Continents and Countries of Drase

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This page helps you figure out what country's lore to read.

Ramul Ta

Ramul Ta is the main continent where most of the storyline in Drase has taken place so far. Its western part is loosely based on Europe and the Mediterranean seas.

  • Greater Silnaria & Imperial Southeast - The area known as Greater Silnaria includes all area where the Silnarian Empire's influence, language and religion has spread, and also includes the Prasi Empire which was once subjugated and is in middle of them all. Timeline: Timeline of Greater Silnaria
    • Silnarian Empire - Once one of the largest empire on the continent, its influence can still be felt nowaday. The Silnarian Empire is an advanced empire founded by the Lathian people that has declined in size greatly - but is still well capable of restoring its ambitions.
    • Republic of Lymia - A republic created from a league of the richest Silnarian provinces in the east, the Tholian that rules and inhabit most of the republic has always felt a bit different from their brethrens in the east. A flawed, rich men only democracy, but one of the most libertine, prosperous state in the world of Drase.
    • Salvainian Empire - Created from the ashes of the South Silnarian Empire and named after its ruler - Emperor Haslan Salvain, a former mercenary who usurped the throne of the South Silnarian Empire.
    • Arzidan Empire - A Loran Empire, the third to bear its name, nestled in the safety of the Arzida Plateau - most of its domains are underground in what is known as Durukadash. The Arzidan Empire maintain good trading relationship with all of its neighbor and is decidedly neutral and isolationist.
    • Karkisias - The last independent Thalassite state in the Yor Sea.
    • Gwannam - A pseudo independent Runran colony in the Middle of the Yor Sea.
  • Greater Mentia - Mentia refers to the area inhabited by the Menti people, one of the largest, most populous and widespread ethnic group, mostly following the Qinism religion. The mighty Mentian Empire were split apart by civil war lasting 37 years, but were recently reunited, leaving a singular, nominally reunited Mentian Empire, and an independent Republic of Kadho Timeline of Mentia
    • Mentian Empire - The recently reunited Mentian Empire is slowly recovering from the devastating civil war, that now some calls the Wars of the Three Emperor, that consumed an entire generation, alongside one of the most devastating drought and peasant rebellion in its south.
    • Republic of Kadho - A merchant republic located in the province of Kadho, once controlling half of all seaborne trade of the massive Mentian Empire. Now independent and still control most of the trade - but under threat from larger and more ambitious neighbors.
  • Western States - The Western States refers to the "untamed" frontier to the west of Silnaria, consisting of the independent but connected Hasaapian polities of Anushken and Kingdom of Kadrush, alongside the independent, breakaway Silnarian colony of Kingdom of Rumhainn
    • Kingdom of Anushken - A massive tribal federation located to the west of Silnaria that overtook much of its western territory, only to have part of it split into the Kingdom of Kadrush. The Federation is engaged in intermittent warfare with the Silnarian, have a large amount of Silnarian subjects, and is the number one target of a resurgent Silnaria.
    • Kingdom of Kadrush - A kingdom carved from a land that is half inhabited by Mentian and half inhabited by Silnarian, ruled by Hasaapian rulers whose subjects think themselves more civilized than their king. A splintered kingdom struggling to maintain good relationship with its former overlord in the Anushken Federation - in order to mutually survive against irrendist desires from its neighbors
    • Kingdom of Rumhainn - One of the most successful project of Silnarian colonialism, the Kingdom of Rumhainn was a Silnarian province settled by a massive amount of Silnarian settlers eager to gain direct access to the Besian sea trade. The province opportunistically declared independence (Though it was already half independent) when the land link from Silnaria was severed by Mentian independence, and is considered a well managed, prosperous kingdom away from the main Silnarian sphere of influence.
  • Near South - The Near South refers to a belt of country to the near south of Mentia and Salvainia, which still interacts with it culturally and is centered around the Yor Sea.
    • Kingdom of Ombu - An isolationist, populous state inhabited by the Ombuain Scralian elves.
    • Siuian Empire - A massive, sprawling Empire located in the south, which has emerged as a great power as Silnarian power declined, expanding its influence north into South Mentia, invading Ie and the land between them and the Mogash. It suffered a catastrophic defeat from the Tiai Khanate and lost most of its southern territory. It recovered, and attempted to expand north, only to be crippled a second time by a coalition of power set to stop it.
    • Kingdom of Ie - A feudal kingdom established by the Hombaxian people in the marginal land that no city-states looked at. The Kingdom of Ie's history is full of subjugation and foreign invasion - and it is in middle of a second one by the Siuian to their west.
    • Hombaxian League - A league of city formed by the Hombaxian centered on the largest city of Fondese, formed for self-defense after the South Silnarian Empire briefly took over it.
    • Dezabia - A theocratic state in the eastern Yor Sea centered around River Dezab, formed after the old monarchy was overthrown and destroyed by the South Silnarian Empire, with the priesthood assuming direct control.
    • Kingdom of Matta - A coffee exporting kingdom located in the Mattan Highlands to the south of Dezabia.
  • Eastern States - The Eastern States refers to the countries located to the east of Ramul Ta - including the island kingdoms of Koinao Island and the Maiha Archipelago.
    • Kingdom of Daihei - A kingdom well known for its piracy and supply of skilled, strong Red Oni mercenaries.
    • Ginzan - An Oni Magocracy nestled in the far east known for its massive, sprawling magic crystal mines.
    • Slufian League - A state established by travelling Mattan emigrants from the Mattan highland on the astern coast - the city state league became rich from trade with the rich continent of Ruttenia.
    • Nikoimi Kingdom - A state established by native Koinaoan Midorite on the Koinao island, occupying the larger and richer half of the south. The more populous of the two native Koinaoan kingdom.
    • Mulae Kingdom - The other native Koinaoan Midorite kingdom on Koinao island, occupying the western side of them ountain range - though not as rich or populous as the south, it has extensive trade relation with the Silnarian and Lymian.
    • Okyante - A city-state established by Runran colonist in the north of Koinao Island ages ago, with its power and livelihood dependent on the city's rich textile trade and processing of trade goods from Ruttenia.
  • Northern States - Refers to mostly just Pinnacelia located off the coast to the north of Silnaria.
    • Pinnacelia - A archipelago city federation known for harboring pirates formed by the Pinnacelian people, originating from the Arcane Seas.
  • Far South - The Far South includes most states that is south of Agaya Axu and the Siuian Empire - usually separated by another Near South countries from the Silnarian sphere of influence.
    • Tiai Khanate - A kingdom established by the Kirig people over the territory that Siuian Empire formerly subjugated and formerly independent Midorite Kingdoms
    • Mogash Kingdoms - A bunch of tropical kingdoms located in the tropics
    • Midorite Kingdoms - Independent polities established by the Midorite in the southwest of Ramul Ta
  • Colonies - General entity for off shore colonies / city of other country


Panguea is a continent that is currently based on East Asia but might incorporate other elements soon. It is home to some of the largest and more magical state in Drase settings:

  • Empire of Runra - Possibly the largest Empire by population in Drase's settings, loosely based on China, with several splinter states and a constant problems with infighting, ruled by Kitsunes and Okamimi magocrats. Also contains three rebel splinter states
  • Hanuel - A country ruled by a powerful, magic-wielding emperor whom has stolen great powers from the Kumiho, very loosely inspired off Korea, located in the western part of the Panguea continent. Also includes its predecessor / splinter state of Nakyang.
  • Koya - A large country located on a fertile plain, where Youkais and their Kemonomimi descendant rule openly and fight each other openly for dominance.
  • Sairiku - A state ruled by Necromancy practicing Nekomatas in the far west of Panguea, generally focused on their own magical studies.
  • Kihara - A cosmopolitan republic ruled by the Pale Oni on fertile land promised to them after their rebellion against their Blue and Red Oni oppressors.


Ruttenian States - Countries within the continent of Ruttenia - separated from Ramul Ta by the narrow Yellow Sea.

  • Maktuvia - A theocratic kingdom ruled by the Ardent Fae elite, lording over an Air Macen majority population, famed for their dragon taming prowess and dragon army - they used to rule over much of the Ruttenian continent, and follow a different religion from the rest.
  • Parania - A large elective monarchy located in the eponymous lowland forest - neighboring Maktuvia, following a derivative of the very same religion. The country's chiefly inhabited by the Vedurian race, people who have immigrated from the south.
  • Kvameah Federation - A large mogash federation located in the highland of Upper Ruttenia, an elective monarchy where traditionally the crown pass between the most powerful tribes.
  • Raamian Kingdom - A brayer dominated kingdom located near the inhospitable Toko Desert - the Raamian Kingdom used to be much more dominant during the dry period of Ruttenia, but has declined in size and prominence. It however, still maintain its old colonial holding of the western Maiha Islands.
  • Naktu Empire - The richest and most dominant of the naga states located in western Ruttenia, located on the lower reach of the Rutte river and its rich delta.
  • Vonga Kingdom - A highland kingdom located to the west of the Ruttenian delta, one of the three contendant for dominance amongst the Naga states. It has rich mineral wealth
  • Nairo Federation - One of the two Vedurian country located directly south of Ruttenia in the tropical land around Lake Gaingia - little is known about them from a Silnarian perspective, but they are the source of important tropical trade goods.
  • Ketunga - One of the two Vedurian country located directly south of Ruttenia. Like the Nairo Federation, they speak a different language from the people in Ruttenia.


Baninta is a largely unexplored continent home to two colonial states.

  • Irtutian League - The northernmost reach of Silnarian civilization, formed out of independent cities in the island of Irtutia.
  • Keguntan - An independent Runran city-state located on the less hospitable Baninta continent, with an economy supported by inland expeditions to acquire exotic goods.

Other Entities

Non-State / Unexpanded On Entities

These are entities that don't have their own article or a stub yet, considered not important enough to be granted their own article yet (Or because Ansari hasn't got down to it yet)

  • Codlo - The Kirig tribes that have broken off fealty to the Tiai Khanate and threaten Siui’s border constantly.
  • Chu - The Kirig to the southeast of Agaya Axu have been independent for a while and are skilled traders bringing goods between the southand Hombaxia.
  • Sharbor - The origin tribe of the great Tiai Khanate, some of the sub groups underneath the Sharbor banner has not swore fealty to the Tiai Khan yet.
  • Dosun - The Dosun Kirig remain fiercely independent, fighting periodically with the Ryujin and Midorite.
  • Mattan Highland Tribes - Less civilized or lesser polities and kingdom to the south of Matta. Mostly beastkins in origin.
  • South Hombaxian Kingdoms - The original homeland of the Hombaxian. An oasis of civilization around the Great White Sea.
  • Midorite Kingdoms -A group of kingdoms, city-states and even republics located around the coast of the Besian sea, transitioning into the Besian-Asaya Steppes which are contested with the Fricharii of the steppe, inhabited chiefly by the Midorite people.
  • Ryujin Tribes -A group of tribes and lesser principalities and kingdoms located on the arid Sastmop hills, stretching occasionally into the northwest, inhabited by the Ryujin people.
  • Mogash Kingdoms - Mogash homeland located in the tropical far south.