Tiai Khanate
Formal Name | Tiai Khanate |
Capital | Atlamkatiai |
Head of State | TBD |
Government Type | Tribal Kingdom with Tributary States |
Cultures | ~50% Midorite, 30% Siuian, 15% Sharbor Kirig |
Religions | 50% Midorite Religion, 30% Kozartism, 10% Koism (State Religion) |
Population Density | Moderate |
Population | 14 millions |
The Tiai Khanate is a massive, sprawling nomadic Empire established after its founder conquered most of Mogasiuia from the Siuian Empire. The Khanate holds a large amount of marginal, nomadic land to the east, and in its west are a large amount of quasi independent princely states under its nominal authority. The city of Atlamkatiai is the most important city, and was once a Siuian settlement that was turned into the capital of the fledgling khanate.
The Tiak Khanate is ruled by the Khan from Atlamkatiai as a monarchy, and relies on a series of patronage and tributary relationship, with most cities and settlement agreeing to provide levies, food and gold in kind to the capital in order for the Khanate to maintain its large standing nomdic army.
- Atlamkatiai - The capital of the Tiai Khanate, renamed from a previous Siuian city, its administrative center and location of its garrison.
- Simmering Unrest: Being rulers of the wrong religion and culture, there's consistent unrest in the Khanate, though the current and previous Khans has done a good job of suppressing it and leaving local rulers to handle unrest in exchange for tributes. The Midorite populace are largely pacified - unable to resist against the hooves of the Tiai. However, the same cannot be said about the Siuian subjects of the Khanate, who looks eagerly to the north for protection and is very well versed to fight against their oppressors...if they had the mean.