not been mentioned or expanded upon in lore and therefore what they are based on is indeterminate. You shouldn't take them.

  • Midorite
  • Uto
  • Mogash:
  • Ryujin
  • Mattan
  • Koinoan
  • Gaingian


All the cultures in Drase, classified by their areas & clade: