South Mentia

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South Mentia
Mentia Shield.png
Formal NameEmpire of Mentia
Head of StateEmperor Dim Draungo
Government TypeFeudal Monarchy
Cultures~40% Hisha Menti, ~20% Agani Menti, ~20% Dun Menti
Religions~90% Qinism, ~5% Kozartism
Population DensityMedium
Population3.5 million

South Mentia consists of the domain under the de facto control of Dim Draungo, the once-disinherited eldest son of Waltram I. The domain was established in the wake of the Mentian civil war, and in theory, all of the southern warlords who supported him owe allegiance to him. In practice, Dim is only able to exert nominal authority over a small area centered around the upper reach of the Baj river around Isernburh - largely because most of the lords there are weak counts who relied on courting the favor of the Imperial Court to stay independent from the sway of more powerful dukes to the southeast. The rest of the southern dukes are, for all practical purposes, independent.

With a low population, disloyal and feuding vassals - plus the shame of having been disinherited by his own father, South Mentia is not a favored winner of the civil war. But Dim has been courting connections in Siui, and has taken two Siui royals as his own wife. Some say he is the favored candidate of the Empire of Siui, and others say he is secretly practicing Kozartism. In fact, open proselytization of Kozartism is implicitly tolerated in his realm, a policy that makes him unpopular amongst some of his more fanatical subjects. However, this keeps the southern dukes nominally united behind him, pushed by the powerful influence of their foreign backers. Should the eldest son play his cards right, he might win himself his denied throne and independence...


Dim’s realm follows the traditional form of feudalism with a Hisha Menti twist. Most of the realm follow agnatic seniority inheritance law, except for the title of Emperorship, which theoretically follow that of male-preference election. His vassals are obligated to provide him taxes and levies, and Dim’s greatly constrained by the numerous counts and barons in his own Rafinogo. In the years since the civil war started, however, Dim has been trying to consolidate his power by enforcing the Imperial Peace, which his noble subjects are starting to accept as beneficial for them, attempting to tamper down southern disorder by instituting semi-ritualistic group “duel” to resolve dispute, which, while still deadly, is far preferable to open warfare.

Important Figures

Dïm Draungo, Water Macen, Male, 69, Emperor of Southern Mentia, Duke of Hulgalend

Eldest son of Waltram I, the previous Emperor. Dim Draungo is around 5’10 tall, and was consistently described by observers as extremely handsome, charming and fashionable, which made him well-liked in the Mentian courts early on, and were seen as bright.

Dïm, despite his Water heritage, chose to practice fire magic at a young age and was consecrated as an Oracle, which is considered to be honorable. However, he was disinherited and exiled as Dïm’s promiscuity became well known, especially after multiple scandals with Fire Macen instructors brought from Siui, fathering at least five illegitimate childs in the span of three years since becoming an adult. He greatly embarrassed the Imperial court, and was exiled to Siui.

During the year of three assemblies, however, Dïm made a return alongside the Siuian army and participated as a passive observer. With the crowning of Galschen, however, the Siuian changed their plan and supported the Southern lords’s plan to crown Dïm himself, stating that the southern law of seniority favored the most senior son to inherit. Dïm was initially chosen on purpose as the weakest candidate of the three - and the one associated with the South the most, and thus seen as least likely to interfere with Southern traditions.

Dim Draungo is not a changed man - having retained his reputation for promiscuity - which was ridiculous even by the Southern Menti’s standards - who are generally tolerant of polygamy (Provided you are rich enough). Dim Draungo is known to be married to three women - all of Siuian origins, none of which were Menti. He has fathered two legitimate sons and four legitimate daughters, and has fathered 17 sons and 14 daughters illegitimately - something that the devout Kozarti of the Siuian Court shuns.

The Southern Lords who initially supported him regressed to internal conflicts and eventually stopped supporting him beyond a symbolic level - content to play their own political games as they don’t seem likely to be reconquered by the North anytime soon. The Siuian Army left soon after installing him as Emperor - having more important matters to tend to. As a result, Dim Draungo spent the next three decades of his rule politicking against his own alleged vassals, but failed to consolidate his rule significantly.

Dïm is polygamous and has two wives, both of Siuian noble origin, and multiple concubines. While not strictly prohibited, his choice of wives has raised some eyebrows in Mentia.

Dïm is the only holder of a Ducal title in territory under his control, with the rest being of count rank or lower.


  • Hulgalend- Duchy of. (Lit. Land of Hill). Hïfädum is a duchy straddling the upper reach of the Radea river, a major tributary to the Tamea river. The duchy consisted of land that in older times, was ruled by a squabbling collection of some dozen or two counts, who were deliberately divided and kept in check by the Menti Emperor and Southerner tendency to fight amongst themselves. When the Southern Menti crowned Dïm the Emperor, the fact that the Emperor held no title seemed to delegitimize him, so they proposed having him create a duchy of Hulgalend in land where there were no ducal title in the first place. The region of Hïfädum is the other main metalworking center of Mentia back in the day it was united, alongside Eastern Mentia. The mountain provides plenty of minerals and forest, and forestry here is carefully managed by local lords to ensure a sustainable flow of fuel and charcoal.
    • Isernburh - (Lit. Iron Home). A medium-sized city that unlike most major cities in Mentia, has not seen its size shrink during the civil war. It is an iron and metalworking center in the region, and a famous producer of munition armor. Despite being the Duke of Hïfädum, Dïm does not even directly rule over the city - instead it is controlled by a council of elders, with the duke owning only an enlarged family palace gifted to him by the southern nobles